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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. The slippery slope has happened with other taxes, but this one won't.
  2. As I see it he's trying to save water, and keep his soil on his property. He was a hero for growing his grass out
  3. I have not read that thread since I was in middle school.
  4. Why would it stop at billionaires?
  5. Wow, the video is fake?! Stop protecting the typhoid Mary in the video.
  6. I haven't heard anyone mention regulations. What what have saved Alec from shooting people? Shooters in school is there to shoot people, and no one else protect themselves. I'm still waiting for the blood in Texas colleges though from all those guns.
  7. Paternity leave? Exactly, why not more? If you ain't trying get as much as you can from corporations or tax payers, you're not working your damnedest for yourself.
  8. Didn't income tax say the same thing until it didn't just hit the wealthiest?
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