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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. Watching Texas descend into the abyss because of so many horrific people in charge makes me not ever want to even visit the state again. My mom has asked me several times to come back to visit and I tell her there’s a plane ticket for her to come to New York anytime she wants to stay as long as she wants. I have been thinking long-term about where I want to live and I am pretty certain it will not be in the US. Where I am on holiday right now is my end goal for where to live, but that’ll take some time and a ton of work to pull it off.
  2. A Speaker that thanked TFG and one who voted to overturn the 2020 election. The next two years are ones I am going to completely ignore when it comes to anything from the House. I will not allow the incoming constant flow of TFG fueled negativity we are going to see from the GQP. If I were the Democrats I would not show up to a single one of the Hunter Biden sideshows or really anything else this cults puts on the agenda. It should not amaze me, but seeing how people willingly waste their one shot at life on acting like this does amaze me. We do not get a 2nd shot to redo things and there are 200+ representatives anxiously looking forward to acting like children in order to own the libs. These people need professional help to reset their brainwashed cult mindset.
  3. In 2021 I took a week-long trip to Vermont during the time that it had been a year since I stopped drinking. Last year I had two badly injured fingers that prevented me from doing anything to celebrate. I decided several months ago that not only was I going to celebrate year three in a place I have wanted to go since I was a kid, but I was going to go for the entire month of January. I badly needed this break also because working as a server is very mentally straining for me. I love what I do, but mentally there is so much I have to process, not least of which is loud noise in a small area. I booked a bungalow about 3km’s above the ocean in Tahiti in Punaauia. I did not want to stay at a hotel with tourists. The only noise I hear up here is some random roosters roaming the neighborhood as well as a few birds. It is a blessing to be able to take a month off work, but I have an understanding GM as well as another manager that encourages me to do things like this. I am going to attempt to take time off every six months so I do not get too overloaded mentally. I realize that most of y’all cannot just up and leave for a month, but please at least take a weekend for yourself when you feel completely stressed or burned out. Do not let it get to the point where your body has to tell you to take a break.
  4. I went to Hawaii September of 2021 for a week. Had a blast while I was there and saw a high school classmate and his family. Had not seen him since graduation. I want to go back to Hawaii, but it will probably be 2024 before I do that. I have a few other places I want to go surfing that are on my bucket list of surf spots. I did not get to do any good sized waves in Hawaii because I was trying to see as much as possible while I was there. Still had fun surfing Chun’s Reef.
  5. Haha yeah there is not much in the way of salsa in NYC. I grew up in Texas and every trip back I will buy a jar or two of HEB’s salsa because it has such a good taste for store bought salsa. My neighborhood in East Harlem has a few Mexican restaurants. I never have tried them though because I prefer making my own salsa. I went to a Mexican food truck here once in Astoria and asked for chips and salsa. I got chips and Pace picante. It was embarrassing to see that used, especially by a truck with a big Mexican flag on it.
  6. That whole action sequence was just intense and incredible to watch. I never cease to be amazed at the good things human beings can do. I wanted to go see it again, but the holidays were so busy that it was hard to carve out three hours for it again. It’s definitely a go see in the theatre type movie.
  7. That was also an all-time classic moment in WOW. Just obliterated the whole thing.
  8. Paladins man and by gawd there’s plenty of those posers in the GQP willing to do it!
  9. Did that run more times than I can count back in the day. Seeing that video still makes me laugh. The amount of noobs that activated them on accident was always funny to watch.
  10. Awesome. When I get back to NYC in February I will make you a couple of different ones.
  11. I would be lying if I said I am not laughing at what is happening to him. He and Santos should both resign and find a Brazilian jail to go take up residence in.
  12. McCarthy comes across as someone who is privileged and thinks it’s his birthright to have this job. He has no business being the Speaker, nor does anyone else in his cult. The GQP is messing around like usual and finding out.
  13. The holidays in the city were pretty cool this year. I worked straight through them, but I got out enough on the weekends to enjoy them. It felt good to see so many people visiting again and seeing the fireworks in Central Park after the ball dropped was pretty cool. Still I am glad to get a month long break and have time to myself and be left alone on vacation outside of the city. I hope the weather gets colder in NYC though so the kids can have some snow to play in sometime soon. One of the coolest things to see is watching families go out to Central Park when it snows enough because you see them get those plastic sleds and go down the hills and just have a blast.
  14. About a decade ago I decided to start making salsa. Thanks to a pretty narrow focus on things I enjoy I came up with about 20 different recipes and then variations off of them based on the level of spice. A friend I have had since childhood, who has wound up being a really successful businessman, attempted to encourage me to sell them, but I decided it is something I enjoy doing and never have wanted to start a business. I do still make salsa regularly, but all the recipes are still just made from memory because I have never written any of them down. I’ll perhaps see if @PenelopeWitherspoon ever wants to try them and she can let y’all know how it turns out based on whatever kind she may want.
  15. Congratulations to Santos. He earned his stripes in the GQP with this revelation.
  16. This guy is the current champion of messing around and finding out. My gosh what a complete and utterly sad example of a human being.
  17. The movie itself is awesome, but yes this is another way they could monetize this. A VR world to explore combined with other things like a Pandora nature documentary would be pretty successful. I am excited to see where this technology takes movies and 3D worlds in general. This is a long way from being amazed as a child playing Super Mario for the first time.
  18. This thread seems as good a place as any to post this. I was at work the other day and we were briefly talking about Ukraine. A young guy I work with from Texas hears Ukraine and comes over and says, with a straight face, “Guys did you see that Russia is at war with Ukraine?” I stopped what I was doing and asked him to repeat what he said. He just discovered last Wednesday that this war is happening. I asked him how he discovered this and he shows me an email he gets each day about the biggest stories happening. This story he got it from had the headline: BIGGEST STORY OF 2022 In his defense he said he was high when he read that in the morning. All I could say to the co-worker I was talking to is “There’s that stellar education you get living in Texas.” How anyone would have made it almost a year without ever hearing there is a big war happening in Ukraine was almost unbelievable, especially living in this city where we have a large population of Ukrainians and Russians. He’s an exceedingly nice guy, but I had the Torbush face when he said that.
  19. I highly suggest watching this movie. Tom Hanks was brilliant and so was the supporting cast. Mariana Trevino had a wonderful performance in this as well. This movie made me smile several times, tugged at the heart strings more than once and watching it has been a great way to end 2022.
  20. I saw none of the game, but congratulations to TCU. Had a few TCU fans come through this way recently and they were pretty cool. Hope they can finish it off with a title.
  21. We saw him the same day. I went to the 9:30 show because I got off work late. Seinfeld on stage vs. Seinfeld in-person are vastly different people. He seems to have some social anxiety. It was cool seeing him perform.
  22. The most fun thing for me personally around this time of year is meeting all the holiday tourists. So many great stories to hear from them about where they are from as well as their thoughts on NYC. I have been pretty busy the last two months, but I did manage to go see Seinfeld perform about a week before Christmas. I see him once a week where I work, but it was fun seeing him in his element onstage at The Beacon Theatre.
  23. I want to say that was the app that a friend met his now husband on. They were just supposed to just hook up and now several years of marriage later they just closed on a house in the Hudson Valley up near Fishkill.
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