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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. I mean that name is just priceless. He fulfilled his destiny as the ultimate douchebag.
  2. Man that looks really good. I would not have guessed something like that being in Garfield, but that’s cool and thank you for sharing that. Overall I find that there are a lot of places to get pretty good burgers up in this area. I honestly think that in NYC you will find better burger places than pizza. My last trip to Garfield was December 2021 and it ended with a trip to the emergency room, stitches on two fingers to partially bring together the skin that was left on the knuckles of my ring and middle finger. The middle finger on my left hand is still bent down more than a year later. Perhaps I should have just gone to Steve’s and skipped the grocery shopping that day! I have not had Wingfield’s in a long time, but gosh it was really good. Those bacon grease fries had great flavor.
  3. Simmons says challenge accepted! The more money some of these guys have the faster they burn through it. He’ll be broke within a year of leaving the NBA. I don’t wish that on him, but almost a million for a ring?
  4. What little clear video exists of Arvydas shows the modern big man about 20-25 years before we got to see it in the NBA. You will always kind of wonder what might have been with him if not for the Cold War. He always has seemed like a really nice guy when he has been interviewed. I read before where he thought Domantas would be the one that could be a professional basketball player out of his sons because of his attitude and work ethic. Seems like he knows his son fairly well.
  5. This guy is strolling on the Antoine Walker path of financial security.
  6. I still find it humorous the amount of teams that passed on him in the draft. He is ridiculously talented. I have mentioned this before, but when I got to see him in-person in the NCAA tournament against a Utah team that had Poeltl and Kuzma I knew he was going to be really good at the next level. He was far and away the best player on the floor and they blew the doors off Utah that day. Seeing him then was what I imagined it must’ve been like seeing his dad before his body gave out. I mean his pedigree alone should’ve told a GM “Hmm so Arvydas is his dad? This kid might be able to stick in the league for a few years!” I mean the Raptors traded to get Poeltl in the 2016 draft when they could’ve picked Sabonis who had just given them evidence head-to-head that he was the better player.
  7. I am cool with this trade because Hachimura is someone I enjoyed watching going back to his Gonzaga days. The Lakers need more guys like him on the roster if they ever want to even think about making the play-in games.
  8. The Great James Madison High School in Sunny South Dallas has this as their fight song. They play it like this (Obviously not near as good as The Sonic Boom does) and will play the full song and not just a part of it. I remember it going all the way through the kickoff after a TD many times. They borrow much of what they play from JSU, especially their halftime music. I always thought it was cool and really unique though to be hearing Get Ready as a fight song at a high school game since almost every school just has a college fight song and not music from The Temptations.
  9. Today for me is three years since I woke up still drunk. I went to work 30 minutes late, but my manager did not notice because he was a heavy drinker. I got to work and told a co-worker that I was just going to have to stop right then and there. It had destroyed my personal life. I was a functional alcoholic and I could still do my job without any issues. Personally I was a wreck, but once I stopped and figured out the why if the drinking issues and how it was connected to autism is the point where life finally made sense. Three years later and I am blessed enough to take a vacation for a month to a place I have always wanted to go to. If I were still drinking I could not do this and honestly the alcohol would’ve just eventually killed me like it did my aunt who died two years ago tomorrow from her liver giving out. She was a nurse for 33 years and knew better, but alcohol and depression and an alcoholic boyfriend did her in. It’s amazing though just looking back and seeing the path that God has taken me down since I put down the bottle. The people who I have met and the opportunities I have had to help others who are in tough situations has been incredible. Not everyone is able to put that bottle down, but I am glad I did. Last summer I talked to Steven Furtick at my job. He’s a pastor that some of you would know by how plainly he dresses. We talked for about 15 minutes and found out how much we had in common. One thing I said to him was that he is able to bless people by reaching them where they are at and not looking down on them. I told him I work with guys that drink a lot and have a ton of issues with depression, but I felt good about where I work. He confirmed my thoughts when he said God has you in the place you are needed. I say that not to say that you need to be religious. You do not need to be. Just find where you fit in in life and make the most of the life you have every single day. I will not waste anymore of my life. I decided that I am going to take two months off every year to do what I need for my own mental well-being and I am lucky I have an employer that supports that. Anyhow y’all be well and keep being a blessing to those you meet.
