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Everything posted by ousux

  1. It's fucking incomplete, doesn't take 10 mins
  2. This team is still on a mission and I'm here for it.
  3. Come on Anthony, save that for the play
  4. We're losing a lot for next season
  5. I like C4 getting more decisive in his runs
  6. Mudhole starting to form a bit. Need more sand and water
  7. I'm feeling a bit too much afternoon Buffalo trace
  8. He has access to the aggy smoking lounge when they play at home.
  9. The Fightin' Ferentzes may be the least impressive top 25 team I've ever seen. The B1G sucking ass has carried them this year.
  10. TSRH ^^ However the world is far from perfect
  11. Doesn't matter, he's gonna win it all as a Texum aggy bulldog.
  12. At least he's being for real, that's the sort of shit he eats himself on a daily basis.
  13. Uhh, you ever been to Louisiana bro? They don't bother with such things as food safety, just gotta be born with a tough gut.
  14. Those heating lamps do wonders keeping meat moist and flavorful..Lincoln would approve.
  15. Or they could take the stance that expanding to 12 next season makes committee decisions less weighty...and why not do something different in the last year of 4 teams? Different as in put in a one less non-conference champion due to the perception they're better than whoever would otherwise get in. (Texas)
  16. This is exactly the way I'm thinking right now, hope I'm wrong.
  17. Froggy became totally irrelevant when the clock hit zero in our last game with them.
  18. Pepper your Angus if you have your heart set on the playoffs, late game fuckup back in October took it out of our control. A good bye and fuck off forever conference championship was always the goal this season, and still within our grasp if we curb stomp sand aggy tomorrow. Or even eek out a win as is our custom this season ffs.
  19. Who else is going to be willing to launder state disaster relief money and funnel it to their next savior head corch?
  20. "Egg bowl" is about the lamest name possible for what is supposed to be a big rivalry game.
  21. No idea how much fire is behind the smoke, but Stewart really is talented and competing with his buddy Johntay Cook could help keep his head on straight. We could do far worse at WR.
  22. Shocking and unpossible *aggy doesn't lie, cheat, steal or diddle children. *Except when they do
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