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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. It’s just a projection of an image of “I’m tough and you don’t wanna mess with me.” It’s silly considering the tough guy beat up a teenager with his posse watching. I would probably also add that popular culture has glorified the image of gangsters in movies and tv. Morant decided to cultivate this image and he’s found out what happens when you do.
  2. I am reading through this thread and seeing some really good information being shared. To the parents in here or other posters who have friends with children going through similar stuff you have my respect. Just keep showing your child love and do all you can to better their situation. I attempted briefly to teach in the 4th grade as a special education teacher. One day I tell my co-teacher, someone who has taught for a decade, that one of the kids in the class has autism. He says “We don’t know that.” I became apoplectic because it was literally the first thing in his file. He didn’t even bother to read it. I didn’t need that file to know he has autism because I am on the mild end of the spectrum. I never got help as a kid. My mom just thought I was kinda different. I don’t blame her for not pushing for more answers back then because the knowledge just was not there at her disposal. My reason for mentioning this is if you suspect your child might be on the spectrum to look into the background of who they are being taught by. Have a conversation with them to attempt to discern how they relate to children with autism or children with ADHD. You can have a teacher in the classroom with an Ivy League education that does not understand how to relate to or show empathy to a child that both sees the world differently and learns in their own way as well. I would rather have a teacher from A&M in the class if it meant they had a strong understanding of how to reach children on the spectrum as well as those with other learning disabilities.
  3. I get some good knowledge from the Cloak Room about subjects other than just threads about Trump or the lying clownfraud congressman. If you do not enjoy a particular section of the board just don’t visit that part of this board. I don’t enjoy the football board so I visit it sparingly. If someone posts something on this board in a section you don’t want to read it in just ignore the post or poster. It’s not that hard to do this.
  4. Aww I am sorry to hear that. I do a pretty subpar job at times keeping up with things on here. I hope that Harvey is healthy as a horse.
  5. On Friday I had a family come in and the parents were from Haiti. They had their two daughters with them. One was really quiet for about 30 minutes. I was across the restaurant and heard a loud noise being repeated and I thought someone might be upset. Once I saw where the noise came from I recognized what was happening. One of the daughters was autistic and communicating to her parents. I have a manager who has worked in restaurants for our company for five decades and he has an autistic nephew. This guy has the patience of Job and he just says “Everything is okay” He recognizes the different ways an autistic kid communicates. Our bartender is a really nice guy, but he doesn’t understand the beauty in how she was communicating. He says in an empathetic way “That poor girl.” I wasn’t upset with him. I had a free moment so I explained to him that she is on the spectrum and she is just communicating to her mom. They know I am on the mild end of the spectrum so I told him that to her we are the strange ones for not communicating the same way she does. We get to the end of their meal and I talk with the parents some more and the dad felt embarrassed and tried to apologize for his daughter being loud. You can tell he is used to his daughter being stared at when they are out. I explained to him I am on the spectrum and that how she communicates is awesome to listen to and that she was disturbing no one. I got a little choked up talking with our manager because he knows how hard this is on the parents. To me it was beautiful, but to others it would be an annoyance and interruption of their meal. I’m thankful I work in a place where we are so accepting of people like that young lady. I mention this story because I know all of you at one tIme or another have been in this same situation in a restaurant or store and some people may have made fun of the person or gave disapproving glares. If you ever see it tell the parents something nice because you just don’t know how they are feeling. I can guarantee they have heard their daughter called the r word at some point by people who have no idea what is going on.
  6. I got a ticket for opening night on the 23rd. I know this movie will be entertaining, it’s just a matter of the surprises they add into each new movie. Keanu Reeves just seems like a very cool dude so watching his movies are a fun experience.
  7. I would agree with this. They are destroying their meal ticket. He isn’t showing that he is learning anything other than his talent with a basketball in his hand enables him to get away with assaulting a teen and that he can associate with people pointing lasers at opponents after a loss. Either you come down hard on him or he will do something he cannot get out of. The Grizzlies front office needs to take a look at the long view here and realize their best player is being negatively affected by the people he has surrounded himself with. He needs to get the message that either he fully cuts ties with them or he gets to find out what happens when you continually mess around.
  8. You can bet your bottom dollar they were forced to do that by the league office. Turn that into a rest of the season ban. You cannot allow him to play anymore this year. That guy is mentally a train wreck and is a ticking time bomb. I do not care how good you are. If you are harming the lives of others like he did with that teenager you are not mentally well.
  9. Looks like he is under full investigation after flashing a gun on Instagram in Denver after a loss. He needs to be suspended immediately and without pay. He is an infinitely more talented Javaris Crittendon, but he has to be shelved by the league. Either he separates himself from the off-court life he is living or he gets exiled right out of the league. He continues to repeatedly show violent tendencies and it will come to a head with him and his clownshow posse doing something that causes severe injury or God forbid death to someone.
  10. I remember reading an article about how New Yorkers originally detested Duane Reade and didn’t like having chain locations like that. Decades later many are nostalgic about them. I can add them to the list of places I will not shop. We thankfully have a lot of choices on where to go for what a Duane Reade/Walgreens has. Your area of the city definitely has several choices where you can get you and Rini what y’all need.
