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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. No, but wanted to add another Bill. Did Billy Joe actually sing the song
  2. https://hudsonheightsgazette.blogspot.com/2011/01/primer-on-problem-of-illegal-guns-in.html?m=1 Yep, with 8,000,000 people living in NYC back in 2010 with only 37,000 people owning with a permit back then that makes about .4% of the population that legally able to carry if I did the math right. Unless you think .4% of the population is causing gun crime since no one can legally own a gun, it doesn't seem to be doing anything.
  3. That's why New York with it's strict gun laws works so well.
  4. "Don't bring your gun into town, son. Leave your gun at home." Seems to be the smarter play, but he didn't heed those words, and if it was during the attack I don't see anything wrong with defending yourself. Obviously that's also my opinion, and like assholes everyone is one.
  5. I don't see anything wrong with shooting the first guy, now him running off and shooting others is where he is the aggressor and should get the full wieght of the law. I mean if anyone went and helped then could have been all stopped.
  6. He could be moist from the bright lights above him that radiate heat. I would say that you have to repeat "Huffines has it" for him to do such a thing.
  7. Weird tangent but the South Park episode about this was good, but i always wondered why use the DMV as the conduit for sexual predators from a government standpoint, when teachers have easier access to kids and does have sex with them.
  8. I don't know, we've had weird things happen on here, and at some point I'd figure an old starlet could have made their way here. Mogwai wouldn't work, he's been seen under brights lights.
  9. As I have advocated, and gonna guess what @cactusflinthead will say is go native. You'll have to water less, in turn is better for the Texas environment in general. Let your yard grow out some to protect the soil, and you don't have to mow as often, or you could go full xeriscape as @Wulaw Hornsays.
  10. Holy hell. Are you actually bitching about having to water your yard?
  11. I think y'all would appreciate this.
  12. Yeah, fuck that. Are you one of those that think the personal is political people?
  13. @Mrs Whiggins and Eartha have not been seen in the same room. She is Catwoman confirmed.
  14. Can someone take Twitter down. Lots of very sad journos would make me happy.
  15. The only one I use is Instagram for the memes. The good thing about memes is life finds a way.
  16. Palabra, they forget that they're on the chopping block, then all of a sudden they don't like the thing that kills 1000 a day.
  17. I mean we all have those, it's only bad if you just let it consume you. Also
  18. It just feels nice to be thought of.
  19. Seriously, you were quick. (That's what she said.) Making fun of them ain't l going to help, but it does feel good.
  20. Sucks that people aren't the Borg and think like they should.
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