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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. I am glad she made it home. Hopefully she learned that it’s a good idea to pay attention to what is going on around you in the world. It’s cool though that she has made it home for the holidays to be reunited with her family and friends.
  2. Pay a fine and be done with it. I somehow doubt she did any of this maliciously. Should provide the lead-in though to every GQP propaganda show for a month.
  3. I did not follow her personal life. What little I know about her seemed okay. She’s gone now and whatever she did in her life was her own business. Sometimes good people get mixed up in things they should not and by reading some the replies she apparently did. Passing away from cancer is pretty sad.
  4. That’s somewhat of a shocking death. She seemed like a good person and I did enjoy watching her on Cheers. Rest in peace to her.
  5. AMC has it on the big screen tonight. I come every year to see it since I was not able to watch it in the theatre as a kid. One of my favorite things about the holiday season is watching this movie.
  6. Watching Brazil play like that is just beautiful. They have an ability to make things on the pitch turn into a work of art when they are on their A game.
  7. Nice of AD to finally play like he is capable of doing during the brief stretches of good health that he sporadically has. 99 points over the last two games is pretty good. Now we’ll see if he can make it through at least the next week without an injury.
  8. That is easily his best moment as a Laker.
  9. I met some NC State alums this week. I thanked them for beating Mack.
  10. Swinney’s behavior during the pandemic was selfish and self-centered. You really were able to see someone who knows FOOTBAW and only that. Kind of a sad way to go through life, but it’s his choice to do so.
  11. I was just on the phone with a friend and told him to go see this movie. I laughed all the way through it and the fight scenes were really cool. This is now on the shortlist of must-see Christmas movies every year. David Harbour did an awesome job as Santa. And I agree about the backstory. That was a fantastic add-on to Santa’s past and why he is a killing machine.
  12. This movie was great. Really sets the tone for the rest of the Christmas season.
  13. Well yeah the ball was out. That much was clear to everyone except the person in charge of the replay. I have no idea how they decided that one should stand.
  14. Offer Klopp whatever he wants to return by 2025 and fix the entire system. Germany did not deserve to advance, but Flick should still be shown the door. Looks like it’s time to root for Brazil since I have some friends from there that love the sport.
  15. This is something I stress to people regularly, especially the people I work with. You have one shot at life. Do not waste it endlessly pursuing money. Get out and live life. If you work for someone like Musk and can get a job that realizes you are a person with a life outside of work that is far more important then go work for that company instead. The world is a better place with people like Musk not playing an active role in it. The youngest generation entering the workforce now realizes this and has placed their focus squarely on their lives outside of work first. I think that’s pretty awesome.
  16. I think we can all agree that the Purple and Gold are back on track for the playoffs. You don’t just walk in and beat the Duncan-Parker-Ginobili trio back-to-back like that very often. Actually (checks notes) umm, none of them play anymore and (checks notes again) the Spurs have a worse record than the Lakers. Well at least we will have a high draft pick after the season and can build around that pick. Looks at the notes about the 2023 draft one last time as I throw them away!
  17. I’m glad I had enough good sense/dumb luck to bet the over on this one. This will cover I believe on the next TD scored.
  18. I was watching the match at work yesterday, and while I did not get to see the entirety of it, what I did see looked pretty one-sided as far as which team was outplaying the other. The US deserved to win that one. England looked like a hot mess and their goalie looked like he was going to have a coronary everytime the US took a shot.
  19. How is Spencer Petras the best QB they have? His stats wouldn’t look good when Doc Blanchard was still playing. Really the entire Iowa offense should be stripped of their scholarship for crimes against offensive football.
  20. They are always nice to me. The only people that aren’t fun to get are most tables from the Deep South and my home state of Texas. A whole region of the country where the people act like they were raised by wolves.
  21. Glass Onion. First one in the series, Knives Out, was the better movie, but I love seeing movies with Daniel Craig. It was still a really fun movie to see. We all need some good laughs, especially at this time of year. I would watch it again.
  22. It’s a pretty cool facet of their societal values in Japan to do this. When I get Japanese tourists they are absolutely the politest group. It is them and the folks from the UK and the Scandinavian countries that have the best manners.
  23. Never “in their defense” anything about that school.
  24. Musk is not a genius. He’s not even particularly intelligent. I had a conversation this week at work about him. I made it very brief. Elon said he has Asperger’s Syndrome. I am on the end of the spectrum where I would have used that terminology at one point. One you don’t EVER call it that anymore because Dr. Asperger was responsible for the deaths of children in Vienna during the Nazi occupation. Two, if you want a sobering book to read go and get a copy of Asperger’s Children. You will break down several times trying to make it through the book. Some of you guys enjoy reading. That book will break your heart. I also do not care if he destroys Twitter. I would prefer he just go away completely so he can stop giving off the impression that autistic people are all like him. He has some exceptionally strong traits of narcissism and when you combine that with an inability to completely understand human emotion you get this. A man child that does whatever he wants while not caring about any possible repercussions that may happen to other people.
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