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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. I've got some controllers we can use to pilot the sub.
  2. Yep. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, 79, was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday morning at the Cibolo Creek Ranch resort near Marfa, a Presidio County official confirmed. https://www.texastribune.org/2016/02/13/us-supreme-court-justice-antonin-scalia-found-dead/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/02/17/justice-scalias-death-and-questions-about-who-pays-for-supreme-court-justices-to-visit-remote-resorts/
  3. I really want to know the circumstances that led to you having to physically remove people from your property.
  4. That technically not the only way
  5. We need to Pelican Brief a few of them
  6. First in the new Batman, now this? What's next Mr Grandmom?
  7. It's not surprising that our supreme court could be bought, what's troubling is that it was so inexpensive.
  8. What kind of pajamas is she wearing? What color? Odds are they're you're standard blue cotton pajamas. You know pj's. but what if, what if they're silk? What if they're lingerie?
  9. And that's with only 2 billionaires at the bottom of the Atlantic. Imagine what society could achieve together if we put them all there.
  10. I am ensconced in dry fit. It's the only way to survive.
  11. It's like the scene in The Deer Hunter where Walken and DeNiro are forced to play Russian Roulette, there is no good option there. Just hope we can luck out again, and Joe can repeat.
  12. The 70 percent chance of rain at 7pm is already down to 50 percent. It'll be 30 in an hour and zero at 7.
  13. I'd like to hear more about this middle sister's daughter.
  14. We're never going to find him because there won't be any sounds of banging.
  15. Jay will still be laid up on his fainting couch. Yasir will claim some kind of diplomatic immunity and decline to appear. Greg will testify for three days, but not show up for the 4th day.
  16. I hope you are doing some kind of Andy Kaufman bit.
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