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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. So what's their excuse for sucking just as bad in the sec? Sips done bought the sec refs.... Maybe they should have spent some of that 75 million on securing their own refs instead of a cuck.
  2. Since the tax payers will be footing the bill once again, I think we should go all in on a nuke. More cost effective... or a wall and give the shit hole back to Mexico.
  3. They were so glad to get away from the BDF and into the SEC where they have real competition and play big boy football... You know since the BDF was so easy for them to dominate... It they had stuck around, they would own TCU and WVU also! Whoop! I wonder if Maryland fans see their move to the B10 the same as aggy? Already have an answer.... NO. It was for the money and not better competition Didn't even need to look it up. Only aggy can cold fusion like aggy.
  4. Just wait until streaming becomes the main way content is delivered. It gives the duck even more control. They can't force packages on national cable carriers carriers, but streaming gives them all the control to package their content any way they see fit and force the consumer to take it or leave it... You got to admit that it will be hysterical if they decided to piggyback the LHN on anyone wanting the SECNET (or accnet). What a conundrum for aggy. They can send all the strongly worded letters they want threatening to cancel their streaming service, but we all know they will suck it up and pay anyways... secsecsecnet... They refuse to admit it, but we all know they are all closet horn viewers as it is, but the amount of threads started on texags each time we play says it all.
  5. I wonder what ESPN'S reason was for going for such a short term on T-3's and opening them up for renegotiations right along with the T-1 and T-2s. It sounds like they plan on keeping the t3 long term if they are planning on adding OU later down the road. Any idea when OU's come open?
  6. I guess we could post about spring practice ....
  7. If we landed USC and ND showed interest, I could see the BIG 12 giving a 50 million loan with a next to nothing yearly repayment plan. Hell, I could see a certain TV partner seeing value in a network that has TX/West coast/ND even at the expense of stand alones such as LHN/USC/ND packaged with a BIG?NET that they might be willing to help offset penalties. The Duck is notorious for playing the long game at the expense of a few years of loses... ESPN, SECNET, ACCNET, BIG12 (with the cream of the PAC), ND, HULU (merged for it's live TV content, added to D+ is long term security no matter what Amazon, ATT, Google decide to do. If the "others" sleep on the PAC/BIG 12 renegotiations, I can see the duck go for checkmate as described.
  8. I would Target USC, UCLA (likely needed to get USC), Oregon, Washington, and both AZ schools. As long as the Big 12 gets USC, they could choose to stay at 10 (unlikeky), or go balls deep... JUST for FUN.. If it does come out the BIG 12 is targeting 7 teams from the PAC, I'm curious who the BIG 12 believes they would lure as the 18th... I don't see them leaving the spot open just to add some minor leaguer as a travel partner for WVU... I don't see Arkansas or LSU being ready to jump just because of some PAC schools joining. Maybe Colorado being the 7th could lure Nebraska, but I'm not convinced it would just yet. Too much pride and money to swallow. Nor am I sure the BIG 12 is beating on their door asking just yet. The ACC? Probably not... Maybe PITT for WVU? Or FSU? Both are highly unlikely. No real incentive to move... Would Stanford as the 7th coupled with USC be enough lure ND? Maybe... possible... Not sure... Does anyone know how much ND gets from the accnet? I haven't looked it up.
  9. I wouldn't hold my breath on Fox/ESPN going "all in" on saving the PAC. Both make money on tier 1, 2, AND 3 content from the other conferences. That's not something they can do with the PAC. Unlike last time, there was a big incentive to keep the Texas market from the PACNET, this time there is more incentive in flushing the big names from the PAC over saving it. It puts good Tier 3 content back on the market... Fox or ESPN could easily be ready for another conference network (NOT good for the PAC). Even if not, there is 0 benefit in letting anyone from the BIG12 defect to the PAC, but there is good reason to let the PAC come apart at the seams with the main one being to kill the PACNET. Personally I think the thing that sparks the next go around is going to be the ADs the same way it did with the formation of the BIG 12. You know the ADs in the PAC and BIG 12 are well aware of the potential for huge revenue hikes by combining the TX/CA markets. When the contract negotiations begin and the ADs get the feeling they will fall short of what they believe the BIG 10 and the SEC will pull when they go through their renegotiations, all hell will break loose...
  10. The difference is ESPN torpedoed the PAC-NET when they used the SEC to flirt with aggy... then they nuked it with the LHN. They knew the PAC-NET would be doomed without a (Texas) bridge to the east. And Fox doesn't seem interested in saving the PAC. Besides, it is in ESPN's interest to push as many top teams to the Big 12 so they can start yet another network that would rival the money they make off the secnet.
  11. Well at least the nazis could engineer a proper burning.
  12. I'm in my 50s and yes it seems the blackouts started happening more frequently ever since _iaz introduced the gator roll.
