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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. MSNBC tearing everyone involved a new one tonight. Here are some of the things reported on national news: Everyone was keeping hushed about it to not release anything before the November election to protect Abbot The Uvalde District Attorney was the front person for the messaging to not release anything but she apparently was not investigating anything since the shooter was dead. There were 91 State Troopers on site most of them part of Abbott's operation Lone Start Border Interdiction including all the high leaders of that operation, Numerous City and School Police There were at least 12 officers with body armor, ballistic shields and AR-15s in place within a few minutes of the shooting They had a door breaching device The doors were never checked by the police in the hall but they were looking for a key The doors could only be locked with a key from the outside so the shooter could not have locked it from inside At least one door was not locked or the lock was inoperable They were there in numbers with equipment within minutes, they never checked the door, at least 3 more volleys of fire were shot over the next hour Governor Abbott was trying to cover up these facts until after the election and his task force is in the crosshairs now. The School Police Chief has been suspended and the City council voted not to give him a leave of absence from his council seat so that when he misses his third meeting his seat is vacated The Mayor of Uvalde who berated Beto for saying they are doing nothing is now criticizing Abbot and the DPS. He is fighting back against Austin A FOIA request for the DPS body cam video was ignored and has turned into a lawsuit against DPS The Federal Border Patrol showed up, assessed the incompetent dipshits they were dealing with and they breached the room and shot the killer while all the DPS and City guys were outside holding their dicks.
  2. If there is any karma he will choke on a big mac on 9/11 and that can be the day his cult celebrates. Oh, and this 9/11/22 would be perfect equally as nice would be a stroke while driving his golf cart and going off a bridge into a creek.
  3. How did we miss this? (From February 19, 2022) https://abc13.com/hit-and-run-houston-fatal-car-accidents-man-by-pedestrian/11581089/ In a twist of irony(?) if you search Daniel Martinez the first result is a professional cyclist from Colombia. So was this guy also drunk on starfuckers and heard about our Austin case, decided to follow Gabby Nestande's precedent and drive the rest of the way home and pretend he thought it was a rock or deer? I'm guessing he's not a young blonde with political connections. We'll see how that works out. History Lesson: Gabrielle Nestande (now Gabrielle Marchbanks) was tried for intoxication manslaughter of Courtney Griffen as a result of a hit and run in Tarrytown in May of 2011. This was only 4 years after her father, Bruce Nestande, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor DUI and hit and run charges. Gabrielle was sentenced to 10 years supervised probation, 180 days in county jail and 6 months ankle monitor and breath interlock device which seemed like a very light sentence based on the amount of drinking prosecutors showed she did that night so there may be something to this deer defense. From this lawyer's site: https://joelagordon.com/bicyclist-killed-in-hit-and-run-on-mykawa-road-in-houston-daniel-martinez-arrested/ Very similar circumstances: Late weekend night/early morning, most of the drivers have probably been drinking, hit and dragged the victim, did not stop. I hope the police collected evidence of any possible intoxication. Anyone else heard about this event?
  4. Yep, they will tell the town that they should be homeschooling the kids. Public Education is a dirty word in today's Republican Party. Closing the school means they don't have to worry about history being taught.
  5. He left because he wanted to avoid the shame of being removed by the Senate in the impeachment process. It's the equivalent of not arguing with a bouncer when they tell you to leave the club instead of getting them to throw you in the street. Now a days the bouncers don't bother to enforce anything, they cheer on the assholes trying to grab women by the pussy.
  6. The thing is Fox news is to News in the US what Izvestia is in Russia. Izvestia literally translates to "The News" in Russian and is as appropriate a moniker as the News is in Fox News. They have a whole social media network called the Truth. I find it ironic that the Russian newspaper, Pravda, translates quite literally to "Truth" so the signals of it being all propaganda and disinformation are front and center. Probably a lot of Russian social media manipulators there too. And here it is in practice, not to spread The Truth but DJT's "truth"
  7. Everyone needs to read this. This is horrible that they had the numbers and equipment to go in but they never even tried the doors to see if they were locked. They never even tried the doors. It was unlocked when the shooter went in and they only lock from the outside. Probably had a magnet in place. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/20/uvalde-police-shooting-response-records/ So they had a breaching tool if they were locked but they never even checked Arredono told reporters that they tried the doors and they were locked but SAEN reporters who watched the hallway video say there is no evidence that they ever tried the doors. They could have stopped him 9 minutes in and there were at least 3 other major volleys of fire over the next hour.
  8. As a parent, watching how middle school band works I’m pretty sure that classifies as a cult. Imagine the “Inception” levels of Aggy band (a cult within the cult) and then the whole senior boots, dunking a ring or bonfire groups. Insert Ray Wylie Hubbard snake farm ewwww.gif here.
