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po elvis

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Everything posted by po elvis

  1. Next step will be fire the OC and look for young innovative OC. But in the end it won’t work because a good coach would have known from the start what kind of OC he needed to be successful. When I heard Darrell Dickey, 90’s North Texas head coach, was going to be Jimbo’s OC, this whole outdated, predictable offense was well, predictable.
  2. They were at least as bad last year and they were. They barely beat Florida. Lost to aggy. beat Auburn in OT. beat Arky by a TD.
  3. no that wasn't a safety. they robbed us with no calls on crucial non PI and facemasks. they cost us more than 2 points.
  4. why did they hand it to Lendale White on 4th?
  5. we aren't scoring much but our offense moving the ball is huge for our defense in this game.
  6. i love the wildcat with Roschon. I hate leaving the QB in on the filed. It takes away your extra blocker.
  7. was it intentional grounding? i didnt see if it was near somebody.
  8. If he doesn’t throw it is still 4th and 21. You always have to throw it.
  9. I was sitting here before the play and saying don’t do something stupid like go back to pass and get a sack. Just run the damn ball.
  10. That’s just stupid. Put Bama Sucks or something but the overrated stuff before a game is just stupid.
  11. Your offense loses two possessions when you block a punt for a TD and return an Interception for a TD. Brings down your offensive numbers. If we do not improve from our first game of the year, yes we will be mediocre because everybody else we play will have improved from their first game. But to look at us yesterday and assume everything stays at that same level is stupid. It is a matter of staying healthy. If we stay healthy we have a chance to be very good.
  12. especially not on tuesdays and wednesdays.
  13. Honestly it probably would have been the same in 1982 for Survivor.
  14. who will be left to buy the chicks drinks?
  15. Patterson is the wild card.
  16. Clearly, that use of the word should have gotten Cochelle fired. But in today's market, if you were anybody of consequence (maybe you are), you should be fired and castigated for merely posting the word in the context that you did.
  17. Looks like I am going to have to cut my accommodation budget to double my restaurant budget.
  18. That’s what air mattresses are for.
  19. I think that is what I am leaning to. Fly into Rome. Stay there for the weekend. Then stay in Tuscany for the remainder. So the question would be what town in Tuscany.
  20. One month starting mid-October. Airbnb in one place in Italy. Work remotely on Mon-Wed. Thurs-Sun free to do whatever. Where should that place be? Never been to Italy. I like the thought of staying in a picturesque village and taking a train to the big cities on the weekends. But can also see doing the opposite, staying in Rome and venturing out to the countrysides on a weekend or two.
  21. Has there ever been a place that didn’t complain about Californians coming into?
  22. I had heard a couple days after the shootings that the Uvalde funeral homes were not charging the families for the funerals. Maybe the money started flowing in from other sources and they took that money. But the families were never going to be the ones paying. Great thing for Bo to do though.
  23. So he picks up NILs for Planet K and Ruger in one weekend. Nice.
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