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Everything posted by DeadArmadillo

  1. Did any of you Surlys know that in Season 2, Episode 12 of M*A*S*H, Trapper treats a soldier in the post op room who saved 10 of his mates from certain death. The young man tries to give credit to others, but it’s apparent that he’s the true hero. The soldier’s name? PFC Sammy Erlanger. Coincidence?
  2. I'm sure Kirby Hocutt is shaking in his boots because of an internet attorney posting on Surlyhorns . The Big 12 probably hasn't even considered hiring an attorney, much less an group of accomplished ones
  3. Revisionist history https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/texas-tech-still-not-fans-of-the-longhorn-network/amp/ ESPN was trying to place a Tech - Texas State game in San Marcos on the LHN. Tech had agreed to help the Bobcats open their expanded stadium and FBS membership by visiting them to open the 2013 season. It was the “1” in a 2 for 1. Mouse used some wording in a WAC contract to claim the action was legitimate. Hocutt called them out and refused to play on LHN saying that he had donors that would cover any incurred monetary penalties for Tech not showing up for the game. And why the hell would you allow another school to benefit from your game? So ESPN had to back down and place the game on a similarly shitty ESPN network. But one that didn’t directly benefit a direct competitor
  4. Texted my 85 year old dad to let him know that the Astros game was on big ESPN. Freudian slip?
  5. Later in the thread, he clarifies that it was a Big 12 member pre expansion.
  6. Really? REALLY!!! I’m going to be the first one to point out that page 420 is almost exclusively about Colorado? I’m a complete dumbass and I noticed that. This evening, I’m disappointed in Surly
  7. Kid has gotta get his head on straight. And he probably is going to be doing it in Big Spring or Kilgore for at least a season. An 18 year old, or younger, dealing with a grown woman is bound to end badly. There's something in there that's undefeated and is so for a reason. Don't challenge it
  8. It gets you plenty in hookers and blow, but just a few massive football structures
  9. Not $30M It’s $200M Texas Tech football thanks America for being dumb and relying on petroleum
  10. Indeed Jones Stadium, or a nearby team hotel is easier to get to than almost any B1G school's facility. It might even be easier than any of them. It's literally about a ten minute bus ride from an airport that can land a 747. I don't know where people come up with crap like this
  11. Price keeps dropping. One of you Surlys needs to jump in and buy that bitch. It’s big enough for all of us and a couple of dozen strippers and hookers to party as hard as we want. And I like to party
  12. I watched it yesterday. Dude did some WORK!!
  13. Was driving some short distances. My dad had some major dental work at 85 and I needed to hang out with him a little. Wasn’t paying much attention between leaving their place and driving around. Figured not much would happen in that 15 minutes or so. I pretty much missed the whole game
  14. Saw it was 1-0 Angels when I was at my folks house. Drove 2 miles home and realized I couldn’t watch it there. Drove 3 miles to my girl’s house because she has Apple TV. Found it and the Astros were up 8-1!! Damn that was fast!!
  15. I don’t know. Southern California vs Bloomington, Indiana in November? Close call
  16. Provo is the World Capital of MILF. That clean livin’ keeps them women lookin’ sweet an extra decade into life, at least
  17. Heard on the radio broadcast that the Astros have never had that happen in Seattle. So they're still Sweepless In Seattle
  18. Nobody parties here but me And Dwayne
  19. We didn’t lose — we just ran out of innings
  20. Unlike your average Perkin's waitress or Rachel Uchitel
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