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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Shooter doxxes himself...
  2. I'm sure the Chaz Police Department is fucking loaded...
  3. so you have nothing to say... LOLz. Typical.
  4. Lolz at the people shrugging, as if to say, "well it still fits our narrative. It was close enough to a hate crime. I imagined really hard about them being that racist anyways, so it still works." Who's more disappointed today that the noose wasn't legit? Racist motherfuckers or the SJW crowd?
  5. I hate it when pimps have no receipt...
  6. There's been a mass exodus of both US citizens and foreign nationals trying to escape the country so they won't be forced into playing baseball for a living...
  7. Wait...that would make Helobious a former Astro. lolz.
  8. I broke mine and worked 2 more days. 3rd day I couldn’t fucking walk. LOLz.
  9. nah, everyone know the bad guys will only make one attempt at endangering a cop ever. Once the shot misses, the situation is like when someone walks into the firm/ station with doughnuts...
  10. First rattle out of the box in that thread, the suggestion is made to demote Altuve and season him more. LOLz. Not a shot at the poster, as who the fuck knows? It's just funny in hindsight. The observations and prognostications are incredibly entertaining in the thread.
  11. when done correctly, nobody should have to tell you which post it was. If it's multiple, then the mirror might be your best friend.
  12. If they filmed somebody shooting the loop...um...noose off the end of the rope; it sure would have been a little more climactic.
  13. back spasms. One time was so bad that I rode to the hospital in the back seat in the floor board on all fours because that's the only position that didn't light me up. Can't breathe. Can't get dressed/ undressed without help. Can't fucking move without feeling like a high voltage cable is plugged into your back.. Hurts bad enough to cry even though I still try not to give a fuck. Lots of profanity involved... Luckily, I've learned to manage it through exercise/ stretches and have not had episodes in multiple years now. It is truly debilitating and makes you wish for death.
  14. wait...don't you live in Cali where they just shit in the street?
  15. sorry, but looting, toppling statues, and Chaz exercises don't appear to be people seeking solutions. and no, for me it isn't a race issue. It's about equality and justice. Fix those things and the rest takes care of itself. IDGAF if we all like each other. We should expect the same treatment under the law. yes, I know your solutions and mine likely differ tremendously. Don't care. Sit down and talk about it. Stop acting as if the world's gonna end. Like I said, after our society gets done throwing its fit, the work's still gonna be there looking both of us in the face.
  16. I'm not a fan. I pulled for Jeff Gordon during his time and enjoyed the way drivers used to have some rivalry. i grew up when Indy cars were very popular in the US and liked AJ Foyt and the Unsers. Now it's all polish and commercialization...and boring as fuck. IDGAF save for the social statements that have been indelibly made in the past few days.
  17. Of course not. I think it was a product of necessity that the rope was made into a loop to make pulling the door down easier. My post was more related to the ensuing hysteria and cliche shots at the NASCAR fans.
  18. Living in your head rent free. hey, I just breathed on you....
  19. Meh. There's plenty of victimology within the non-dominant class, as well, whether or not they have actually been victimized. We can do this all day...pointing the finger. Bottom line is folks are seeking to get theirs. This isn't about equality or justice. That's just the excuse.
  20. you listening to white people that even white people make fun of... and then saying they represent everyone. You know that isn't remotely true.
  21. What if they wear these?
  22. the folks throwing outrage sure don't get off that easy. Plenty of (what they thought were) easy shots were thrown. Again, it's hardly limited to this incident. People need to wake the fuck up and be gotdam human. Yes, we have serious work to do with regard to equality and justice. Finding a threat in every damned thing in society isn't where we correct it. There's a good order of both humility and courage required of folks wanting to solve this. It seems to be the farthest thing from anyone's mind right now. Our country is a 4 year old throwing a fit on the floor. We need a glass of water in the face in the worst way. After we tear all of this shit up, the work is still going to be there waiting for us. Will we trust one another? Not a chance in hell, the way things are going.
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