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Everything posted by Gaffords

  1. It's funny how pissed the Big 10 and Pac are. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it the B10 that sparked this whole thing taking corn while the Pac was in talks with the entire B12 south? And didn't the B10 make another run at us via tOSU that led to the DeLoss "we have a tech problem, inferring we aren't moving without a travel partner? (tech back then) It was bound to happen when it dawned on them that with UT, OU, UF, UG, LSU, and 'bama all in the same conference, the SEC can put a premium game on practically every weekend that can compete with, if not surpass anything the other three conferences can produce. Without some major cannibalization taking place, the SEC is poised to leave even the B10 in the dust in T1-T2 contracts long term. You can bet there is a lot of empty promises being made between the three, as the B10 sharpens it's knife and the other two try to figure out how to mortally wound the other as they hold their breath
  2. That or send enough strongly worded letters...
  3. Until they figure out how to compete with ESPN directly, ESPN will continue to control the narrative and in the long game, get what they want. Expanded payoffs doesn't have to happen today... But tomorrow??? Not scheduling SEC teams really doesn't affect the SEC teams much. With the way ESPN controls the narrative, the SEC has been scheduling complete puffs for years, and it gets treated as if they just beat the 85 bears. The "alliance" might block multiple teams from a conference, but when ESPN salting the casual viewer perception and rating drop, because the "better" (SEC) teams aren't in. Besides, I doubt the "alliance" sticks together more than 3 years. Each conference has their own agenda to benefit their own conference.
  4. Watch for a live feed to pop up on YouTube. At game time search for football or NFL or Indianapolis - live. There are usually obscure streamers on there
  5. ESPN_SRC pretty much locked up Texas with the three teams they now have in the stable. The rest are only a blip in viewers if they are having an exceptional year, or playing a blue blood who is solidly in the hunt (as long as they have a legitimate sjot at playing spoiler).
  6. I remember the neg bomb I received for voicing my concern over Strong bringing Shaw Twatson with him... Just let it go and you will be just fine.
  7. Here's one that spends first part of the article slamming Texas, then the next half spouting off about how Colorado should jet to the Big 10... https://www-denverpost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.denverpost.com/2021/07/31/texas-oklahoma-cu-buffs-college-football/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16277827554913&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.denverpost.com%2F2021%2F07%2F31%2Ftexas-oklahoma-cu-buffs-college-football%2F
  8. It will be funny when the SEC does divisions and not pods. Aggy stuck in a division with the pirate, gomer, UT, Bama, and LSU...
  9. Option A. Leave quietly and undisruptive as possible (Maryland) at the appropriate time. Option B. Try to burn down the house on the way out. (...)
  10. Obviously the Big 12 have an idea what the next contract negotiations are going to look like and it isn't pretty... And that was with Texas and OU still included. Why else would the two leave with an expanded playoff that both could make practically yearly (if Texas gets its shit together). Now imagine the $$$ without Texas and OU. The first school to get a decent offer will jump. And that's all it takes. Once the Big 12 drops below 8 members, they break their contract with ESPN, who could (likely will) dry up the cash well.
  11. Not to mention the ACC is one the BUGs favorite poaching grounds.
  12. I love the fact the SEC leadership, along with all the schools, knew it was best not to bother bringing aggy in on these meetings. No intelligent discussion to be had with aggy, so best to leave aggy in the dark...
  13. Did not want the SEC. But aggy is making it easy to warm up to the move.
  14. aggy got their fairy veto wings vetoed.... Yep kiddo, that there deputy badge is made of real genuine recycled plastic.
  15. I would like to see the breakdown of the survey. 360 respondents but only 20% Presidents, 30% ADs and 21 commissioners makes the 61% of the P5 favor breaking away seem a little suspect. Is the 61% based only on the 65 p5 schools commissioners, presidents, and ADs? If so, is it based on the 20%, 30%, 66% average? To me 100% p5 commissioners would vote yes. 90% of P5 ADs would vote yes. 75% of Presidents (probably much higher seeing most mutlischool collaborations extend way outside conference members anymore) would vote yes.
  16. Let's all go full aggy. Let's leave this conference because it sucks.... Not that we suck suck so let's go suck even more somewhere else. It sucks so bad? Why? Because the purple wizard made us his bitch? Because the horned frogs have a really good reason to be horny when we are up next. Okie lite? Baylor? Tech? Iowas St. Is a threat every time we play. We need better p5 OOCS!!! Why? Because losing to EVERYONE ELSE'S favorite p5 ooc isn't enough? Kansas didn't even realize it was okay for a BB school to beat a P5 FB school during football season because it had been that long. Getting owned by another "Kansas" *cough* Maryland isn't enough? I hate to really say it, but we are a big part of the suck in the Big 12 over the last decade. Don't even get me started on OU... The worse OU team in recent history and we can't put them down? They play in this same shitty conference but yet they seemed to have made the playoffs with no problem even with a loss. The BiG12 sucks so bad. It took some major ESPN lobbying to get Alabama in over Okie lite during the latter BCS years... it took a TCU fuckup late in the season for tOSU to squeak by them into the playoffs one year. The B12 sucks is a matter of perception that obviously isn't shared nationally. Out of the P5 conferences the B12 isn't one that has suffered from being left out of the playoffs in favor of others with the same record.
  17. No fan is ever happy for the loss because the other team needed a hang in there little buddy type of win... Especially when your Team has been lost in the same desert as ours, just as long as ours. Take the loss pussy is one thing. Happy for aggy without any concern for the mass sheep rape coming? Only aggy.
  18. Sam is the reason we won at Tech but not the reason we lost to TCU or OfukinU. Flawed yes. A significant part of the problem? Fuck off
  19. There are several news articles from around the time piggy left floating around. Army and the SEC was expecting Texas to follow Arkansas a year or two later, but Texas backed out and the B12 was formed shortly after... After Texas didn't take the spot, aggy went into full "aggy puts out" mode begging for that invite and didn't stop until -finally....
  20. In all fairness.. I do NOT want to play aggy either. My reasons 1 thru 10 are: FUCK AGGY aggy reasons not wanting to play tu are: 1 oh fuck no... 2 but, but, but... 3 oh please GOD. I'll sacrifice my favorite, slightly used sheep if you help poor aggy.. 4 but, but, but... 5. I scared. 6. what if... 7. Is it still a quality loss if it's to the sips? 8. I do not like this... 9. I think aggy can. I think aggy can, I think aggy can.... Oh fuck... aggy gonna get raped. 10. Hold me!
  21. The first time some ESPN asshat said a loss in the SEC really wasn't a loss at all to excuse a late season bama loss, nothing short of an extinction event was going to keep Aggy out of their wet dream of a conference home. The whole media hype that in the collective known as the SEC where if one wins everybody wins was cool and everything, but to aggy, it was the whole loss thing that completely brianfucked them. Aggy has always struggled with all those kisses (not only in sports). They spent 150 rationalizing 150 years of shortcomings and how to make them irrelevant. The dream of a collective conference where aggy is only measured by its victories finally legitimized aggy view of themselves as elite. So they thought. Even in the SEC, aggy still struggles with the same ghosts they always have. So they rationalize the same shortcomings with things like when the B12 recruits cycle through and we have SEC recruits, we will dominate the SEC. A loss to other SEC elites is better than beating weaker non SEC p-5 teams. A 2 (or 3) loss aggy will get into the playoffs over almost any other non SEC team with 1 (or 0) loss because of quality losses. In other words... Same old aggy. Who is starting to figure out their new boters are still being measured by the same shortcomings everyone else did... Then the true butthurt aggy full of penis envy will come out.
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