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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. some other pickle favorites of mine in addition to the Grillos ^the spicy bread and butter Antone's chips are awesome i always have about a half dozen different jars of pickled stuff in my fridge at any given time - beets, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, and of course cucumbers
  2. central market in austin carries them - they are one of my go to's
  3. absolutely. and that means every single Republican.
  4. we've needed to do that for a long time now, but yeah, i'm with you.
  5. I was just razzing you man, no worries. i don't know what DQ was like 4 years ago b/c I have really only been going to DQ with any regularity the last couple years or so b/c my GF lives pretty close to 2 of them. and as i have gotten older, store bought ice cream (other than Talenti which is mostly gelato) gives me a stomach ache - i think its one of the preservatives. so if I want ice cream I go to Tiny's, if I want gelato I go to Gemelli's, and if I want soft serve delicious treats, I go to DQ for the Blizzard. i also think the quality of DQ's vary from shop to shop. the one on Burnet Road is family run and it seems well run for a fast food joint.
  6. this guy does not fuck. "its terrible these days, I but haven't been to one in 4 years." K
  7. so whats the story on the new (ish) Greek place out in Bee Cave, anyone got any thoughts or reccs?
  8. this is not a good take. fried chicken is great.* spicy fried chicken is even better.* *and the worst piece of dark meat chicken is better than the best piece of white meat chicken
  9. I didn’t make this one - I was in Mexico for the last week. as much as I love classic Tex-Mex enchiladas, these are the best I’ve ever had - ordered them two days in a row. If I had this recipe, I would probably never eat out again. and I’d be super fat.
  10. some non-Tex-Mex cheese enchiladas: blue corn and oaxacan cheese enchiladas in jalapeno cream sauce
  11. check out these fucking duck confit tacos i had for lunch yesterday
  12. say, can someone post some clips or other examples of Republicans speaking up and saying it’s not OK for the sitting President of the United States to threaten his self-declared political enemies with imprisonment without any basis? Not just Senators and members of Congress members, or other elected officials; I mean, any Republican, anywhere? oh.
  13. shitting your pants in public on the reg to own the libs.
  14. right, I don’t actually wonder at all.
  15. I wonder if that guy votes Republican.
  16. up next: Trump claims this was the work of Antifa submarines immediately followed by: 100% of Republicans completely buying it
  17. he commits felonies and displays shocking levels of incompetence at everything he does on the regular and has done so consistently for 3+ years - with multiple instances of straight up treason thrown in. this isn’t going to move the needle at the end of the day and it will all be an afterthought within a week.
  18. this is the guy who has 98%+ approval among Republicans.
  19. “this here’s my whompin’ stick”
  20. you do you, but I can’t imagine any reason why I would want to maintain any kind of relationship, much less one I have a choice in whether or not to participate in it, with traitors and supporters of racism and the hatred of and cruelty towards others.
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