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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Yes I read it. Sorry if I overreacted. I just struggle with there being 480 other factors and decades of strife and any quality , but trump’s the reason that we’re reacting now.
  2. I don’t understand the connection between the president and miscarriage of justice at local levels. If we had not seen them until three years ago, I could understand it. We have had plenty of politicians with whom I disagreed in power. My safety and rights as a citizen never felt threatened. you’re entitled to your opinion, but I’m also going to roll my eyes at the notion that it’s all because of Trump. It is way the hell bigger than one man. One man damn sure doesn’t have the ability to solve this.
  3. Cannot edit, but wanted to add towards the OP's question, " Why now?" I do believe that because there is no "yeah but..." in this situation, it doesn't allow for the typical excuses for abuse/ police violence. Floyd wasn't reaching in his pocket for anything. He wasn't fleeing. He hadn't done something so heinous that there would be any remote justification for what the officers did to him. There is no way the officers could say they or anyone else were threatened.
  4. For me it has zero to do with politics. It has everything to do with how the man was already subdued/ in cuffs and offered zero threat to the officer(s.) And that brings up the contributing yet equally horrific factor of 3 officers being complicit in the direct abuse of a citizen. George Floyd wasn't a model citizen and I don't care. The police are not there to try and sentence a citizen. I'd say for me, the Houston Five situation is what turned me at my own core beliefs and destroyed my denial on the corruption of the police; and had me already voicing my opinion that we should be going after the leadership of the police organization if we ever wanted the abuses to stop/ wane. The Floyd death was an exponential amplification of the extreme lack of accountability for police. At work we have had no fewer than 6 'wellness checks' where the forum is opened and people just say what's on their hearts and minds regarding the whole past 8-9 days. So many people are truly hurting/ scared/ angry. I am an admitted flag waving sonofabitch, who has never hidden that. Hell i think I have about 5 tshirts in my wardrobe that are not Army/ West Point/ Navy/ or Marines. On a couple of the calls I have shared how we say as a nation that "liberty and justice for all" is who we claim to be, yet we are so dreadfully short of that right now. Both times I went there it was dead silence on the call, and I have no idea if people agreed with me or were shocked that i said it. I am very disappointed/ pissed off that we have citizens who don't feel protected by our laws, and it shouldn't take anyone having to convince them otherwise. It should be an innate part of being an American. That's where I am at these days. It is a tragic situation, absolutely; yet, we are not a nation of perfection. We never have been. We can be a society that moves towards justice and what's right for our people. We have to. We have no choice. Be who we say we are...
  5. I liked that he was doing different things and driving interest in a different side of 'Cue. I'm a Brisket guy, all the way; but both times I went to the old Buck's he put a sample of something he was doing outside the box, so to speak, on the plate. I wasn't disappoint. Basically for me, the way his brisket and ribs were/ are so legit; it gave him license to free lance on the other stuff.
  6. Mississippi Grind. Damned near a B movie, but the depiction of degenerate gambling is spot on.
  7. I don't blame these guys for trying to get every dollar they can. Not evryone is the Steelers or Patriots and has the nerve to just say, "Bye, felicia!"
  8. Best HoF speech ever. "During my career I didn't talk that much. i didn't have to. I used my helmet." His opponents were paid professional football players. Girl baked him a cake and gave him a 40. "i knew that was my wife."
  9. Larry Allen. Good luck stopping him.
  10. shoot em in the the leg they say.... let em bleed all over the fucking place... but it sounded great on social media.
  11. Opposing schools fan here. don't see anything remotely negative about Herman on this one.
  12. Shaun Taylor says your idea sucks...
  13. drinking enough to get shitfaced isn't a bad decision in and of itself.
  14. agreed. Committing a crime and then claiming immunity because the victim had insurance is dumb as hell.
  15. You're discounting the metric shit-ton of guilt @David Dennison bears upon his shoulders. We really should feel bad about liking America.
  16. Yeah, Sandler did a great job, but that character was just so unlikable. He was like a hip Joey Knish( John Turturro in Rounders)...without the street smarts.
  17. After everything we've been through and stats/ numbers have been all over the place, why don't these people believe our agenda driven math? They have their own agenda. How dare they!!!
  18. I know you are being 100% sincere/ serious. Still funny though...
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