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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. So will Brazil take him? This clown fraud deserves to be thrown under the jail and Zimmerman should be tarred and feathered and sent to Antarctica for losing to someone like this. I hope AG James throws the book at him and that the ricochet gives Zimmerman a mild concussion since his inability to beat whoever that guy really is is the reason for this mess.
  2. Perhaps all these people should move to an island in the middle of nowhere. I suggest Pitcairn Island.
  3. I am just without any good words to say here. All I know is when a person shows you who they truly are, and make no make this mind-addled racist is showing you who he truly is, you best believe them. This is who Abbott is. This is who he has always been. Some people hide it better than others and some just say “Screw it. Let’s show everyone exactly what I believe.” Texas your state is led by a racist. He did not accidentally become one or become one out of convenience. This is who he is. This is why I largely never tell anyone anymore where I grew up at. What an embarrassing and horrific human being he is.
  4. Yeah this is not going over well here. Governor Hochul really made an unwise choice with this nomination. My critique is on the mild end of what she is hearing. It is not cool to see her do this.
  5. I have been to all of these places. That Wal-Mart is still tiny. https://www.9news.com/article/life/holidays/holiday-guide/christmas-vacation-colorado/73-8cfdd6dd-6eed-45bb-a338-9e91808d1dea
  6. This is both a really cool and funny story. I am trying to imagine the family being excited about the birth of a new member of the family and meanwhile grandpa is watching Patton and listening to the opening speech in Mandarin.
  7. Manhattan in Times Square. They usually have a few old Christmas movies available on select days in December. I would think they probably do this around the country at their bigger locations.
  8. Dark Knight I have never seen. This last Batman movie was the first one I had seen. Nothing against the movies as I am sure they are fun. Batman was just not of much interest to me.
  9. Since his entire resume and life story is a lie I am going to add to it. George O’Leary was a liar who got a big time job based on lies. I am very much saying that O’Leary is the actual father of George Santos. The evidence of this being true is so compelling that there does not need to be an investigation. Lying runs in this family, especially among the males named George.
  10. It’s amazing that at this point it has not completely collapsed. This is not an alternative to our currency. It is not a currency. It is exactly what you said it is. A ponzi scheme. If you are actively promoting this stuff still you might should not be allowed to ever have the ability to live amongst the rest of us.
  11. Again who here thought this man is worth more than the homeless folks I see everyday? He is flat out broke. He’s not even a dollarnaire. I just spent more on groceries than he’s worth. He is broke. He owes millions to his Russian friends that he cannot pay and despite all his grifting he is still as BROKE as an aggy in a gloryhole trucker’s bathroom.
  12. https://newjerseyglobe.com/national/megan-coyne-the-voice-of-new-jersey-is-headed-to-the-white-house/amp/
  13. That is just all kinds of awesome. I believe this punching back stuff started when they hired a younger woman to run their social media responses. I just cannot remember her name at the moment.
  14. Patton. That’s my favorite movie overall of any genre. Lost count on how many times I have seen it.
  15. Saw this while I was shopping a little while ago. The flag looked like it was upside down, but heck who cares because the person is having a great time celebrating!
  16. Pretty cool list! Man that 2nd one in your list was quite the night for me as a Lakers fan. Friend and I went to LA for two weeks for the parade and then just a great time afterwards hanging out there.
  17. It’s the field in many cases. Go back to grass and the injury count will go way down across the league.
  18. My Christmas list was one movie each year and that was Christmas Vacation. Not because there are not other entertaining Christmas movies, there are plenty, but that was the one I see every year. I head to the theatre to watch it whatever day it gets shown and it’s fun to think back through past Christmases while watching it. This year added a 2nd movie to the list. Violent Night will be a must-see for me going forward. I saw it twice this year. I may watch it again before it is done in the theatre. It’s everything you can possibly want in a Christmas movie. Quite the heart-warming tale of a family banding together to share in the spirit of the season.
  19. Weird stuff happened to you when you did drink. The memory just was not working so well during those moments. My entire life is like a real life Forrest Gump complete with winding up in places I never intended to be at, but just kinda was there. Personally I am cool with that. I am sure that formerly drunk me from a few years ago also had wild stuff happen, but the memories from those likely moments just do not exist.
  20. Such a cool movie. If I were Cameron I would get to work on creating a VR game for Avatar to more fully monetize all the people that would buy it. I would definitely get a VR headset if a game with just the water part of the world of Pandora was made. Maverick was also a really good movie.
  21. Shocked I tell you! Let him come back from this injury, see what kind of dominant streak he can put together again and then trade him to whatever contender is willing to give up at least two or three first rounders for him. There is zero reason to look at Davis as part of any future Lakers plan when he will just be Bill Waltoning his way through it. Giancarlo Stanton looks like Cal Ripken in comparison to AD.
  22. I’m sure it was fun to watch judging by the score and how it ended . I spend the weekends out and about. I am sure I will run across plenty of Argentinian fans in the city today. I work with an Argentinian and I can only imagine how happy he is right now, especially after how the tournament started for them.
  23. Didn’t watch the final, but awesome that Messi gets to go out on top. That he and his teammates kept France from winning it is all the better.
  24. A song rapped by a guy that if you looked at him you would think he played football solely based on his size. Somehow he didn’t even though he was at Lincoln when Samples was there. I remember playing that song a lot when it came out.
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