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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Someone knows meat pimps name so it can't be that hard for surly to back trace the Internets and find a social media page
  2. Aggy paving the way for the Broncos... https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39192143/denver-broncos-bench-russell-wilson-whats-next
  3. There is a link to the clip on YouTube time stamped and all ready to view. I couldn't link it in line because of an NFL films claim. It opened at that but has since moved to the Pokes by 2 yesterday.
  4. I thought it was pretty telling they had his high school coach on talking about how their friendship made it into Barry's time in the NFL and while Wayne Fonts didn't have a big role he still got infinite more time than ol Pat did.
  5. Fun fact of the day.... Oklahoma State has more bowl wins (21) than Texas A&M (20) despite playing in 9 fewer bowls over the years and despite Oklahoma State being 10% of A&M's all time bowl win total.
  6. Pretty sure the NFL has proven you can utilize two backs without benching one or the other. My great aunt who graduated from OSU back when it was still Oklahoma A&M sat me down in the summer of 1988 as I was getting ready for 5th grade and she told me I had to watch Barry Sanders play football this year "because he was going to win the Heisman" and so I did exactly that and became an OSU fan and Lions fan (next to the Longhorns & Oilers). Anything my great aunt told me after that regarding sports I took as the gospel truth so clearly the signs were there he was going to be great regardless of Barry Switzer.
  7. When Barry Switzer is able to point out your short comings it's not a good situation ;-) https://youtu.be/7ARepw8RV6Q?t=626
  8. Yeah there are a few token ags that seem to know what's going on in the echo chamber of stupid.... source material: https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3431087
  9. aggy regales previous beatdown recieved by halloween aggy: https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3434162 Starts off saying it was Thurman Thomas and Barry Switzer at RB Finally by the 5th reply an ag with a functioning memory shows up and sets the record straight. Of course as of this posting they still haven't connected the dots that Gundy was the Cowboy QB that day
  10. A&M has won 10 games 12 times in its entire history stupid sip! Advantage aggy
  11. Its their special way of normalizing/justifying the beastiality. Marvin Zindler had slime in the ice machine. Aggy has diamond in the goat's ass. We knew they were linked by the chicken ranch didn't we
  12. +1 for Aggy v Halloween Aggy being the annual Texas Bowl participants regardless of records and bowl eligibility
  13. By far the most entertaining part of the 24/7 article. One last hurrah with E-Rob the playa poacha, _urkin keeping OSU's score high, and two dudes I have never heard of calling plays.
  14. I just wish Whitmore got some time on the floor. Oh and I wish Brooks wasn't a complete dumb shyte too.
  15. You only need 11 players stupid sip and we got five times that many whoop!
  16. Most people want to find the diamond in the rough but not old Magneto... I guess that is his excuse "don't mind me I am just looking for diamonds!'
  17. The CFP games are all on the stupid mouse network so who knows they may try to fuck us all.
  18. Yeah their game thread tomorrow should be a good time. Maybe they won't win halftime this go round.
  19. It's a shame this isn't the final game of Tathan Martell's glorious 7 year career
  20. Not yet.... Would be nice if he went to a team on OU's 2024 schedule though.
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