  13. Lots of domestic violence going on in Oklahoma tonight.
  14. This! A quick Google search still produces articles written at the time all this took place. This is when aggy first started talking to the SEC and was told to stop. Which they did--for a short bit (according to RC)-- but we're back at it before the formation of the Big 12... Texas (and Aggy) was expected to follow Arky into the SEC, but for some reason Texas did a 180 and plenty of official faces "unofficially" made it clear that Texas would never join the SEC. This is also when Texas first started talking to the PAC (and obviously the BIG 8).
  15. They did die for a cause... They beat us. But aggy never realized they were given the answer on how to vanquish the sips every. Or they did put two and twelve together but there hasn't been 12 aggy with virgin assholes on campus the same year since. I'll
  16. This seems to contradict the whole all male school for however many years of it's existence.. Because by 1894, they could only field a football team of all pussies.
  17. There are several former Leach qb's doing doing good for themselves as OCs/ HC. And Qbs coached by him tend to put up good numbers and make sound decisions. All are leftovers from the big programs... His WRs get open and actually catch... But I'm looking more for a stable of capable OCs so when we lose one moving up somewhere else, we just plug another one in and keep rolling. Oh and I do agree that Sam could do good things in an Air Raid type offense. It does open up some running seams. Especially for a QB who doesn't fall down just because a lineman bumped into him.
  18. If only aggy didn't have aggy brains... this type of scheduling + the pirate - 4 or 5 million a year would have netted them 8 or 9 wins a year with the occasional 10 win year mixed in from time to time... QBs that can hit a target. WRs that can catch. 700 points a vs their cuppycakes. Only one or two bad(ish) losses balanced out by a much close loss than Vegas expected. And every 4-5 years, pull off the upset vs one of the top SEC dogs or top 10 OOC opponent.... This would have been aggy GOLD. The FrankenTackleGuanaKrogerDonkeySheepBox would have stayed packed during Leach's entire stint with aggy not wanting to miss the exact moment the sleeping giant finally awoke... Same old aggy....but on a higher flying, higher scoring, better entertained level. Final scores really don't matter much as long as our QB looked like he's ready to carry us to the promise land next year... (Not a knock on The Pirate. I don't think anyone could win at aggyville) I know----stupid sip, the SECSECSEC would never use inferior bff offenses. They are too easy to stop by the SECSECSEC defenses- whoop!
  19. When/if the day comes Leach gets canned/retires, we need to be camped outside the AD's office waiting with a lifetime contract that has Leach hanging around our QBs sprinkling his Pirate Dust all over them... HC/OC University.
  20. Ummm. Aggy is a cupcake for the secsecsec horses. They serve their purpose well.
  21. This shows the problem with the polls and committee... Taking a look at aggy, many votes come from out of market. That's because 90 percent of the voters only watch 1 or 2 games (if that). Then they turn to ESPN to catch the breakdown of Saturday's action. And we all know there is no bigger SEC sunshine pumper than ESPN. Even the editing of the game highlights are tinted when it comes to ESPN... Granted, 99 percent of the entire Nation is well aware of the ESPN--SEC favoritism, but out of market voters/writers have caved to peer pressure, so publicly fall in line with the ESPN tune. Looking at voters this season (past couple of years), the further away from the SEC footprint, the less likely an SEC team gets penalized for a loss. Voters way North/West don't follow SEC mid pack teams closely. So they go with the ESPN flow. It reflects in the polls (especially pre polls) each year... There is a reason dictators control the media in their countries, and it's no different here when the biggest sports content provider has it's own conference to pimp.
  22. Aggy used to see themselves equal to tu. Now they believe themselves superior in everything.... All based on their membership in the secsecsec. Aggy used to hate being referred to as little brother. Now they view themselves as big beother.... All based on secsecsec. Aggy used to call themselves the Second Flagship. Now they believe they are the only Flagship.... All based on secsecsec. Somewhere along the way, aggy believes they have become better endowed than ru ( not sure they understand...). All based on... secsecsec and 'bama cock lust. Aggy used to see itself as one of the only three important members of the Big 12. Now they believe they are among the top 5 elite football programs, and have been from day one.... All based on.... Hell, I have no fucking clue what they base this on. This one is a stretch that only aggy can rationalize. Especially since the majority of aggy couldn't tell you when the last time was viewed as a legit NC contender with 2 or 3 weeks left in the season.... Aggy as an elite is up there with magic, dragons unicorns, or cold fission, lead to gold, Patton love for aggy....
  23. Duh... Somewhere within a circle of guys. That thing doesn't fill itself. Even though the glory hole was a huge hit with the all male student body, it was a failure at it's original intent tied to the jar, because true aggy are too polite to spit in public.
  24. Do it! Do it! Do it! Waste a season just to realize you are still same old aggy... Epic crash and burn even for aggy. Rollercoaster .v2
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