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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. Two good fights after catch by receivers. I like it
  2. When Tcu is up by 6, ESPN has their win probability at 65. Now Texas is up 8 and win probability is only 55. How does that work?
  3. When I roll through West I hit up the agggy place on the west side of 35. Clean bathrooms and no traffic jam bullshit like the other place. I drove downtown to the original place once (village?). That was a waste of time. the label in the glass case has all the proper klobachniky type names but fuck that - “I want 3 jalapeño cheese kolaches - the big ones, muy pronto por favor.”
  4. This is a bunch of b.s. Both of my picks were good, it's the team that was bad. F it all.
  5. What was Hager doing to I am Sam? - I want more of it. Whip his ass if he’s not going to deliver.
  6. I feel like I need to evaluate the cheer squads of both of these programs.
  7. You don’t know my aunt Laura. Ever been to Wacissa Florida?
  8. And my uncle could be my aunt if she had balls.
  9. Osborne tried to fuck Texas in 09 because Mack could t manage a clock. whiny bitch.
  10. CoTex

    Week 2 Gameday

    These games all suck. What to watch?
  11. I just saw some dude in overalls and yellow sleeves doing the Macarena. its like someone let the regards out.
  12. Tulsa 10 Texas 52 orlando gon be pissed - defense balls out. herminator coaching for his job will want to show off.
  13. CoTex

    Week 2 Gameday

    I said to my wife “look, some aggy dude is holding a “marry me Jimbo” sign.” she said “sounds about right.” I’m enjoying watching aggy. Their weirdness is showing and they’re proud. weirdos.
  14. I don’t know why but for some reason I expected to be higher. more disappointment fuck me
  15. Make fun of Tebow all you want. He won a natty and acted like he was playing for his life when he lost. Sam’s like “if you want to win, throw it up and hope something good happens - if not, fuck it.” young man, this is not good enough.
  16. fs1 has leinart on and ESPN won’t mention Texas. Wtf If I’m kyler Murray, and I’m not, I wouldnt dress up like some south beach fashion consultant and dare everyone to try to hurt me. .
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