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Everything posted by gmr548

  1. Right, and you have similar movements in other Western nations. I’m saying they don’t want to end the United States as it has been known for most of its existence. They want to return it to what they believe it was founded as and existed as for much of its history. And there is some degree of truth there. They can sugar coat that message and sell it to the (mostly white) masses.
  2. $18 a bucket for a beer that turns you transgender What a time to be alive
  3. I think it's worth noting that America was founded as an oligarchy of white, protestant, landowning men and didn't move too far off of that for 150 years; and that motivates these people.
  4. Blitzing Texas would be stupid. There’s zero reason to rush more than four. Disguise your 4th rusher a bit and run some basic twists and stunts. Anything else is unnecessary exposure of the secondary without much additional upside, until Texas proves otherwise. They definitely prepped Rice during game week and anyone suggesting otherwise has never been around organized football past the junior high level. I would however to be willing to bet they were prepping Bama during fall camp, even if they weren’t calling it that.
  5. It’s already set for 6:30pm on ABC It’s already set for 6:30pm on ABC
  6. 1.) Good thing Sark doesn’t have a track record of not being able to help himself from taking deep shots, and opposing D coordinators totally don’t bait him and publicly call him out on this without consequence. 2.) The fuck did you hear chink and dink from? 1.) Good thing Sark doesn’t have a track record of not being able to help himself from taking deep shots, and opposing D coordinators totally don’t bait him and publicly call him out on this without consequence. 2.) The fuck did you hear chink and dink from?
  7. I tend to think Texas winning big by blowing the game irreversibly open with turnovers, blocked kicks/punts, and deep shots is more likely than winning a close game. I just have next to zero faith that one of the coach, quarterback, or O line doesn’t cost Texas if it’s close.
  8. That is a poster who wants to send his kids to Baylor for the culture of the institution. I rest my case.
  9. For those who follow more closely, do we really like Zina as a prospect?
  10. I expect Alabama to win but I think the only outcome that would really, truly shock me is if Texas went out and won by virtue of rushing for like 200+ yards, playing ball control, and wearing the Bama defense down.
  11. I don’t really understand the calls for an OC anyway. Sark is renowned for his abilities as a OC. You don’t lean into his weakness by taking that away. You lean into his strength by featuring that and hiring whatever support you need on the game day management side.
  12. I think it is. I don’t think there’s going to be a serious push for getting rid of Sark if Texas goes 8-5.
  13. I mean Sark got humiliated at Arkansas, blew an 18-point lead with 17 minutes left against OU, lost the conference opener and last ever trip to Lubbock, got embarrassed in a crucial game at OSU, and egregiously out coached against TCU. OU last year was undeniably great but everyone knew Texas was kicking them while they were down once it was confirmed Gabriel wouldn’t play. The Alabama game is honestly the outlier in his big game history here. Credit for K State last year too, to be fair, but yeah. Herman’s teams tended to show up and compete in big games but take stupid losses elsewhere. Like how dumb is it that 2019 LSU, an all time great team that dominated basically everyone else they played, very possibly loses to Texas if not for Orlando’s overly aggressive zero blitz on third and 17?
  14. Herman was fired because he alienated every decision maker/power broker and no one wanted to keep him around. All indications are that the admin and the money like Sark, like the trajectory, and don’t have the appetite for a changing change heading into the SEC. Barring total disaster I’m willing to bet he’s here through 2025 at least.
  15. Hayden Connor should have been there to pick up the DL on the inside move. It was a nice move, but only there because Connor abdicated his assignment to turn his back and help in the opposite A gap. Banks was did what he is coached to do, kept his head up, maintained his gap, and let Connor pick him up
  16. I'm not necessarily saying they are bad coaches. Just saying that their two whole years with a loaded Bama team doesn't mean that the issues at hand aren't rooted in coaching, be that teaching, personnel decisions, and/or play calling.
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