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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. ags would just stand there, counting on never actually getting into the game.
  2. well, yeah, there's that discussion too.
  3. you people who refuse to embrace the fear and panic need to get the fuck with the program. LOlz.
  4. queue the realignment thread...
  5. go beg the judge... just kidding. or request traffic court for your daughter( make her do the leg work, trust, but verify) My youngest caused an accident at age 17, topped an overpass in hard ass rain and did not slow down because light was green( just kill me.) He ended up rear ending a mini-van that in turn rear ended another vehicle. For me and you and would be multiple citations and fines, right? We went to traffic court and judge gave him like 30 hours community service. No fine no points. No nothing Maybe we got lucky, but it was damned well worth the effort. I was there, but son did all of the talking.
  6. "This is so different from mom and dad's basement. All I had to do is make some noise and they'd send more food..."
  7. it's better than most sausage. at some joints it's on par or better than the brisket. Of course I don't frequent those places of my own accord. Just saying that sometimes the smoked turkey can be a great bail out call on a marginal cue house.
  8. Lolz. Was gonna make bat signal comment.
  9. ahh yes. Achieve a more open mind by sucking dicks or taking it in the ass. Scorekeeping is so fucking hilariously stupid.
  10. Tomball =/ Houston Jersey City anin't NYC either, but it's damned sure part of the metro.
  11. I have not seen those prices in our market, nor heard of them being that high anywhere in Texas. Most places are around $1.58 a dozen, or so; and then on up depending upon variety and size. Beef prices are full retail, for sure, but there's been no problem with eggs.
  12. Additionally, a shit ton of my white brothers and sisters think misquoting MLK ( context) is an automatic "get out of racism jail for free" card. Drives me nuts.
  13. That's because a metric shit ton of folks want to blame the handcuffs if it were the Floyd case.
  14. wrong. it sounds good and supports your narrative, but is flatly incorrect. Find a narrower brush, brother.
  15. yep. There are more than 4X as many whites as blacks in this country. Kind of makes them police shootings ratios skew not so bueno for our black citizens...
  16. It's worse than cancer.... For crisakes.
  17. Parlay... and a blood oath. TSO prolly has em do some Apache stuff too...
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