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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. so, a mainstream Republican in 2020 then
  2. i can't remember who posted it about panera, but every time i drive by the one near my office i think of it and chuckle because its so spot on (doing my best to paraphrase it): "why are you paying $27 for a can of campbell's soup mixed with water heated in a microwave and half an airport kiosk sandwich for $27? because fuck you, that's why"
  3. the kale and cranberry salad in the deli case and salad bars at Whole Foods is awesome.
  4. ate at uchiko sat night. sat in the front room and they never allowed more than 4 of the tables in the room to be occupied at one time. I thought to myself, man, I could really get used to this - nice and quiet, nobody seated anywhere close to us. of course, I don't know that restaurants would survive long running at that capacity.
  5. tried these last night. damn these are good. supper chocolatey
  6. this is where I'm at. i would love to join in on all the optimism, but all the evidence steers me away from doing that. I have zero faith that Republicans will allow there to be an open and legitimate election process. i would feel that same way even if Biden were polling at +24.
  7. the mistake argument only works for me if the person to whom it is being applied has since wholly, vocally, and consistently rejected Trump and every single one of his Republican enablers and sycophants and is now actively working to remove them. otherwise, fuck ‘em, and I’ll do my part, however small it may be, to not support them in any way.
  8. yes, I think that’s right. I was thinking the same thing as JJ - “now who was that poster who revealed himself as a complete and utter moron and starting calling anyone who wasn’t buying the QAnon bullshit he was selling a ‘soy boy?’”
  9. I guarantee you, they actually are.
  10. Somebody say Colombo... Barnaby Jones? I said that already
  11. which is exactly why he cannot, and will not, allow there to be a legitimate election in November. current Republicans also know they are straight fucked if Trump loses. there is very, very little chance that a legitimate election process takes place in November. I wonder why none of them seem all that worried?
  12. GOP voters elected the most dishonest leader this country has ever had, by far, at any level. and they absolutely love Trump for his fundamental and compulsive dishonesty because they think that their guy constantly getting away with lying about everything is really owning the libs. so yeah, color me skeptical of any GOP voter who says they no longer support Trump, and any polls that reflect or suggest diminished support fro Trump among R's. granted, there are former R's who have are appalled by and have completely rejected the GOP in its entirety because of Trump, and those folks seem like a whole different category.
  13. i laughed at the aggy comment. that said, but: a. while i am a mayo with fries guy, ketchup is absolutely acceptable with fries b. who the hell spells it "catsup"
  14. But only 21% think America is heading in the right direction. Trump better start cracking the whip on those remaining 25% of MAGA who aren't totaling sipping the Kool Aid. @Johnny Sack and the remaining 25% think we need more racism and utter incompetence from the President of the United States, and way more lib owning to really get this country on track.
  15. @Johnny Sack thinks that comes across as very, very sincere.
  16. people need to stop asking "will there be a legitimate election," and instead start asking "after Trump is re-elected in an illegitimate election, what are we going to do about it?" anyone who has been paying attention already knows the answer to the first question.
  17. they won't resign. Trump and every Republican in office who enabled and supported him should now be removed by force.
  18. I hope it escalates to the point of Trump being dragged out of the White House by his fake hair and thrown into the gutter
  19. anything under 2 million US deaths and we should immediately make Trump President for life. well, actually, we should do that no matter what happens. -Republicans
  20. true, and that doesn’t just apply to his current behavior. its applicable to his behavior going back at least 3 years. if Trump were any current Republican’s family member, they would have taken away his car keys and phone and had him put in assisted living years ago. and yet 100% of them support him as President of the United States unconditionally. because they are party over country cultist hacks.
  21. Republicans don’t love Trump in spite of these things. they love him because of these things. that’s how you own the libs.
  22. word. my 4 part test for a great cheeseburger: 1. Need Napkins (Plural) - grease needs to be rolling down my wrist by the end 2 It Can Stand on its Own - it is just as good, or even better, plain - maybe add a condiment 3. Molten Cheese - not melted, molten. you can't tell where the burger ends and the cheese begins 4. I Can See My Reflection in the Bun - self explanatory
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