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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. Jimblows will have them consistently winning 10 a season--in a division with Texas,OU,LSU,piggy,and the pirate who just beat them before having his players in yet... Haha
  2. Hahaha. aggy giving jimblow his out by hanging the defense... Fire your DC. The only thing you have going for you. Then end up with a guru like _iaz.
  3. With all the gomers in there, it's not like he would have a fair shot at winning... Unless ESPN did some major campaigning for him (and they do love them some Bijan)
  4. Nah aggy, you're not racist at all...
  5. Nah, this isn't karma, this is just the same old aggy they've always been. But karma is coming for them and he has long horns.
  6. aggy really believed 2020, year of the 'rona' bug that gave everyone another year because everything was wrecked, signified they finally made to the top----even though they still came up short. Pooorrrrr aggy
  7. This is gonna be good. Let them tears flow, aggy... Looks like the pirate will be back to owning aggy.
  8. Gaffords

    OU @ KSU Fox

    When did they sneak Manny _iaz in as DC?
  9. No better place to live his dream than the Cotton Bowl... Do it. Do it. Do it...
  10. Well, the way things are looking so far this year, we won't look near as bad after aggy both extends and fires their head coach in the same year...
  11. We should have been in over Florida, but ESPN shut that down immediately before it became a question with their "no one wants to see the repeat of an earlier game". And then helped push OU with their margin of victories OU had over the season... As for rankings mattering, we've always bitched about overrated SEC teams in the top ten only kept there to feed other SEC teams rankings when they play, because rankings do matter the entire season. The playoff committee watches about as much football as the pollsters. Like the pollsters, they rely of ESPN to tell them where to rank teams. If Texas won out, but slowly climbed the ranking to finally make into the top 8 late in the year, they won't jump someone like ND, tOSU,or UG with the same record, even if one of them have a lucky survival game. Texas needs to be close to the top 10 like asap to be in position to jump teams if they struggle. If we beat TCU, and end up around 20th, then beat OU and end up 11 or 12th, it could be hard to crack into the playoffs before the season ends, but if we were ranked around 20th now then around end up around 15th after thrashing the roaches, 9th or 10th after pounding OU, breaking into the playoffs would be much easier. It's easier to climb into playoff spots with dominating performances from inside the top 10 than outside of it, the last 1/4 of the season. Us inside the top 10 after OU would have us in playoff range even if OU implodes. Us outside the top 10, could easily need help from others to break into a playoff spot... Not that I see playoffs happening this year for us. I think we have another loss or two. Hopefully not
  12. This buyout will be epic... If Jimbo doesn't turn it around soon, aggy will be in full panic mode In finding the "right guy" before big brother shows up to crash the party... Funnier is that they will have to either gamble with unproven upstarts, or be ready to pay a shit ton for their next coach who tripped over a natty at one time or another. You know there are a few "has beens" looking at aggy and thinking if aggy will pay that jackoff ten 10 mill a year to win 8-9 games with a 3 game handicap?!?!?! Hummmmm.... Mac will probably nail them for 20 mill a year and an eternity clause allowing him to call plays from the cemetery forever. (Would say his newly-aggy built Great-Great-Great pyramid, but even Mac knows better than that.
  13. I'm pretty sure they will not have a major bowl tie in after this cycle.... Oh no, ESPN is trying to get us to merge with the AAC... Nope, can't do that, we would lose too much money! So instead, let's invite half AAC to join us.... I'm sure the money will end up being about half that 24 mill number... And no network. ESPN probably would have done a network with majority of the Ir8 in the AAC. Keep going the way they are and FOX might get the entire Ir8 package in 2025 for the bargain price of 5 mill per school as the only real bidder interested. ESPN might send them to the desert to wonder for a few years with only Mana from Fox to eat.
  14. I think it comes down to how much? And what OU can afford. I have a feeling we won't leave them behind.
  15. I think we move after this season, but it wouldn't surprise me if we're here another two seasons. The attempt by aggy to get help blocking the move by trying to get SEC and other fans to turn on the SEC office seems to have exposed things two years ahead of schedule.
  16. Like clockwork... And so, today marks the beginning of the end. We might as well start the "Who's next for aggy" thread. This buyout is gonna be monumental.
  17. Out of those 36/16 games, how many were bowl games? How many were OOC vs a name brand? The only question that really matters is how many conference games a year does each team average that gets broadcast to a national audience even if it is on FS1 or one of the many secondary ESPN channels (outside of the UT or OU games)? Quality OOCs and average and quality of bowl appearances are factored in by the number guys, but it really comes down to how much interest did they draw when playing each other outside of the conference anchors, over the span of the ending contract and historically? This is broke down onna team by team basis. They factor in things like TCU. How will they do once their coach leaves (Tech/Pirate)? How much longer will he be there or be competitive if still there (Wizard/Bowden). What is their historical high/low trend been, and the duration of the cycles over ifetime, 50 yrs, 40 yrs, 30 20, 10? Take a cold, hard look at those numbers and there is the answer to what the TV bucks will look like. And the LHN money/ B12 bailout isn't the measuring standard to go by. ESPN didn't pay 300 million for something they could've easily gotten for 2/3 less if they had bothered negotiating at all. Nor did they rush to save the big 12 because it was so valuable to them... They had an endgame in mind and the LHN/Big 12 were not it... That was just part of the cost of doing big business.
  18. Lazy journalism. Let one recognizable dumb fuck say as aggy bait, the other dumb fucks are soon to follow... Not a single one will take the time to actually take a closer look at the numbers behind the sleeping giant's yearly projected breakout. He'll, half of them don't even realize aggy is breaking in a new qb.
