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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. I see you don't like old Florida man.
  2. We definitely should stop helping people with their lack of military. It would make a lot of people stop having healthcare... Wait.
  3. I remember when hugo started the trend of making CR Twitter links, and it's never been the same since.
  4. Reading the thread, I couldn't tell if it costed him $15 to send $10 or what?
  5. Is this the one where it can look into bank accounts without a warrant?
  6. They're not given by the state. Obviously consequences can happen, but it's scary to think the state will kill you, but that's what the Second Amendment is for. I don't really care if people don't people pay into the state. Really is shitty that people who say that people should pay more, legislate it, and not do it themselves though.
  7. Good on Joe. He, and I shouldn't have to pay taxes.
  8. Definitely, you could probably add an extended magazine for more finger room.
  9. Nope unisex, cheap, and works as needed.
  10. If you're handing out guns, I was thinking of going cheap.
  11. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/woman-shoots-dead-alleged-peeping-tom-standing-outside-bedroom-window/ar-AAOo4iz
  12. If a man asks you to fuck his daughters, well.... Do your due diligence.
  13. You can't stop the original land thieves. It's what they do.
  14. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think they'd like my idea of just getting rid of cops, at least feds. I am glad that you agree they shouldn't be given money cause they're failing.
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