  9. I'm not counting recruiters. Most of the recruiter stuff I was seeing at least 2-3 years ago was contract spots paying less than my full-time gig. Made me realize I needed to up my resume to reflect where I am now and take off some historical experience. Ugh, I heard an executive say something to this effect. Not truly sociopathic but more of a "we've had employees leaving for these short term paydays at startup x, y, and z, and when those startups crash and burn they come back for stability. If we have a recession maybe our turnover rate will drop." Bingo. #1 I think a lot of it is also that when people quit they try to pawn the work off on other people internally without hiring or giving them a raise. #2 It's a law in some states (Colorado?) I've been affected by the opposite of #3 where I was doing the job of a level above me (4 programs run the same way and I was the only one at the lower level with the worst boss by every measure. I took an internal transfer to the higher level and they had to bring in someone at the higher level to fill the old role. I was shafted out of 12 months of the higher pay) A girl with a short skirt and a loooong jacket. I did not have anyone coaching me on this in my 20s and it killed me. I needed a mentor in a bad way but didn't know it. By accident I left my first job out of college to leave DC and go to Texas and got a bump in salary and lower cost of living. Went through a great rise in the company to middle management. 12 years in I was one of the most productive in bringing in new business (40% of revenue and probably 60% of profit) but got passed over for a serious raise and bonus I felt I earned due to for the revenue/profit. Told my boss he needed to address it but he did not take it up with his boss and I got a 40% raise leaving a few months later. I think my boss may have felt threatened but at the same time the higher ups had probably had decided I was going to be a lifer making money for them. I should have learned from that and parlayed that bump to another one 3 later in but stayed 8 and was the only one on my team doing what needed to get done to actually get checks from our customers. Turned out being competent at that company made you a target.
  10. Seriously it sounds like the opposite of my family here. They think that because I know Trump is one of the most vile people on the planet that I love Biden. There are only a handful of people alive I would not have voted for against Trump in 2020. They don't get that I look at Trump like OU, if Boise St is playing OU I root for Boise St but that does not make me a Boise St fan just that I hate OU. All this time they are like the Penn State fans that once an R always an R no matter what Joe Pa did. There are some people posting on here that they don't vote for Trump but they are not Dems but yall are busting their balls. Take the win graciously that there is another person out there that won't vote for Trump. Maybe they'll eventually get to voting against Abbott, Patrick, and that cock-eyed mutherfucker whose name I don't remember at this moment. Extend that to any souless bastard that promotes the big lie or failed to impeach the fat bastard. Nurture the sprouts, don't stomp them out because it's not a tree yet.
  11. The problem is the MAGA crowd does not understand words like scheme or insurrection. They only understand insults like "Lyin' Ted" or "Crooked Hillary" Dems should turn a phrase on Trump and use "Lock Him Up"
  12. I remember making a snarky comment to the effect that one of the teachers was killed by a cop back then too. when it comes out this actually happened the gun freaks will use it as an argument that limited access to AR 15 will still end with cops killing people with them. Which after all is their big fear that they will need them for a Branch Dravidian or Ruby Ridge standoff.
  13. How about this trade on regulation. Won’t pass but it’s a thought. Take suppressors off the NFA list and put semi-auto rifles on.
  14. Pool Math app affiliated with TroubleFreePool.com it is free without logging and small fee to add log history. You configure it for your pool size, materials and chlorine source. Enter your test results and it does the math for how much chemical adding will balance the water.
  15. While we are being pedantic, My problem is with this point from the article Texans setting new records for electricity demand in the state. Experts told CNN that it's owed in large part to strong performances from wind and solar What the hell kind of logic is that. Demand is up driven by strong supply of renewable sources? Demand is up due to weather, population and crypto miners. We have not crashed because of renewables.
  16. Are you computing your CSI- Calcium Saturation Index? It is a combination of several readings like temperature, pH, CYA, TA and Calcium Hardness. When CSI is above 0.6 you get scaling and below-0.6 you get etching. what are these “good” levels? Here is a screenshot of my readings to show what I mean on CSI. 7 days ago CSI was good but pH and TA were rising and I added CYA. Those 3 pushed me into the scaling range so I added a lot of acid yesterday (actually had minor scale in a couple days in that range) should be perfect today. Edit: noted the part about shocking. Using Calcium Hypoclor to shock your pool raises pH, Total Alkalinity and Calcium hardness.
  17. By Herschel’s logic going to Fallon Nevada and training people on and air defense system and getting a mug means I’m a Top Gun pilot and that new movie is about me. and they liked me so much they ordered me a personalized one.
  18. I don't think they will. They had a statement that her district is so perfect for her there may not be anything she can do stupid enough to get voted out of it. We really need to get away from these +15 districts and back to +/- 2 or 3 districts.
  19. The internet never forgets https://archive.ph/ivW52
  20. So this wasn't a howler monkey impersonation but muscle memory from a previous job.
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