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Longhorn Fever

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Everything posted by Longhorn Fever

  1. Are that table cloth and the lettering on the banner burnt orange, or is it filters?
  2. The thing you are missing is that A$M was a Big XII team in that game. Had they been SECSECSEC in 2011, they would have won 140-0.
  3. And you can wash it down with a potato shake. Mick says “Try ‘em!”
  4. Look again. Rodriguez (72) was there to pick up 8. Looks to me the play had a much better chance of success had he followed his blocking.
  5. Of course, you'e supposed to try hard to win. Just not too hard. What's so hard about that?
  6. Never wanted to get on the train with the MENSA engineer in control. However...
  7. Paging @RamjetFDO Need The BoTs heads and some pOSU logos on the shirts. Maybe red shorts?
  8. Unfortunately, A$M will get off with a minor slap and this kid is likely to lose his eligibility for keeping extra cash the coaches gave him. A$M should have rightly received the death penalty in the 90s and they deserve it now. They’ve got a stadium and loan from the academic side to pay off, though.
  9. Written like the true professional, unbiased journalist he is. Wow! Based on his reporting on this case, our boosters really need to get after Fenves to pull out all the stops on offering Snook a Professor Emeritus position in the Moody College. While we are at it, we should delete and destroy any of those Cronkite narrated promos and remake them with Snook. Why should tOSU be able to hoard all the quality faculty and staff?
  10. FIFY. Although, Wendy probably uses more reliable sources than Snooky.
  11. Looks like the collie dog is about to shit on the lawn there.
  12. OF COURSE, Aggy HQ and midnight yell will be at chain founded in Austin... I wonder if the Kiddy Korps will march from Birmingham to Tuscaloosa?
  13. Ha, I was thinking project the Capitol Building and skyline onto a portion of the bigger, better adzillatron.
  14. Ha. well sorry for the CR. Guess I missed anyone calling out Junior on that...
  15. I hope you are just trolling. If not, I hope the only music culture you approve of is classical instrumentals. The culture of violence and murder in music goes back a whole lot longer than 35 years and was ingrained in folk and country music for far longer. Let's not talk about the misogyny...
  16. This exactly. I see vehicles with 50-80k miles priced within $3-5k of new. I know there is a little more negotiation room, but new cars often have incentives. Where ARE you all finding these cars?
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