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Everything posted by staboner

  1. well civilization is destroyed so there is that
  2. holiday looks good out there. like he has found another gear of intensity. good for him. i think having tucker is a big + for him on the defensive end. he is more free and more aggressive out there. tucker is very underrated as a teammate. but we know that.
  3. next thing you're going tell me is that we need to stop pumping out 20th century war machines?
  4. yes man we know. did you just now discover cyber warfare? no one knows shit about is/isn't the big one. do you expect the american government to be on top of any of this? what is exactly so shocking here to you?
  5. you can't stop whats coming. US has big target on back. internets is giant wooden rabbit.
  6. lets build more bombs, planes, walls and shit. that'll do it!
  7. lulz. this shit is always happening. just a matter of time till its the big one.
  8. opp beverly with the bitchassedness.
  9. cp3 is horsefucking the clippers to end this mug
  10. here isn't social media, but still is problematic in its own right. echo chambers, etc on the flip side at least some of us pay attention to certain users and we have some sembalnce of memory and nuance, versus just a one way blast of the same shit over and over
  11. goddamn just checked in to see the bucks have 30 points in 18 minutes of ball. turrible
  12. yeah thats it. they are afraid of 'socalism' even though A) they aren't getting it, and B) they actually fucking need it. its remarkable and that fact tells you all you need to know. america is completely fucked no matter how you slice it. fucking infuriating how bad the general emotional intelligence is in most of the population. my 2 cents. you are floating till tech stocks tumble. once that fake element of the economy flips the market will, inflation goes on, and the dollar kind of shits itself slowly. sprinkle any of the following: - a social media event on film aka the george floyd effect. triggers violence and grows anger further. either side. both sides. all sides. Death Spiral. - geopolitical event - russia takes our ukraine, taiwan and china, etc. all the groundwork is laid here. just a matter of when/how. - a terrorist attack. god help you peeps if you have an islamic terrorist attack. - my money is however on large scale cyber attacks against financial and gov institutions. obviously thats already happening but of course i mean at the scale the crumbles day to day life. or really anything. (charlie) the cake is baked (scrong). and it fucking pisses me off no end.
  13. goddamn jackson getting er done
  14. even with young healthy i think they are too dependant on him creating. similar to luka IMO. If their shots stop falling I think they crumble easier. Whereas with the bucks they have a few more options, even if those options aren't terribly electric. of course anything can happen.
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