  11. You absolutely can without a membership. I used them before I did get a membership and they are really convenient and I never have issues with them.
  12. I have three coffee makers, but I do not use them a great deal because I work in a restaurant and I wind up using the Nespresso machine to get coffee every morning. I have one that does K Cups and cappuccinos, another for espressos only and then another Delonghi one I was given for helping someone move. It was unused and when I looked it up would’ve cost at least 700 or so to buy. It makes great espressos and full cups as well. I have a grinder and French press as well because might as well have one. If the apocalypse comes I’ll have enough coffee to survive it! I brought back a few Tahitian coffee brands that I want to grind up and try from my trip there. Some really good coffee down there. I am up for trying more refined methods for making coffee because it’s cool to try new things and see how it tastes. This thread is perfect for learning more about how y’all partake in a cup of joe. One thing I do enjoy putting in coffee is heavy cream. Such a good taste so long as you don’t go overboard with it. It’s hard to get that from coffee shops though, but we have a ton of it at work which is nice because we make egg creams with it.
  13. If you are sending your kids to a charter school you are part of the problem. I do not care to hear “Oh but our charter school is not like the rest of them.” You want your child to not be in a public school? Send them off to a private school where you are footing the entire bill. Charter schools exist for just one reason and that is to turn a profit for the investors in them. That is it. Hot wheels can pontificate all he wants about woke ideology and how it is an affront to western civilization or whatever, but that farce is just to take attention away from children being willfully used by adults to make money in these schools. I would be ashamed and embarrassed if I had a child and put them in a charter school.
  14. Silver needs to step up and grow a set and suspend this coward for the rest of the season. Beating up a 17 year old because he threw a basketball at you? How long until we get a domestic violence report filed against him and multiple members of his traveling clownshow? People with physically violent tendencies will give you evidence of their behavior regularly. I seriously doubt this is the first time that he has bullied someone not in a position to really fight back.
  15. That would be cheaper than what I paid while I was on vacation in January. We still have fairly cheap gas prices here.
  16. With common sense. This is the rare instance I will take the side of the men and women cutting the checks. If you want to show up and just hangout and not play feel free to do so, but do not expect a game check. AD has missed so many games during his tenure with the Lakers that I am at a loss as to recall every real and imagined injury this guy has had for my team. A full stop to being paid for services not rendered is the solution. It does not need to be up for debate with the Player’s Association. Tell them this is how it is going to be. The owners can put all that money into the NBA Cares charity fund or something else worthwhile instead of the pocket of players faking injuries or wanting load management. Put that on the table for the next collective bargaining and don’t budge on it in any way whatsoever. Fans should not have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to see a team’s third banana be the marquee attraction on a given night because one or two stars want to not play.
  17. If you are sitting out a game in which you do not have an actual injury you should not get paid for that game. Either get out there and play or forfeit that game check. We would find out pretty quickly just how many guys want to take part in “load management.”
  18. So Jimmy Haslam is going to be the new Owner/Governor of the Bucks. I read that and all I could do is laugh. I mean I would think that the NBA would maybe not want someone of his ilk being a part of it, but money seems to talk.
  19. This is where I am at as well. I do not get to watch as many games as you do, BUT if I can have just one guy on my team I want Giannis. Right now he is the best overall player in the game and he is going to be there for awhile. Jokic does things though that are mesmerizing to watch. I fell in love with basketball the first time I saw Magic play as a kid. I have never seen anyone quite like him, but Jokic has that type of vision and intelligence about what is going on around him. He sees the possession before it starts and goes from there. It helps that he has some talented players around him to be sure. Congratulations to Lillard on his 71. I really don’t have anything else to add there that would be complimentary. I did read it was ridiculously efficient though.
  20. I am a big fan of going to the ANHM and if you have not been I would suggest that seeing the Northwest Coast Hall as part of your trip to the city. The artifacts they have on loan in that display are so cool to look at. You cannot help but marvel at the artistic capabilities of human beings.
  21. Scoring has been cheapened. That much is obvious. Some guys are going to get a rude awakening in free agency when they go looking for a big contract based on their scoring average. I did not enjoy the early 90’s combat basketball era and right now the pendulum has swung way too far in the opposite direction. I like high-scoring basketball, but if the mediocre Blazers have an historically good offense then yes things have gone off the rails.
  22. @Sbbruin WOW! Those are some really cool pictures and it’d be cool to see more when you have time to find some. Thank you for sharing them and the backstory as well. What an amazing trip and memories you have from it. Your dad seems like a pretty awesome person for doing this with y’all. The best I can accomplish is kayaking through a few rough waves, much less sailing through thousands of miles of open ocean!
  23. I am not sure where we are at right now on the Dotard Scorecard of Lawsuit Dominance, but he sure does seem to be closer to Charlie Strong vs. Kansas than Nick Saban vs. the field.
  24. Half the team would be future members of the Australian National Team. He’s a really good coach. I have enjoyed watching his St. Mary’s teams over the years, especially in the games against the Zags.
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