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Everything posted by DougO

  1. Dang, shame he couldn't have used two more seconds.
  2. LOL Close it out. Flush the fecals.
  3. That last replay looked like he might have only had one foot down.
  4. The Cadillac Three is a really good live band if you like repetitive songs about being from the south and drinking whiskey in the Bible belt. Man, they were freakin' great before as American Bang, though.
  5. Arc Angels have been doing some gigs. Hell yes...
  6. Surly Guitar Pron All Stars. 22 Short, maybe.
  7. I know at least one here that will probably like the new Dallas Guitar Show poster.
  8. I have part of a metal garage/barn space that is 12x24. My intention was to have a corner of it for tools and stuff, but the biggest part to be open for use as a makeshift photo/art studio and hang out. I was having coffee with my best friend there every weekend. I had it foam insulated, popped in a window unit and bought some vinyl flooring to put in. I have a couch in there and a table with coffee station. Those plans went on hold when life delivered a couple of serious blows that I won't go into. I hope to get back to it again someday, but there's too much other shit I need to work on that takes priority, and really, the motivation just took a major hit after early 2021. The plank flooring is still stacked up in the boxes on the floor.
  9. This is one of the shittiest fantasy seasons of my ancient fantasy football life, maybe the shittiest. I do two very long-running leagues, 12 teams. In one league I was smashed with massive injuries to just about every good player I had. Horrible start of like 1-4, even though I still scored fairly well consistently. I recovered and slowly climbed my way back with waiver wire pickups and putting out the best lineups I could. Won two, then lost three to just shitaass luck. No matter how many points I scored, it seemed like every team I played that week had their best game and scored crazy points, even the shit teams. I finished winning my last 5 games for an 8-7 record. I scored the second highest number of points for the season to finish barely over .500. In the final game I needed two of three teams to lose that were one game ahead, but I played one of them, so I could take care of that one. I beat his ass 120-105,despite his qb Kirk Cousins scoring huge in the big historic OT shootout comeback. The other two were playing shitass teams, just needed one of them to lose to get in the playoffs. One of their opponents left a starting spot empty, and then had Jonothan Taylor get knocked out early. He also had AJ Dillon playing last night, who was off to a 20 point first half, then he got knocked the fuck out with a concussion. The team I needed him to beat won the game by 6 with 77 shitty points, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! The other team I need to lose won 88-81. My second league was almost the opposite. I started off well at 5-2, then got hit by the injuries and bye week bullshit. Players I picked up got hurt. Players that were consistently good went to shit for various reasons. Then just had shittass luck with opponents scoring ridiculous over their average against me. Ended with a 2-6 run, despite having scored 3rd best in total points, losingass record, 7th place. This league was a surefire playoff team for me, but couldn't catch a god damn break. At one point the shittiest team in the league scored 174 points on my ass. Then a couple of weeks later against one of the teams ahead of me the same asshole left four starting spots open with injured and bye players and scored 50 and gave the other asshole a free win with shitty points. That one was a back-breaker. Just one of those crazy years where the schedule fucked me in the ass. If I played any other teams' schedule I probably would be ballin' for the championship yet again. Oh well, fuck all this bullshit. Shit is what it is, and I can take it. But what really pisses me off is motherfuckers that puss out when they aren't winning and stop taking care of their lineups and at least put a reasonable starting lineup of live bodies in. It just fucks the the entire league and shifts the outcomes. You gotta keep playing and not screw the other teams, and sometimes if you try you can make some tremendous second half combacks like I have several times. Oh well, ain't nobody gonna read this longass shit, anyway. If I had a life I wouldn't give a fuck, either.
  10. Bad enough the chick has on a really fakeass looking wig. Probably a typical scene for you married folks. "Why didn't YOU get us life insurance? But WE agreed!"
  11. Paul Peenbaum depiction is fairly accurate.
  12. It would be awesome to have support like that. Your art stuff is about like my sports photography freelancing thing. I've been doing it for ages, but changes in things have made it less worth it financially every year. A Wal Mart greeter's pay would actually be a major step up for me at this point. But I do it because it's what I'm on the planet to do, or something. I don't feel worth a shit if I can't do it. I feel I need art back in my life the same way, just to make me feel more whole again. It hasn't been there, but it's like the itch of a fantom limb that was amputated long ago. My soul misses it, even if nobody else cares about it. Photography is just easier, I guess. But it makes me more dependent on the whims of others. Nobody stops me from making art but me. And I kinda suck about that over the past decade or three. It would be nice to have someone close to share it with and have that kind of support and understanding.
  13. Yeah, the neck humbucker is the version they call bluesboy. The Plecentia models don't get the reviews as the previous ASAT import versions that were very popular. But still tempting at the stupid deal price point.
  14. Stupid Deal of the Day at MF is a Placentia Tele-ish bluesboy in "expresso" for $240.
  15. fecals were probably doing some of the same against the shitty Bears, but eventually locked up the win.
  16. A lot of the Cowboys hater media had it exactly right. Dallas was thinking too much about playing the fecals. They thought they had this one won and relaxed. It was the jags superbowl, as it is with most teams. Dallas always forgets that.
  17. I believe division winners still get higher seeding, regardless of record.
  18. Which player's dad is this doing the coin toss for Dallas?
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