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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. This is definitely through me for a loop reading this from you.
  2. Should have used his favorite line. "I don't get it."
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9975575/Michel-Barnier-wants-limit-role-ECJ-France.html Looks like he wants in on the action as well after say Brexit was wrong.
  4. But it's gotta be a recluse or many people would notice.
  5. Well good job on her for giving the fringe ammo. Harder than just looking up New World Order Australia.
  6. I've read this a few times, and I feel like y'all after I just posted something. What does this mean?
  7. WhAt AbOuT GrAnDmA! I have been kinda following this, since NZ, and Australia seem to be crazy as shit. As I heard that the people maybe descendants of thieves and killers, but the political body is ran by the descendants of cops.
  8. Next y'all are going to tell me that the anarchist symbol has been co-opted by commies. And we must be worried about this.
  9. I wondered if they did a blanket ban on all scissors. Safety scissors are too dangerous for us to sale to people.
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/new-zealand-supermarket-chain-removes-all-knives-scissors-following-terror-attack/ar-AAO5iTI At least this isn't from top down.
  11. If it happens once it's not 100% isn't it? You kinda have to believe that Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary to be Christian. Do I have to worry that other women could do the same? No.
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