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Everything posted by linux

  1. The absolute biggest problem of the game offensively was the three drives in a row that UH got, technically there was a Texas fake field goal in there, but it was the complete meltdown that allowed UH to get back in the game. I don't necesserally agree it should be something to worry about since the time with halftime was flukey. It is the 335, secondary and MASH unit right now takes precedence. That said if the above does not happen the injuries probably don't either.
  2. linux


    This is all fine and good, the problem is the intent and that intent was annexing the West Bank. They don't get a cookie for looking for peace in Gaza while they clearly intend to leverage that peace to violate the West Bank. In the end they got the blowback the usual blowback fascists create.
  3. Yup I said it before, he could get a job at McDonalds if they fire him today, and he would make more money! imagine the gomers thinking that having a head coach daydream about flipping burgers, is going to be in the correct mental state to win them championships.
  4. Christian Jones loved soccer and only played OL for the first time his senior year of HS, sometimes our fans are real idiots.
  5. linux


    This is pretty damn lame, anyhow I posted evidence, you post pearl clutching, those that follow reason agree with me, those that are emotional agree with you.
  6. linux


    Again you keep skirting the confessions from fucking Benjamin Netanyahu.
  7. linux


    Notice how none of you address their actions and statements. To you funding Hamas is no big deal and always "a move to peace" basically Trumpian logic, when they literally say that they fund Hamas to maintain perpetual war.
  8. linux


    Well maybe they should not have funded Hamas in the 80s, aka the minute they were founded. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ Israel does not care for peace, otherwise they would have moved back to the Green line and be done with it, they want to keep stealing West Bank/Jerusalem territory and hence Hamas is a useful pawn in doing this, prop up Hamas by giving them money and they weaken the PLO in the West Bank making annexations easier. It is simple Game Theory, only maccabre game theory because they placed settlement annexation as a higher priority over state security, and then Oct 7 happened, the minute they go back to thinking they can contain Hamas is the minute they will give them money again. These are Bibi's words not mine “’Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. ‘This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.’”
  9. linux


    Lets get something clear, Israel funded newborn Hamas, Netanyahu was revealed recently to support the existence of Hamas. “’Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. ‘This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.’” Basically the fact that Hamas exists today is basically Israel's doing, from the 80s to today, all to thwart the PLO.
  10. Honestly his comment is more of an indictment of the absolute pond level scum sports TV/Radio is right now with Stephen A, McAffee, and all the sports talk losers. Josh is very biased and it is that Texags link.
  11. His polls are who is better poll, it is a predictive poll like what Vegas probably uses, I mean I also think UT will beat OU in December too. That said these polls should be nowhere near what should be the CFP poll which is who is more deserving.
  12. linux


    This is my theory, Israel is using dumb bombs, this is indisputable based on F-16 video evidence, this in itself proves they are not being safe with their targeting, also it could also be an errant artillery shell. (though less likely due to the fireball) That said the lying about the rocket is also extremely bad, I don't think a rocket can be going supersonic in its ascent phase. The cameraman would have noticed. Whatever hit the hospital was in the terminal phase. Having EC-2 Hawkeyes in the area I am certain Biden knows if it was a plane though, this was an egg in his face and should take things seriously.
  13. Dumbass redneck does not get that they moved heaven and earth just to get one over big bro, remove the Texas element and A&M does not leave even the Big 12 out of turdition. You want em to fire Jimbo? just show em Texas fans asking them to keep Jimbo, that ought to do it.
  14. Found on reddit they did it the fuckers did the bean story is true
  15. linux

    PFF Thread

    I don't know how to get that specific, all I know is that they are claiming 160 snap/player pressures for the season, but I don't have the absolute total to divide that by, as for pass rush itself UT is #20 is their national grade.
  16. I hate that I have to be fair to aggy but he is talking about those coaches coming home, not specifically to A&M, but yeah the Aggie flirtation with NFL coaches is hilarious, unproven commodities that don't know how to recruit? and can't bring a good staff or portal players? sign me the hell up!
  17. linux


    The war in Iraq was bad, millions+ dead because of it, there is no sugarcoating little victories. That said was Kurd stability really a small victory? Donald Trump betrayed the Kurds and left them exposed to ethnic cleansing, their real enemy for decades has been Turkey not Saddam since the no fly zone had protected them for like 10 years.
  18. Of course https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3411277
  19. Yeah he should be looking for that job, or any job, hell even a McDonalds job... It is all fucking game theory, the logical and most beneficial decision for Jimbo Fisher is to be fired today (withoutout cause) from A&M, the contract is guaranteed and does not offset, he can double dip, he can literally earn two salaries for the same hours if they get rid of him this morning. Then you also have the fact that they are probably spying on him to get dirt on him, he is not having sex with a mistress, he is not having sex with his wife, no sex at all. And this was before the Mel Tucker revelations. Because he does something vaguely kinky like doing it in the butt and that is grounds for embarrassing the school and they terminate him for cause. They already did it once to Fran with the newsletter, I wish I could go back in time to that dissapointed me and cheer him up "Don't worry they are about to exponentially fuck up even more"
  20. linux


    After extreme deliberation and really depressing thoughts, the only conclusion that can be drawn from all of this is that don't elect fascists, they are filthy fucking idiots. A) The majority of the IDF was in the west, policing and protecting huge assholes that should be sent to outerspace to settle asteroids, not the WB. B) Their mowing the lawn strategy kept people subjugated, Hamas did something and they retaliated, all of this premeditated all under control, all benefiting electing fascism. C) They did the Alqasa raids on occasion to trigger B, Bibi returning to power meant there was no low/lower that they could go. So why concentrate thoughts on Israel and not Hamas? cause they have overwhelming power, and they use that power in halfassed fashion, just like Donny and his coup. All of this was preventable with competent leadership, but it is the incompetent leadership that used emotion to keep itself in power that allowed all this to begin with. The cycle of stupidity.
  21. I don't know why I thought he had fallen from their triple decker, the game was not even played in CS, but just the thought of Aggy killing people with bad architecture and then saving them through a soft gomer landing (and prayer)... is just so peak them that I just went with it.
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