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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Fuck yeah eat shit you Alabama fart sniffing Longhorns! You real Alabama fans are cool look forwards to future matchups!
  2. Being gay is the new coolest thing so that's why we came to the gayest part of America... Alabama! #franchione
  3. Michigan punt returners need to be kicked out of school holy fuck.
  4. Any Longhorn that dislikes Michigan is suspect....
  5. OP is sprinting bro ain't got no time for a marathon.
  6. Man the fear on the gomer side is palpable... https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3435212 "Lane doesn't want a crappy QB" "I have said all along Manning will transfer to Tulane. He's not an SEC quarterback. He's a low three star quarterback with a five star last name." "So now we know...big name...little arm" Never change aggy....
  7. When I lived in St Thomas my buddy from Mass shipped me a case of Heady Topper so that when I picked Dave Brockie from GWAR up at the airport for his 50th birthday I could hand Oderus one. Good stuff...
  8. It finally happened LMFAO https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3435227 Staff finally banned someone for quoting a post they didn't like bwahahaha
  9. Yeah the Dungeon is legit the best spot on Bourbon. If you wind up at Lafitte's and Lee Hendler is playing piano that guy is a total badass he will listen to any random song he has never heard before for like 90 seconds then he will belt it out on the piano. If you do see him tell him Kid Rock's brother sent you haha. He kept telling everyone I was Billy Richie.
  10. Yeah he will never win anything of overall merit but tormenting aggy is his gift to us it is the spirit of Mike Leach living on.
  11. I mostly want Freshwater to win and stay at Ole Miss so he can torment aggy ad infinitum
  12. I thought that was Jabba the Ketch It belongs to lot as in possessive. Simma down summa child
  13. If he would hire Sting In would start to worry but for now I think House Atreidies is safe.
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