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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. No Mack lost to NC State and Stanford and shit along the way Day at least beats those chumps ass
  2. Yeah he got mad about his cheeseburger at SXSW back in 2010 https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-kd96jsg0/
  3. We get it you want to overpay for trash its a free country go knock yourself out and wait in line.
  4. Mizzou with their 4th 11 win season of this century have now tied all time with Texas A&M who also has 4 11 win seasons. #whoop
  5. Yeah the ags are staring at 4-4 at home with losses to t.u, ND, Mizzou, & LSPoo
  6. The parenthesis belong around Harrison and the OSU logo not Day.
  7. Man outside of Notre Dame winning this bowl season has had just about the perfect outcomes even if butt ass ugly along the way.
  8. Whoever wins this game.... Come to the tent and collect your $100
  9. At least the SEC will be 0-3 in bowl games and we get to see the mouth breathers freak and and start rooting for Ole Miss so I guess there is that.
  10. We know the rules Beavis but the late sub thing was egregious and needs to be fixed. Regardless call the fucking timeout Don't forget 47 yards of penalties to offset the 48 yards of passing.
  11. They did that shit in the B12 CCG too and Sark stood there and watched them like a dog who had just been shown a card trick as we got a delay of game penalty with two timeouts in his pocket at half time.
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