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  1. Headed there in 2 weeks, please update with any food/bev reccs as you come across, thanks!
  2. Cigarettes After Sex presently killing it if you like them. Several great shows today- Brittany Howard was great among others.
  3. The sound is really excellent in this film. The sound of the AR-style rifles alone were noticeably accurate, unlike most movies.
  4. For those who have seen it, it was a little unclear to me which "side" Jesse Plemon's character was on. I believe it was the "United States" and not the Western Forces. That right? Effectively blurring the lines among which side was in the "right"?
  5. Can't believe nobody has said the sitar yet
  6. What's the verdict on Keen's? I haven't been in years and last time (at bar, alone, for lunch), I was pretty non-plussed.
  7. pardon my ignorance, but why isn't sunday's game televised?
  8. That's my friend Sheri. She just came over to use the shower.
  9. Oh this one, i can't figure out...there's you, there's Giorgio, what's with the midget over here?
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