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The Ace of Aces

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Everything posted by The Ace of Aces

  1. The security guy at Heathrow this morning grabbed and moved my dick from side to side twice, so that was fun.
  2. Also London the week before Christmas is verrrrrrrrry crowded. I don’t mind crowds but got annoyed by every damn bar being wall to wall humanity. If crowds bother you, don’t come here in mid December.
  3. The Fuller’s Christmas Ale is damn good. It’s hard to find a pub that has 2-3 deep but stumbled upon Harp’s earlier that wasn’t jammed. Knew Gardegs Christmas lights tonight. Dinner at Noble Rot Also went back to Fortnum & Mason at opening and it was nit bad £285 and a lot of tea and a few gin bottles later we left
  4. I’m bad with food/drink pics. St John’s was wonderful - highly recommend. Tried to get into the Connaught Bar today but it was 3 deep at the bar so we went to Brown8s Hotel bar. This slammed. Dinner at Gymkhana, which I still value as my favorite restaurant in the world.
  5. F&M is almost impossible to visit because crowds. It’s so uncomfortable and you can hardly walk. Did the tower and Southwark Cathedral earlier, then F&M, just saw The Witches (meh, 2.5/5 for me). Lunch at St John tomorrow with friends, going to buy some hat at Lock and Co, probably hit up Liberty and Morton Brown, then carols by candlelight tomorrow night with friends at St Michael’s in the Field. Hope to hit up the Connaught Bar too.
  6. The cod’s fish head at Fallow was real fucking good.
  7. Landed today. It was cool all trains to and from Heathrow were down since England can’t handle heavy rain or winds above 25 mph. Gotta love the 65 minute, 12 mile, £110 taxi ride you had to get since all car hires were gone. Dinner tomorrow at Fallow and seeing The Witches at NT. Mrs Ace always wants to go back to the tower so I think that’s tomorrow’s agenda. We have stayed awake since landing until 8:15 - time to sleep. Staying the Stafford. Great as always.
  8. South Dakota State over Villanova 10-9 at the half. They’re playing in 40+ mph winds.
  9. I almost died of frostbite there on 1995 when SFA played them and got destroyed 70-14. Got off the plane and it was 4 with a 30 mph wind. The game kickoff temp was like 6. We had no chance to compete in that weather. Great environment and fun city - went back in 2009 when it was a balmy 27.
  10. Gilmer could score 100 against Glen Rose if they wanted, I think. Gunter is up 38-17 on Canadian in the 3rd. It’s from what I read a dominating performance. Chapel Hill is up 42-26 over Davenport with 2 minutes left in the 3rd.
  11. Halfway through the 2nd it’s 42-7 Gilmer. They went on a crazy scoring spurt
  12. Glen Rise and Gilmer on YouTube. 14-7 halfway though the 1st. Gilmer just retuned a kickoff for a TD.
  13. This season has been so enjoyable - top 5 I think for me in the entire run. Rooting for dad and son but assume the brothers win.
  14. Longview moving up to 6A. Aledo fell eight students below the 6A cutoff. Highland Park moves down to 5A DI. Conspiracy theorists will say since they couldn't win in 6A they got bumped down.
  15. Timpson beat Ganado 35-21. They actually were behind 21-14 at halftime. Franklin blew the doors of Edna as expected, 52-14. Malakoff beat Brock 38-31 in what sounds like a hell of a game.
  16. SFA is still FCS. I'm pissed they were so godawful this year and I had high hopes Carthel could have them not suck ass. Narrator: They're fucking awful
  17. Showed little effort vs a terrrrrible Louisville team. Feature not a bug it seems. This is a one of the bigger asskickings you’ll see from a major program.
  18. This one is about over. Until Texas gets decent guard play and an inside presence they to me are at best a .500 Big 12 team this year.
  19. If Castle and Clingan get healthy and can play for UConn this year, you're looking at one of the better all-time NCAA teams.
  20. I fucking hate autocorrect.
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