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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. Jimbo and his version of the Gulf Coast Offense is really something to behold. Not everyone can put that many points on the board against a defense anchored by Marcus Camby and Co.
  2. I think OSU gets this one by double digits.
  3. Thank you for letting me know. Good on Aldi for helping folks out with stuff like this.
  4. That’s pretty cool. I am wearing one right now that has the quote about Santa finding the jolliest bunch of a holes this side of the nuthouse. I wore this to church before and the pastor laughed at it.
  5. What is the average price per lb on turkeys this year? I have seen them at Aldi for about three weeks now at 1.07lb. This does not seem like a lot of money to pay for a good sized bird.
  6. Things get real once Adrian Dunbar makes an appearance. I would fully support an American version of AC-12 that goes after actual bent politicians.
  7. My guys are sitting pretty at 3-10. Thanks Brooklyn for showing up and letting AD have a turn-back-the-injury-clock game. Losing to the Lakers right now has got to feel like a loss against the Washington Generals.
  8. Great show. I hope this winds up being on for multiple seasons.
  9. UMass is their last win. As hilarious as it would be to see them lose to a glorified DII team, they’ll win that and finish 4-8 once LSU beats them by 40. Quite the accomplishment for Jimbo and his assortment of “NOT NIL” All-Stars.
  10. I think this election cycle went far better than anticipated for the Democrats. I am cool with keeping the senate. Georgia just needs to make sure Warnock is their senator and not a guy that can’t count to potato. New York’s Democrats performed, to be kind, not well. Jumaane Williams needs to be the Governor of this state at some point. He is plain spoken and makes far too much sense though. I would love to see him become a senator at some point. He correctly called out Hochul for her embarrassing comments following the election about how Democrats did here. I heard him speak at the March on Washington in August of 2020 and he’s a guy that Democrats need to be embracing as their future.
  11. I do not go back to Texas during the holidays or really any other time. Life is just way too short to spend any amount of time around that level of hatred. When I want to see my mom I fly her up here to visit.
  12. I really enjoyed watching this yesterday. The “Bald-Headed Demon” comment got a laugh from everyone. A friend went to another showing and said the same thing. Cool movie and worth watching. I felt the remembrance for Chadwick Bozeman was so heartfelt and well done.
  13. Ukraine fatigue?!?! He’s supposed to go speak to the cretin forcibly relocating Ukrainians to Russia? The same person that started an illegal war based on lies and falsehoods galore? The guy whose army tortured and killed thousands of Ukrainian civilians? If we have allies in the west who are fatigued by supporting a country that was forced to fight for its very survival then they need to be given a mess around and find out ultimatum. When things cost too much money you start to see the true nature of human beings. This is shameful that we are even telling him he needs to sit down with this tyrant.
  14. I met an Aggy grad this week here in Manhattan. He was really nice and he lives in Austin. He did his student teaching with a teacher from my high school who had been there for 40 years. Again he was a real nice guy, BUT he thinks Jimbo is doing a great job and doesn’t want him bought out. In general when I’ve met them here they’ve been pretty nice folks. It’s when I’ve been back in Texas that I am around the crazy ones you do your best to just avoid.
  15. I would be willing to give it until the trade deadline before I would attempt to find other pieces to put around those two that might make their lineup better. Sometimes guys need time to adjust to one another to make things work. They may well not fit together at all, but they need time together to find that out.
  16. I got one of those when I was three or four for Christmas. That was an awesome toy.
  17. This has got be the single greatest find out moment a player in the NBA has ever had. It’s incredible the amount of crazy things he has said and done in his career. I feel like there is still more to come from him as he can’t contain the crazy, at all.
  18. He chose this. On his own. He orchestrated the whole thing. He wanted to prove he could do it on his own. He can't. Durant messed around and found out on this as well. He chose this path. He chose to walk away from the best situation in the NBA to be on a team with someone who belongs in an insane asylum. He chose the head coach and his own words at the time of the hiring indicate that. He made his bed and he can continue to lie in it.
  19. I have never used it because I just do not find any part of how Twitter is set up to be interesting. It has been useful in certain instances like the war in Ukraine, but stuff like that does not seem to be the norm for the platform. It would really be something if he runs it straight into the ground.
  20. Some folks might say that his ego messed around and found out. Gritty has gotten another victim.
  21. Kyrie does not and SHOULD NOT play in another NBA game. His pay should be withheld and the league office should dare the NBPA to take them to court over it considering the reason he would not be getting paid. I am trying to wrap my head around how Durant thought that teaming up with a crazy person, who has now also revealed himself to be a proud Anti-Semite, was a good situation to get into. How is this someone he trusts? How can Irving ever step on a basketball court again for an NBA team when he refuses to disavow his insane beliefs? Thank goodness LeBron didn’t get his wish and get this guy as a teammate again. I’ll take 82 games of Russ doing Russ things over this disaster of a human being that needs to be in a psychiatric ward.
  22. We do not know the day nor the hour that Gritty will show up, but when he does you can bet someone has just found out.
  23. Excuse me sir, but my Lakers will take you to court for trademark infringement as they have the dumpster all to themselves. Brooklyn is what happens when you mess around, find out and then are insane enough to go back and find out even more stuff. Hiring Udoka is the cherry on top of their crazy sundae.
  24. The glass half-full fan! I like this. For a night he gets a reprieve. I have said and will maintain that Westbrook is a good human being and is one of the more thoughtful guys in the NBA. He just hit the stage of his career where he doesn’t have all of his athleticism and he has not adjusted accordingly. It would be cool if he changes as a player and accepts a bench role for the season for us or another team if he gets traded, unlikely as that might be.
  25. Kyrie has reached the messed around and found out part of his insanity. You DO NOT get to promote a movie that is blatantly Anti-Semitic and then suffer no consequences. Every single reporter in that room should have continued the line of questioning until he got up and left. He does not deserve to be able to get away with this or any of the other insanely crazy thoughts and conspiracies he believes in. He has a very public platform and he has decided that promoting hatred, anti-science, the anti-vax movement, aligning himself with Alex Jones and an overall alternate reality that only exists in the head of deranged and mentally deficient individuals is the way he wants to go. I see a whole lot of visits from Gritty in his near future. He will have earned them.
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