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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. might you have poppyseeds in your spice cabinet?
  2. Iceman

    I'm tired.

    Might be important to discuss the possibility of something other than death that could still be very devastating/ depriving of liberty/ justice. I am not dismissing the horror of death, but rather pointing out that it is far from the only negative outcome.
  3. Best of luck. It seems like a long time from now till the end of his Senior year, but it's going POOF!!!!! fly by! My $.02 is never to cut short an opportunity, and I say that towards the Ivies if something emerged. There is academic support and resources amply available for regular students. The athletic programs almost certainly have to have the best of it. There is a payoff deluxe for getting that degree there. Enjoy the race...
  4. solid, but not a better choice than a chili dog dressed with mustard and freshly chopped onion.
  5. That is the Cloak room sir, and its ilk. Smartest motherfuckers ever invented. Just ask em... Oh wait. No need for that. they'll insist upon themselves.
  6. As long as they don't slow down BEFORE the ^&*^$# ramp, IDGAF.
  7. I has a sad. I've still not had one or 8 of those...
  8. I’ve advocated shutting down college athletics for years. Won’t happen because...profitability, yo. Add on the irrational overreaction of people seeking to ‘purify’ the world to their liking: and yeah, it’s a very easy option. Fuck the money. Fuck the corruption. Fuck the apparent abuse of players.
  9. That's not a huge bar to leap over. yeah, but it's a long ass way around it.
  10. fuck off. Wrong direction and you know it. and yeah, I'd be 100% fine with disbanding college athletics. It's corrupt AF.
  11. Football's been gone for 10 years.
  12. Wah! we're protesting for protesting sake. hear us roar!!! LOlz.
  13. Fuck the poll, and your policing it. Go play intramurals. It solves everything. John Salley says we're too soft. I'm inclined to agree. We're chasing mice while getting trampled by the elephants.
  14. when making a pack of thick cut bacon and realizing last slice is actually double-thick, thick bacon. Mmmmmmmm. with my weak-ass attempt at Gordon Ramsay eggs...
  15. SEC's gonna be all over that shit during football season... But yes, I like the idea for hoops and baseball.
  16. Had one of these last night, given to me by a neighbor who doesn't like "them dark beers"...LOLz. I win. It was quite tasty.
  17. Disband college sports. It just manipulates young athletes and then has the audacity to insult them over and over during the game. Change everything. Fuck the NCAA.
  18. and it's true. the social distancing is a joke and masks are a fucking joke, because a shit-ton of folks are not doing it. It's a control mechanism. You of all people should hate it, for consistency's sake; but you can't...because politics.
  19. When did I say you shouldn't wear a mask? You motherfuckers can't even read. But those high IQ's are fucking cranking...
  20. "Yous are dumbers because you don'ts agrees with my side. We have (fucked up skewed) science from hell. Don't you use yours brains?" Every fucking time.
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