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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. Pretty damned sure Greg Abbott has been sending people on busses. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/15/greg-abbott-texas-kamala-harris-migrant-bus/
  2. If there was ever a time to root for Iran. Looking a lot like Jerry Lewis
  3. Don't forget the adult version of the Weekly world news bat boy who got caught undoing his pants with a teenage girl by Borat who also held a press conference at a landscaping company next to a dildo shop with 10w-30 dripping out of his hair, brought a bizarro election worker lady to a hearing and then used an electric razor at his restaurant table. Trail by combat!
  4. I'd have this moisture farm up and running if Uncle Owen would just let me go to Tosche Station for a power converter.
  5. I've been thinking about this a long time. Could be that the US presidential election threw him off balance, there is the Zeihan stuff, and for it to have worked he probably should have done it in Jan 2021 or the delay to do it after the Olympics threw off the timing. I've said it before. I hope he dies from an artillery hit while taking a shit and falls into his own feces. I was expecting this guy
  6. Maybe Putin called the note and he has to sell. Maybe he wants to turn it into a Condo community "Maga Shores"
  7. Did anyone else catch the poor outfit choice by the woman in this photo? Looks like she's in Risky Business
  8. Negative edge pool only has 3 full height sides. The "edge" side will be flush with the water level. Add one more drop and that drop goes over the edge into the basin. You are right it is a closed system for circulation but the part that will fluctuate is the basin. If your pool is too low on water the basin could go dry when the pumps put it all in the pool and if the basin is too high it will overflow because the pump will move it to the pool where it will just flow over the edge again. Think of it like a Golden Corral chocolate fountain. If you put too much chocolate in it it will over flow onto the table at the lowest level. It is important to have a large enough basin that your pumps wont risk going dry and figuring out how to catch the water even in a stiff wind is a thing.
  9. Yep, With those pools when you have heavy rain instead of going higher on the tile line the water goes into that basin and it will fill fast.
  10. I don't think it is as accurate as this one was. Edit: And it was posted by a cat.
  11. Yes, He might have a legit claim that his deliberation on European policy decisions were a strait "Putin want this list" that he executed. Is trump arguing he wrote it on the back of the Nuclear capability SAP doc that was found at MAL while he was taking notes in that meeting with Putin?
  12. Yeah, but doesn't original jurisdiction for claims of executive privilege belong to that DC District Court? She could have ruled on the AC privilege and should have said "wrong venue" on the Exec P. The Special Master should only be looking for ACP docs which is what the DoJ argued. The second part about the Exec P ruling that bothers me is that the DoJ is the Executive branch. So the ruling says hey, executive, you can't have access tothese documents because they are protected by executive privilege. And the DoJ points at the org chart and says yeah, I report to the Chief Executive, we are the Exec. Would love to see the follow up of, "that guy is an imposter that refuses to acknowledge he lost the election and wants to run a shadow government. Are you aiding his act of sedition, we can investigate that too. "
  13. Yeah, they can evacuate wounded, navigate a mine field or be used to shuttle supplies and ammunition in a fight
  14. https://www.newsweek.com/who-russell-bentley-texas-man-pro-russia-ukraine-1683618 Says if he returns to the US it will be on a Russian tank to liberate us.
  15. I hope that they catch that fucking traitor from Texas in all the chaos with his pants down taking a shit. He gets startled and falls back into his fresh turds.
  16. Yeah, it involves sweating and simultaneous dry mouth and salivating. He also has a drinking problem, not necessarily alcohol, just drinking. But he seems to be able to do it with one hand.
  17. So she wants Trumps team to agree that the classified docs should not be subject to the SM so that her ruling does not go against Trump but can be what he asked for (as long as they change it)? I scratched your back granting the SM now scratch mine and make your request reasonable or I will have to rule against you.
  18. My take is that the undertone is why are we asking for peace instead of nuking the West. We should stop fighting with one arm tied behind our back and light off WW3. Nuclear winter could revers global warming.
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