  19. You nailed it right there. I've said that for awhile now. ESPN had several reasons to throw Texas a huge bone and sticking a dagger in the PacNet was one of the biggest reasons. ESPN had been doing this a long time and knew the only way the PacNet would work and thrive was by bridging the gap east. It needed the Texas market and the UT fan base to make it thrive... ESPN was already making plans to SEC it up, but were waiting to see how the BugNet did on securing carriers... The last thing they needed was for the PacNet to come into the sports market strong which would've cost them a partnership in the SecNet, so they slit the Pac's throat.
  20. It doesn't matter who they have, the contract itself is going to fall way short of the other conferences. And I have a feeling that Bowlsby's projected 50% loss is optimistic. If the duck could have made even 10 cents to the dollar, don't you think the Big 12; would be at 12/14/16 with a real conference title game and a network by now? There wasn't any available teams to move the mark past where it stood... Now there isn't any combination of available teams (even if the Ir8 jumped to 20) to put them within half of what they lost with the exit of OU and Texas. Conferences are anchored by blue bloods for a reason... Someone has to keep the lights on when the entire league is down... Blue bloods still get National viewers even if not in contention. But unless TT/OSU/ect... is undefeated late in the year, AND in serious conversations of taking it all, they don't get National interest unless playing a National Brand (which seldom happens at all). So the real question becomes; once the butthurt subsides and reality of the cash cow(s) having been stolen,will the Ir8 really care to compete at P5 level when they can't afford to keep facilities, stadiums, coaches salaries, ect. which will kill recruiting and such, just for the prestige of status? 10 to 15 mill off TV deals competing against conferences pulling between 50 - 60 mill is a huge gap will just keep getting wider and wider... 99.9% those on the outside looking in, want in for the money. It will be interesting to see if they still want in when they will be making a few million more as a P5 but needing to spend that and more, just in the new travel expenses. Not to mention P5 coaching salaries, and all the bells and whistles needed to draw in recruits. Football drives the bus when it comes to $$$. But when it becomes a cash drain instead of the money tree, teams step down to lower divisions or shit can it completely.... This is something i could see Kansas do. Even if they lost two or three million a year playing in a BB conference instead of losing 6 or 7 million a year paying for a football program that can't pay for it's own toilet paper.
  21. It might be wise if Frost doesn't see the sun set in Nebraska today.
  22. No doubt... But he should be clawing for expanded playoffs. I'm not sure the ACC (or SEC) are jumping at the chance of adding WVU. WVU has been passed over like a week old Sonic corn dog time and time again. So I don't think I would bet the farm on his batphone blowing up any time soon. But with an expanded playoff, the Ir8 has the option of expanding and trying to compete with 1/4 of the income of the other P5s, sniffing the playoffs every few years, or dissolving the Big 12 and drop the P5 dream for now. Face it, how many are really going to want to stay in P5 Big 12 with a TV deal that barely covers the cost of a totally untested coaching staff and the grey hound tickets to ferry their teams around... Assuming the expanded playoffs was going to have a slot or two reserved for worthy Have Nots, the Ir8s probably could've made more by some going east and some west. They might have taken another mill or so hit playing in the lower league, but with an easier route into the playoffs, they probably would've come out ahead money wise and not stress falling further and further behind their peers.... But the writing is on the wall, the Big 10 has always wanted a 4 team, Champions model (at least until meat chicken comes back around and a 1 loss Mich or OSU routinely gets left out for a 2-3 otro champ). By leaving the Big 12 out, they decided to leave the whale beached to die, but if it does survive somehow, they effectively froze it out of the playoffs unless one of the other champs really tank on their season.
  23. What a fucking moron. Does he not realize by being left out of the cuck coalition, the big 12 is licking glass right along with window coug? The big 12 will be passed over continually. An expanded playoff is there best option in getting into the playoffs more than once every quarter century....
  24. What are the odds that this an orchestrated first move to cull the herd before a P-5 breakaway... Easy way of moving towards super conferences and avoiding messy litigations while shedding dead weight... All that is needed now is for the Pac and the Big 10 to decide the only way to compete is to join forces, leading to a new conference (big 12 style), leaving (certain) ACC schools "panicked" over being left behind causing them to formally apply to one of the other two conferences. With no buy-ins or gor the SEC can probably shed its dead weight the easiest at leasure... Or Texas can "destroy" its third conference, while in-fighting in the new Big-Pac splinters it, leading to 4 super conferences once the dust settles. Or keep two conferences with divisions loosely affiliated under one of the two banners to maximize monetary value and to keep things more balanced between the P5(-4-3-2.) With an expanded playoff, it is kind of silly for Texas and BlowU to leave the Big 12. The Big 12 could have easily gotten two in and often enough, three. BlowU practically had a permanent playoff spot and Texas had a ton of duck money left on a contract that was heavily back loaded. So something big took place behind the scenes for us to be moving. NOTE:. Personally I believe we made the move because the Big 12 was about to get left in the dust behind the SEC, B10, and the ACC over the next 10 years and it was going to hit OU really hard, forcing them to move, like it or not. Add in a decade of ESPN cock gobbling the SEC, sending top talent from across the nation in masses to the (NFL Drafting Grounds) SEC, and it went way beyond just the money... Not sure how Clemson has managed, but the talent disparity has taken a toll on everyone else.
  25. Unless they plan on scattering their OOCs throughout the season, their OOC games will be competing with their own ooc games for best slots. This "alliance" won't last long once the powerhouses from each conference feels like they are getting fucked out of prime time slots.
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