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Everything posted by MOODY

  1. I take it back. You guys have fun, going to bed and read about this tomorrow.
  2. In, can't get drunk tonight due to work early but this should be number 5? comeback against them? IN.
  3. Neg vote all you want, don't care anymore and blaming the refs for this ass kicking is just stupid.
  4. Sounds like the Nebraska fans this year. Texas has had it's share of beneficial calls throughout the years and maybe our checks are bouncing to the refs now. LOL
  5. I jumped into this fire Tom early. I have since mellowed, this ass kicking tonight hurts but I just don't give a shit anymore.
  6. This offense is a cluster fuck. Don't like it and never have. This defense tonight though, my goodness. No words, just getting our ass kicked.
  7. Wow, that game almost made me have a panic attack. What Austin radio station has the post game call in? Is it 104 the Horn?
  8. I'll eat a huge helping of crow. Put some BBQ sauce on that please. I doubted after the Maryland debacle but after TCU I was sold.
  9. That was fantastic. You wonderful mother f'er going out in a blaze of glory. I salute you.
  10. MOODY


    I admit that this team slapped me across the chops and is playing to their potential. Sorry for doubting.
  11. Man trying to be a tad sarcastic and I get a neg for that? No worries, TEXAS beats OU and Tom Herman is solid to me no matter what. If he does that then he can keep your boy Beck also. Texas does beat OU, saying it right now.
  12. Damn volleyball ladies are fine as hell. They are also bad ass and deserve our patronage. I am so drunk and so happy,.
  13. Not so fast. I agree I was hasty after Maryland and at this point in time I am feeling good. Let us see how bad we kick OU's ass. If Tom only beats them by 3 instead of 23 then don't extend. PS Beck still needs to go.
  14. Hell yes, are we back? Almost.
  15. Why do we split out a tight end when we go 5 wide on 3rd and forever? Wouldn't you like all your speedy receivers there? I hate this spread offense.
  16. Not impressed. Too much hair and swag with no substance. He could kick my ass but if his flowing locks got in his eyes I could cheap shot him a few times. He is a liability on this team, put someone else in.
  17. If I was coaching TCU I would keep running the ball over Becky. He hasn't done shit except get a penalty, guess her hair got in her eyes. Our team wants this and can do it if these fucking coaches get out of their way.
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