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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Julks went to my HS, so I’m def rooting for him. And up till now, the most famous Alum is the actress Stephanie Beatriz. Would be cool to add a pro athlete to that short short… er list.
  2. I'll admit at one point before his injury, if you squint it seems like Jake was on the cusp of being a competent to good player. But now I can't even imagine him succeeding in triple A.
  3. A series delving into the rot/corruption of Starfleet would be interesting.
  4. He would make a killer Ursula
  5. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/13/llano-county-library-books/ I dunno why, but I found these two images of the library supporters from this community very moving.
  6. So so good… “Data could you try to be a little more positive?”
  7. I dunno… I get it. And I bet if the fight choreography was better or if they had Bo use more of her weapons or something it could reach the “realism” that Slorch has a bias towards. But it’s pretty easy for me to also remember that I”m watching Star Wars and Bo was a badass in the cartoons so I expect her to be the same in the live action version.
  8. Mmmm… I dunno, rich people collection by nature are different than normal people collections. I’m sure there’s a certain amount of, prestige among his buddies that he paid $$$ for a signed copy of the book.
  9. Should have been even easier to explain then. Well, I’m interested in all manners of European history, the good and the bad, blah blah blah
  10. I kinda get the macabre nature of collecting Nazi memorabilia, but at least own up to your fascination of the subject. Which seems like Crow couldn’t do.
  11. Extremely wealthy white man never catch any breaks, come on y’all. Show some grace.
  12. The youth saved the Dem party in the mid-terms and hopefully that trend continues!
  13. It's ok she's half white so you got that going for ya too!
  14. Oh absolutely! Was just trying to frame it in the most positive way possible. 😀
  15. Ummm… I guess I don’t let silly things like that outrage me. And you know instead chose to treat the episode as a cheesy homage to cop/detective genre. Not saying it was some brilliant episode or anything.
  16. Ignore the cameos, treat the first 90% of the show as a fun Mando 5-0/CSI… and enjoy the payoff
  17. Jill Biden deserves the criticism. Whether it's from unconscious biases or misguided good intentions... but what she did was not right. But of course our resident agitator didn't really offers that article as some sort of meaningful contribution to this thread.
  18. They need to introduce him to Framber’s sports psychologist.
  19. Oh for sure, love the city. Went last year for a Steelers game.
  20. Selfishly, I’m just hoping for one win when I attend the series in Pittsburgh. Woof.
  21. Tetris is great… loved how it went from nostalgia goodness to a spy thriller.
  22. I will if it means he keeps playing well!
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