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Everything posted by ousux

  1. We'll find out soon enough. I'm just happy to once again be back to having multiple Longhorns getting drafted.
  2. Everyone was watching when Sweat and Murphy worked Bama's O-line, and that includes some NFL scouts and GM's. Having said that, I don't follow the NFL until it's playoff time so I have no idea which teams need players at what position, or even the quality of players declaring from other programs.
  3. I don't bet on anything, but if it's either Murph or Sweat that goes before any others.
  4. The really crazy part is he hasn't played his best football yet. Even last year his skills weren't developed enough to consistently dominate like he's been doing this year. I could be wrong, but I think he gets picked higher than most here think. That said I think Murphy is probably the first Longhorn defensive player off the board, and possibly before Worthy, Mitchell and Sanders depending on team needs. (I have no idea about that, the NFL can suck a fat one)
  5. Still blows my mind aggy didn't have someone nailed down before they shitcanned Jimbo. But then again we're talking about about a group of people who have a wildly inflated sense of self worth...so much so they feel they can dictate to the next coach all of the defensive staff has to stay. Smh
  6. That same commissioner was well aware Texas and BloU were leaving before he ever took the job. He seems to be butthurt his charm and wit didn't convince us to stay after he took over.
  7. Jessie Will as DC I'll see myself out
  8. That's a demand from aggy themselves, remains to be seen if any coach will sign on under the condition they can't hire their own staff on both sides of the ball.
  9. In spite of all their bluster, aggy is about to have a budget crisis of their own. Of course none of that matters to a coach who has a signed contract in hand.
  10. I bet if you had an injury list among all P5 teams we'd be doing better than most, certainly not worse.
  11. In the same game their swiss cheese O-line gave up a strip sack scoop and score. I guess aggy can be proud they actually won the game and didn't pull an Auburn...which paid 1.8 mil to be beaten at home.
  12. If we were sitting in the top 4 or even #5 Yormark and his cronies might consider it beneficial to get a team in the playoffs even if it is Texas, but right now there's no guarantee even if we win out. All depends on how petty Yormark is and how corruptible the Rig 12 zebras are.
  13. Not sure mentioning "blood, sweat and tears" is the best way to market something people drink, but I'm not aggy so..
  14. ousux

    Longhorn Network

    I believe LHN had a profound effect on many things college football related. First that comes to mind is Nebraska and Colorado who havent sniffed any real relevance since leaving the Big12 and pretty much killing their Texas recruiting pipelines. Next is aggy and Mizzery running off to the SEC where neither have done anything of real significance, but at least Mizzou has won their division. (and because of LHN we didn't go PAC so we're coming back to torment little bro) Last but certainly not least is I think LHN indirectly led to the extinction of the Pac12. Yes, arrogance and lack of leadership foresight played a role, but if Texas, BloU, Okie Lite and Tech (possibly a couple others) were in the Pac I think the chances of it folding due to bad leadership are greatly reduced and it's the Big12 facing extinction, not the Pac. That said, I'm both a little relieved and sad that the experiment is almost over. Relieved that I'll never have to worry about not having LHN when I want to switch steaming services/cable or move cities, sad that we won't have homer pre and post game shows for every football game. Oh, and also some good baseball, basketball and volleyball coverage. I know there has to be some Longhorn retiree out there who recorded every single minute of LHN from the moment it went live till July 31 2023, (or at least the football related stuff) so clips from the past should show up on the internets for many years to come. Good night sweet prince.
  15. I can understand that, but do you really want him going to an SEC team we'll have to play? I'd rather they make amends and have him come join Cook next season.
  16. Most coaching contracts are incentive based to some degree, but if aggy tries to correct their fuckup by leaning too heavily that way then they're even more delusional than anyone could have imagined. Of course it may give some context as to why Traylor was so annoyed and surly when asked if he interviewed with aggy. I can just imagine how that went.. Bjork: so Jeff, we really want you here at aggyland, but you do know that we're SEC, right? Traylor: Yes, I'm well aware of what conference A&M plays in, but I don't see what.. Bjork cutting him off: Jeff, you know what sort of money we've spent on facilities here? Finest in all the land, and we're about to break ground on more. Traylor: I'm aware of it and yes I've read about the new.. Bjork cutting him off yet again: So Jeff! Here's the thing, we have really high expectations here and we're prepared to make you a part of it! Traylor: That's good to hear, I'm honored. So how much.. Bjork again: So look here Jeffery, the base per year will be about 200k more per year than you're making now, and.. Traylor now cutting Bjork off: wait wait, I thought you were telling me about how big time you guys.. Bjork jumping in: Jeff you didn't let me finish! The best part is we're prepared to throw in some tasty incentives that will give you a chance to make way more than coach Fisher! And the best part is.. Traylor: *hangs up* Sorry, last day of work this week and I'm up way past my bedtime
  17. Jimmy Sexton doesn't play those type games, and you know he's already contacted everyone that could be a candidate regardless if they already have an agent or not.
  18. Don't forget Vasek was rated higher than Burke. I'm ready to see him prove it , but so far we can't seem to mudhole any team enough to allow younger guys some snaps.
  19. That would be such a bitchslap to whoever signs up for that, and you know it would be mentioned often by all the talking heads. Or at least talking heads not named Josh Pate.
  20. If he doesn't land at aggy he will get one of the other jobs coming open. That said I've always thought he'd be the one in spite of some aggy thinking they're somehow too good for an ex-HS coach that has had moderate success as a lower level CFB HC. Of the realistic candidates he's the best fit for their weirdness. I'm sure the aggys who arent thrilled with the hire will talk themselves into him being the next Saban by the spring game. Too soon for "don't care, got Jeff!" Tshirts and mugs?
  21. They aren't on the same level as us as far as athletes on the field, but then again they weren't last year either and Joey managed to do that high school level no punting bullshit and beat us anyway.
  22. I think there's some truth to that. Small guys like Cole Beasley and Wes Welker were never would I would call swole, but both had decently long NFL careers in the slot.
  23. Agree with that, but Whitt can do it at a high level if he puts his mind to it. Slot receivers in the NFL can take quite a pounding on slants and crossing routes, but I think in spite of all his injuries he can handle it.
  24. I know he can, just not sure that's what he wants. I saw an interview where he implied football is something he's good at and he enjoys the brotherhood aspect, but doesn't love the game like some of his teammates do. He went on to basically say he's using football as a way to go on to bigger things...not necessarily football related. Having said that I'd be surprised if he doesn't toss his hat in the ring..too much money on the line and so few players get the opportunity.
  25. Red shorts chick has an Eliza Dushku vibe. I'm in, raider rash be damned.
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