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Everything posted by sushihorn

  1. Also anything that builds the hype for SECSEC going into the LSU game is a big plus for the Longhorns. Both from the standpoint of LSU reading their own press clippings as well as giving Herman plenty of ammo to play the Disrespect card. Plus more and better pub when the Horns win.
  2. What part of "aggy" did you not get?
  3. You're welcome. My OCD was acting up w/o any new data to analyze. Bottom line is that operating revenue is under $100 mil at aggy during that 3 year period. They're not poor but they sure ain't Texas.
  4. The methodology is dumb. One time girts to fund capital projects <> revenue from continuing operations. I would have thought a business writer would know the difference. Apparently he does and chose to use this crappy methodology anyway. 60% of aggy's "revenue" was contributions - mostly for construction. The number at Texas is less than a third. Most embarrassing of all, USA Today actually did a better job of reporting and accounting for this than Forbes. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2018/01/29/texas-am-operating-revenue/1077373001/
  5. Is that why the Pac-12 has been so terrible the last few years?
  6. @Machinator posted an article on the non-Texas recruiting thread. It's very relevant here because Jimbo is now at aggy and a big part of his recruiting pitch is "Play for me because I've shown the ability to take elite recruits and get (15% of) them into the NFL."
  7. Yep. And the aggy wailing and gnashing of teeth is just getting started on the recruiting front.
  8. That new coach smell only lasts until the first mediocre season is in the books.
  9. OU always struck me as a scratch off and menthols kinda place...
  10. Obviously the sips are in trouble and are being forced to go OOS and scour low talent states like AZ for their patchwork class.
  11. Hornteenth will be celebrated each year on the anniversary of the Hermancipation Proclamation reaching collie station...
  12. 1-0 each week finish "Hit 'em hard from the first play. Let 'em know what they signed up for." --- TH, 1/1/2019 2016 UH team was not allowed to wear any Peach Bowl swag. They were not even allowed to use "us" in reference to the 2015 team. "That team" was the preferred nomenclature.
  13. The dude's business model depends on convincing schools he can influence recruits. What's he going to say? "I tried to shop Shephard to A&M but his family told me to piss off?"
  14. So aggy wants ANOTHER team to pass them in the rankings? Maybe that's OK as long as it ain't "t.u." - lol.
  15. Jerry Fallwell's School for Wayward Coaches...
  16. Wouldn't want a blew on blue incident now would we?
  17. He's an aggyhero(TM) but not as much of one as the aggy governor who shot that coyote out of fear for his life...
  18. "misfired" = forgot to chamber a round or disengage the safety.
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