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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Proud to say that I now get priority seating on every flight
  2. It's a conclusion I came to slowly, after several watchings of both. Goodfellas has a 95% approval on Rotten Tomatoes, Miller's Crossing 93%, but Miller's Crossing is better. After Big Lebowski it's my 2nd favorite Coen Brothers movie.
  3. I just looked it up. TCU has finished top-5 in the AP poll four times, A&M three. Texas has 23 top-5 finishes in the AP poll.
  4. Miller's Crossing and Goodfellas premiered within three days of each other in 1990. Miller's Crossing is the better movie.
  5. Unfortunately, we need a subrsciption to the Economist to read it.
  6. Wind and solar combining to produce 63% of Texas' electricity at this very moment.
  7. Ho hum. I took this snapshot of the grid in the middle of the night last night, about 12:30 a.m. Wind was providing 62% of Texas' electricity.
  8. So I got home awhile ago and am hammered beyond belief and reading just this one page with whereas and what have yous and what about this or what if that happened and my brain is about to explode. You all carry on and I'll try to make a salient point later. I swear I had one in my head about 15 minutes ago.
  9. It's almost exactly 1/3 as big as Texas.
  10. It's backwards, though. It needs to start with "If Putin wins, America loses" and then reiterate that after every pro-Putin thing that Cruz has said and done recently. Ex: Start of with Cruz saying "If Putin wins, America loses," then "Cruz voted against funding for Ukraine" then Cruz saying again "If Putin wins, America loses." Just hammer that one quote down the throat of the viewers.
  11. When did Rittenhouse become an aging lesbian?
  12. The article mentions Kid Rock's address. Guess what you see when you do a Google streetview of that address? What a pussy! https://www.google.com/maps/@26.9498847,-80.0743937,3a,75y,103.3h,85.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZ40AkpA-Ur-dbZeaaVVRmg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu You can pay Google to block out the view of your house. Or maybe you can just request it, I'm not sure. I have a friend who is a judge and he has the same thing.
  13. I googled Alan Stang and all I found was a bunch of self-published books on Amazon and a realtor named Alan Stang.
  14. This is pretty good. I'm going to use it to respond to every Trumkin I see on Twitter.
  15. SIAP: Some outfit called the Gig 'em Gazette thinks we made a horrible mistake with Sark's contract. Of course, there's a whole lot of "if this hadn't happened on that play then Texas would have finished 17th in their conference" rationalizing going on. https://gigemgazette.com/posts/longhorns-make-huge-mistake-sark-contract-aggie-football-fans-love-it
  16. Presumably, all the Dems will vote for it and a some Republicans who see how dangerous the MAGA 8 are will cross over and have moral cover because the Bible says that "paying young girls for sex and drugs just ain't right."
  17. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be working in the way they want it to. Despite all their efforts, their base is shrinking.
  18. 60 minutes fucking knocked it out of the park re: Wisconsin fuckery in 2020. Of course, the people who need to see this won't or, if they do, won't accept it.
  19. I'll bet she wouldn't. She's trying to ingatiate herself with the MAGA crowd and get Trump to pick her for VP.
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