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Jive Turkey

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Jive Turkey

  1. Paramount Plus is a must for Champions League (plus you get Europa League). i also watch the Italian league (Serie A). so i get my money's worth from soccer. shows like The Offer, 1923, Tulsa King, and Lawmen: Bass Reeves are a bonus. not surprising though that it's in trouble. we're definitely overstreamed.
  2. so that Oliver Tagaq dude who worked at Tsalal setting up the power, and then disappeared before Danvers/Navarro went to see him again, was a total non-factor? i thought he was gonna be involved somehow. sad to see that Sepinwall has pretty much lost all credibility now.
  3. Russian McDonald’s >>> American McDonald’s
  4. Totally fitting that they went to an overrated, overpriced style over substance restaurant for his birthday. https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2022/july/the-mexican-review-design-district/
  5. catturd jumping in. The irony of catturd (who is influential in MAGA circles with his 2.3M followers) calling Cornyn a traitor while worshipping Trump is almost too much for the simulation.
  6. I would love to know what Putin has on Tucker. Besides his balls on Tucker’s chin.
  7. maybe he wants to be a full-time grandpa. the Squid just had a baby.
  8. we watched episode 4 last night. at one point, i had to ask my wife, "what are they trying to solve? who are they looking for?" Fiona Shaw's talents are being absolutely wasted in this show. too much Navarro, Danvers' "step" daughter, Danvers trying to get laid.
  9. i gotta start giving them a chance. i know their podcast sitch is pretty good.
  10. what's funny is that i kinda thought about bailing on Severance after a few episodes. not really, but it was so slow at the beginning. i was wondering where it was going. but holy shit, it turned things up and ended with a bang. True Detective season 4 . . . not so much. it started off with potential and has gotten lost in the wilderness with all of those other weirdos.
  11. i started my third rewatch a few weeks ago. just an episode a night or so. i'm halfway through season 2, and all i can really think about right now is how not one of those motherfuckers was ever nominated for an Emmy in an acting category, and the show was never nominated for best drama. it's criminal. it's right up there with Reggie Bush beating VY for the Heisman as the biggest travesty in awards show history. if The Wire came out today, it would be like Succession. there would 2 or 3 actors up for each category. Larry Gilliard Jr as Dee should have an Emmy under his belt in a supporting role for season 1. he was awesome. Chris Bauer as Frank Sobotka would be a shoe in nominee for season 2 best supporting actor. but you could throw out 10 other names that had Emmy worthy submissions. yet not one nomination. as for Best Drama, it's comical to look at some of the other shows that were nominated in that category during the timeframe The Wire was on: CSI, Joan of Arcadia, Grey's Anatomy, House, Boston Legal, Heroes. just network schlock. and i'm giving a pass to other shows that, while not my cup of tea, had big supporters, good reviews, and legit claims for nominations (West Wing, Dexter, Lost, Damages). but no love for a show that many now believe is the greatest series ever produced in the history this medium. and yeah, this shit more than holds up some 20 plus years since it's debut.
  12. Is tonight the U2 concert? Expect 10 segments tomorrow about how it was the greatest concert ever. @Skipper is right. Super Bowl week was the pinnacle of “we can do what they do but they can’t do what we do.” So much gold. And now half the day sounds like segments Guy Sports would be ashamed of.
  13. As soon as Gianni said Dallas had the most games, it was obvious that we weren’t getting the final. So be it. Let that be New Jersey’s headache.
  14. We’re gonna find out in a few minutes if Jerry gets the final.
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