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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. Yep, I think it will help his opponents in any future races and keep him from being nominated for President
  2. It's Ginny, I think short for Vagina
  3. Last night proved this again. Here's a real estate analogy that may make it more clear to trump as his supporters. Trump was losing his property to foreclosure so he created a plan, gathered the supplies and set it on fire to to get the insurance payoff. Why would he call the fire department when his intent and greatest benefit comes from burning it to the ground?
  4. Should the DHS be investigating itself? Maybe they should have FBI or Treasury investigate it.
  5. Thinking of going Ryobi now instead of EGO with it made in USA and EGO reportedly having battery problems recently. Friend has Ryobi Chainsaw and it is great. I still use Echo gas for now.
  6. but their votes don't count towards the EC, do they. Edit: I guess they get 3
  7. I thought about this and it would be a huge win to get the active shooter alert system passed. Even if we only got alerts for active shooters in Texas they would raise awareness of the problem of access to guns beyond what we have now. The real reason the R caucus does not want it passed is that it could lead to reasonable gun control laws being passed.
  8. Here is a story that I have put off telling for a week because it was just too painful and I screwed up so bad it was embarrassing. I did not even look at my car for a week, did not take any pictures, nothing. If I went to the garage I tried not to glance that direction even though the damage was on the far side of the car. I have been working overtime on my car to get interior in and AC working. I had finally buttoned up the AC system under the hood and it is ready for charging. I bought two cans of R134A for my new system and was ready to head off to get it charged last Sunday afternoon (also my anniversary). And I wanted to give my wife a ride in the car with AC for the first time. I started it up but did not wait my usual 5 minutes to get it up to temperature and open the choke so when I backed out of the garage it stalled. I put it in park and tried the key but it did not crank. Tried a few things and still did not crank. So I figured maybe my solenoid is bad so I go to jump it and see if the starter engages. It does, the car starts and it starts pulling away from me in reverse. Begore I could pull the ignition wire to the distributor it side swiped a tree. As you can guess I did not get it all the way into park and the car was in gear and the ignition cutoff switch was working properly and I bypassed that safety switch with my hairbrained idea. Damage is to the passenger door and front fender. Side mirror was also ripped off. At least it was not painted yet. The cowl, hood and rockers are fine. It drives the same. Could have been worse. Took me a week of letting it go to get to where I could tell you guys.
  9. Wrong bullets or set them too high in the neck?
  10. looks a lot like ours. Very nice design. Keep the grass level a few inches below the top of the walls and you will have less grass and leaves blowing into the pool. Here's ours. I like the walls on the right that keep all the leaves from blowing into the pool that land in the grass first. We still have a large tree overhanging the pool so we get tons of leaves. I would say the current style is definitely more modern, hard edges, geometric and less free form flowing. The way I look at it is that it is stone. If a person slips, falls, and hits their head it will do damage either way. Some coping comes with a bull nose edge. It costs more and can be harder to deal with. It would not have worked with our round spa.
  11. Well it took that many to hold back the parents that were trying to get in. https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Video-police-parents-Uvalde-school-shooting-Texas-17200630.php
  12. From December 2020 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/secret-service-to-make-changes-to-presidential-detail-to-bring-on-agents-who-worked-with-biden/2020/12/30/d6fb8fe8-49ce-11eb-a9d9-1e3ec4a928b9_story.html
  13. not only that, nowadays you can sell more than you print because of e-readers and have a higher margin on the electronic copies!
  14. Remember this guy in Austin? https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2016/10/14/man-who-dug-space-under-home-sues-city/9776940007/
  15. Remember this: Trump lost the the 2020 election by the widest margin of votes in the history of US presidential elections. Probably the widest margin of any world leader ever elected in the free world (who cares if this is not true). He's the biggest/greatest loser of all time.
  16. The problem I have noticed with ammo alerts is that it sets the alert for a specific SKU. If there is anything different between what you ask for on the alert then you don't get an alert. 117gr instead of 120gr, Spire point instead of soft point, hunting line vs target shooting line, enter a discontinued item or they change the logo on the box, etc. you get a different SKU and then you don't get the alert. At least that was my experience.
  17. That guy looks related to Sandusky' and drinking from the fire hose
  18. Yep, My wife is the receptionist at the local high school (started in May) and I asked her if they are going to update procedures after this event. She said they are going to go though training again next week. I told her that after she locks shit down and hits the alarm she needs to just run and get out of there, get to the parking lot, something. This cover up and wait shit is bullshit if the cops never go in.
  19. How can this be known? If the coverup is successful it is not punished so how can you say the odds are the punishment harsher? Maybe they get caught on a lesser crime but the coverup hides the major one. Is the punishment for covering up the minor one greater than the one they would have had for the major one?
  20. How about a Trump/Desamtis ticket. They win. Trump dies 2 years in and Desantis serves for 10 years? Edit: They never win the popular vote and 8/9 Supreme Court seats are appointed by those two guys
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