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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Summer... when I re-learn to get up early to run. I guess there are some benefits.
  2. Couldn’t make it through a random episode of the podcast in the past, but this documentary was really enjoyable. Really enjoy their dynamics with each other.
  3. Maybe we should er… work in some stretching/yoga into the team’s routine.
  4. <shrug> eh you got me on misusing the phrase
  5. Drunk driver in a company vehicle nearly killed my brother in an accident. Buzbee represented my brother and got a nice settlement out of it. This was back when he still practiced in Friendswood. That's about all the nice things I can think about the guy—seems like he's really developed illusions of grandeour of his political abiility/clout in Houston.
  6. Reminds me of the bay area a few years back when they had all the wild fires raging. Felt like I was walking around on another planet in a sci-fi movie.
  7. That doesn’t sound as fun these days…
  8. Second half of this season saved it for me. Last few episodes were very satisfying as a fan. +1 for someone that didn't really think Derka's critique was all that egregious either, but he does have that Derak-je ne sais quoi that some of y'all can't avoid like catnip.
  9. I honestly did not have the show is woke, as a critique…
  10. Yeah, I'm so used to this from other shows that I actually enjoyed the Lasso version.
  11. No dobut, but are we not part of the fanbase as well?
  12. So... would a Chinese pork belly bun be considered a sandwich?
  13. Wasn't there a big deal made about how he slimmed down after going to the Dodgers?
  14. I hope this goes 7 with Miami winning it.
  15. I don't know if I just had good memories of my time living in the area, but I really really love the egg salad sandwich from Hobbit Cafe in Houston. A Japanese Katsu sandwich is also pretty damn delicious if it's made well.
  16. Not sure why Ron or his advisors think this “Florida” the US strategy will work beyond the primaries. And I think the dysfunctional nature of the GOP will have some red state governors sniping at Ron at all times during the campaign about this.
  17. I think the non Disney version is public domain now. So hooray let Pooh bear and friends teach kids how to survive.
  18. Found this video really interesting explaining what the writer’s are fighting for: https://youtu.be/tWiM2J8MHnI
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