  10. I was thinking about people I have waited on that people would know. I had LeAnn Rimes about 6-7 years ago when I worked in Huntington out on Long Island for a brief spell. I have also had CC Sabathia, Mark Cuban, Steven Furtick(Minister of a big church in North Carolina.). I had Holly Hunter not too long ago and briefly met Rainn Wilson over the summer because my manager wanted me to. He was exceptionally nice to everybody. I also had a really cool conversation with Darryl Strawberry even though I wasn’t serving him. Gayle King was really sweet when I met her. She is another regular. I had the guy from Shark Tank named Robert Herjavec. Very polite guy. I see Colin Quinn once a week because he and Seinfeld eat breakfast together. He always brightens the place up because he’s really friendly. Seinfeld is pretty quiet. I waited on Seinfeld’s wife once before and she was nice. Maury Yeston is another regular. You can look up what he has done. That man is a treasure and has so many stories from his career writing music and plays. Another guy that always brightens the place when he shows up. I also served Roy Wood Jr. three days before Christmas. How that happened was pretty funny. I went and chased him down because our manager wouldn’t seat him at a table by himself. I wasn’t having that so I went outside and caught up to him and put him in my section. We actually wound up talking about FAMU since he is an alum and had a sticker on his laptop that I noticed. I actually started listing off the HBCU bands I like and their nicknames and he was like “Man you really know your s••• about this!” We talked about Deion going to Colorado (He 100 percent supported taking the payday) and I wished him luck on hopefully hosting The Daily Show. He told me once that gets settled he will get a residency in the city to perform and he told me to check his Instagram because that is the first place he’ll put that. Very nice guy. I think the funniest moment serving a celebrity was LLCoolJ telling me to make sure the kitchen cut up his eggs on his Pastrami Hash he was having for breakfast. I was not going to ask our kitchen to do that since they were really busy. I bring him his food and you can see he is upset about the eggs. I look at him and just say “Sir do you want me to cut up your eggs for you?” He looks up and says “Man I’m really bleeping hungry so I’m gonna just eat it.” I went and gave him two muffins to take to his TV interview he was going to. He was good. His assistant says “Are you taking those muffins?” He looks at her and says hell yeah Iam! I’m hungry!” He is a really nice guy to be honest and is a regular.
  11. This is a really cool story for your son to be able to tell @bernorange for the rest of his life. I am glad Shaq was so nice. He has a really good reputation as a person. I’m a lifelong Lakers fan, but I have a much older story about Shaq. My high school played Cole in the opening round of the 89 playoffs. They went up early because Shaq dunked after the officials cowered on the floor and they got a tech. I remember reading about this game because the library at my high school had the old yearbooks. I opened the one that had this story. It was written by one of the guys who played in that game. He was the star QB/LB for Lampasas and was not a bad basketball player either. It was written by Lee Wiginton who is now the head coach at Allen. His first year as a high school coach was my freshman year of high school. He wanted to coach with his father Ken who had been a longtime Lampasas coach at that point.
  12. I drive down to see a legendary surf spot, but since you need to get a boat to see it up close I just hung out on the beach for awhile and decided I will come back and do the boat trip another time. This dog decided my rental car was a great place to get some shade.I do not blame him! The other dog was chillin on top of the car where his best friend was waiting on his dinner. I have seen some funny things here with dogs. Seeing a dog on the roof of the car made me smile and laugh.
  13. At the beach yesterday and got to watch this bundle of awesome for a bit. IMG_6026.MOV
  14. Keep the stories coming. Someone here start documenting all this and figure out how to make it into a series.
  15. I was in the 5th grade the first time I saw a badger. It was our high school mascot so they bring one in for all the elementary students to see. Someone decided to put it in this small enclosed atrium so we could see it up close. The badger completely shredded everything in the atrium. I have always laughed at people since then who do not understand fully what they are capable of doing, especially if they feel cornered.
  16. Wolverines scavenge, but they are also killing machines when they want to be. You posted a video that I know I have seen before of the man catching it. Here’s what I want to see. Put a man in a room with no weapons, just some shorts and a shirt and let’s see how it goes for oh, let’s say 99.999999999 percent of our population that wants to go at one. The only thing humans excel at is destroying habitat and taking away land from awesome creatures like that wolverine.
  17. All of this stuff is show worthy. This is a Pandora’s Box of craziness that people would watch.
  18. I am going to be vocal about what a fraud he is. This guy needs some serious professional help, but no one around him has the bravery to step in and tell him he needs some psychiatric help. Tank Twitter and Tesla, SpaceX and anything else in the portfolio. This is what he will do because his mind does not think rationally and he makes no attempt to even work on that aspect of his insanely narcissistic personality.
  19. That’s awesome man! If I ever get around to having kids then Saturday mornings are reserved for cartoons for at least two hours with Scooby Doo, Johnny Quest, Duck Tales and The Jetsons in the lineup.
  20. Scooby Doo is my all-time favorite cartoon. I enjoyed watching it and a Pup Named Scooby Doo as well as a kid. They were both awesome. I have not heard really anything good about this version focusing on Velma. I’m a hard no on watching it. Some things you just need to either stick with the formula that has worked or just don’t touch it. This seems like one of those mishaps.
  21. I was told the weather there has been pretty mild. My friend that is watching my apartment said it was warm enough the other day that he took my shih tzu out fora mile walk. The weather has been all over the place this winter. A good snowstorm would be cool. I’m sure one will hit in February.
  22. I know NYC is known for their pizza, but I am about as far removed as you can be from there right now and I have had pizza twice here and the taste is superior to anything I have had in NYC. Pizza places in the city need to either up their game or just charge more and put better ingredients on the pizza. People will pay for it if it is really good.
  23. I’m on vacation and should be trying to get some sleep right now, but man reading the updates to this story are just amazing.
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