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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetojumping

  1. I believe his father is the legendary pugilist, Carl “The Tooth” Williams.
  2. We do. We enjoy rooting against your athletic programs and witnessing the anguish of your fanbase with each of their failures. If you think we’d shy away from admitting such pettiness, you have not been paying attention to the depths of our shamelessness.
  3. I wish this guy good luck. He’s going to kill it at Lamar or Texas State or Texas Tech.
  4. We lost to BYU at home? Fucking absurd.
  5. It’s the other guy’s move. If he never follows up, that was it, just sweet and thoughtful ctj being polite and reasonable and that guy eventually realizing maybe he was wrong and tucking tail.
  6. Again, take this FWIW, but allegedly he’s not signing an agreement with a moral clause in it, so the board has to meet and approve the contract. Additionally the background check has already come back with multiple accounts involving heavy alcohol usage. I mean, they’ll hire him anyway, if any of that is even true. I want the moral clause thing to be true because that is the kind of college sports/SEC coaching villainy that I find highly entertaining. I’m not cheering on any addiction problems, to be clear. I’m enjoying the notion that Petrino probably required them to waive the morals clause too. Please let it be so.
  7. My BIL is a booster at Arkansas. He claims they’re getting Beard. I’m traveling and didn’t even realize Musselman took the USC job.
  8. Incorrect. The guys who signed and not on campus plus Bolden are part of the 89. Add Auburn and you’re at 90. If they add 3 guys from the portal, they need to lose 7.
  9. Cook has looked good and on track for plenty of playing time. Any of these guys can always go elsewhere, but if he sticks to it, he’s going to be a starter and a regular target.
  10. Every day and twice on Sunday and you know it.
  11. The guy just doubled down in his latest response to me, educating me about TPF and telling me it's basically the last post in which he is going to play nice. Holy fucking shit. I swear to God that if this is one of you motherfuckers from over here trolling me that I will take my Internet revenge to the ends of the earth. I'll also laugh my ass off.
  12. Guys that hang out in the walled gardens like OB, 247, and IT are not exposed to a great deal of alternative, dissenting, original or engaging dialogue. That's my thought, at least. I literally had a higher hit rate on targets to commitments, neverminding player reviews and evaluations, than EJ Holland or Jeff Howe while I was a poster on 247. I would get regularly mobbed by groups of posters when I'd challenge a take from either guy, and Howe and I got along fine and he didn't mind the discussion. If I just posted a thread with my own thoughts on it, people would climb over themselves to tell me I was a moron and a know-nothing and to leave the boards. This wasn't me ranting, this was me doing stuff like "why isn't Mack Brown recruiting Houston?" and "taking one OL in single class is going to be a problem" and "Shawn Watson being hired is an early indicator of trouble in the Strong regime". Then I'd post my thoughts around those subjects, cite data and history, and then people would go apeshit. That's different than a site like this one where, sure, there are a lot of disagreements and petty arguments, and I no doubt participate gleefully, but you don't see people shrieking and then running to immamac or blacklab to complain and ask for me to banned. At least not daily. It's a very foreign dynamic compared to over in those forums.
  13. I just had a guy over there "correct me" regarding background on The Pancake Factory. It's like the Theater of the Absurd sometimes.
  14. Do you understand the differences in the situations when addressing this topic with me here? 1) You can't find a post of mine on this site where I was telling the board that Jones or Majors would be replaced. I'm sure, like damned near everyone here paying attention, I bitched about their play at times. I don't think I did, but it wouldn't surprise me. I know I never said either would be replaced. 2) Umeozulu is already getting the starter reps at LG. You don't have to believe my "sources", just believe Bobby and Gerry and what they are telling they are seeing with their own eyes and being told by staff. This isn't some "time honored tradition" of wishcasting. This shit is happening in real time, whereas nothing came of any movement in your prior two cases. Past performance is not indicative of future returns and shit. 3) Even if a younger player is coming on in practice, the act of replacing a starter, late in a successful season, as part of a high functioning unit, would be disruptive in ways that jeopardize team chemistry. I am not sure how this is an elusive concept. Rooting for a player over another player is goofy shit unless they're a friend or family member. Best guy wins. If the staff deems Umeozulu to be the best fit at LG, I'm rooting for him to kickass. If it winds up being Conner somehow, I'll cross my fingers that a light has clicked on in his head and hope for the best but will be grounding expectations in the reality of what I have seen for consecutive seasons. If I didn't value you your opinion in some form, and your outlook, I wouldn't bother to interact with you on a regular basis.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised by the S out of Pearland or wherever. Same for Stewart. More than 2 or 3 before June would kind of surprise me though.
  16. Lights go on for younger players. It's weird how, you know, guys develop into better ballplayers as they gain reps and experience. Umeozulu has outclassed Conner in practices for the second half of 2023 and all of the spring practices in 2024. This is from people at the practice and from people conversing with the staff who know the game. I know you will have a hard time believing any of that until he's looked good for the first 6 games of 2024, but that works for me and others. As to Conner, just generally, the guy was abysmal in the running game last year. He was abysmal late in the year there. He's now deep into his tenure at Texas. He shouldn't be outright whiffing on players constantly. This has now been discussed ad nauseum, but yeah, culture, STs, and short yardage/goal line. He was extremely inexpensive. He's a one year guy. The idea that he's being discussed this much tells me that Texas is fucking loaded.
  17. I get enough action from this board for that. The guru boards are oriented around the gurus. The posters on those boards are super sensitive if you take them to task. They wind up complaining to the gurus, almost like they're mad for being called out in front of them or something. No win situation.
  18. Listen, I understand your condition and don't like picking on you about this kind of behavior, but come on, man. You cannot be this literal when considering the fluidity and strategic requirements of roster management. Black and white certainties, the kind of way Tom Herman thought about such matters, get managers in trouble. They limit their own ceilings or get peter principled into clear failure and get fired. No one is literally arguing that Blackshire is at Texas solely to mange other LBs. Get a grip. As to the old school Mike desires, good luck with it. That wouldn't suit Texas' needs in 2024 and that is true for most/all other P4s and Notre Dame. If I have to choose in terms of giving a scholarship to a kickoff specialist or a situational Mike, I am taking the kickoff guy. Michigan's TEs and TBs would go for 300+ yards against the Texas defense with a MLB standing flat footed on the 50.
  19. Gideon and Haines sucked. Taafe gives people flashbacks because he's white. That's a simple and legitimate psychological thing that many idiots can't fathom being reasonable and therefore get themselves into a twist over. The human brain primitively seeks analogs when comparing a current item/situation/person/group. Mykelle Thompson (I don't care about his NFL career), BJ Foster, and Jerrin Thompson all were mediocre at Texas at S and all get run over regularly on this board. They are all black. I think this place is an equal opportunity ridiculer. Now, as to the "they were the starters for a reason" premise, the only player with a valid reason for being a starter, who has only been a starter in a limited manner, is Taafe. Gideon had better players behind and around him, and the coaching staff was idiotic in playing him as their teacher's pet. Haines was objectively so bad that whoever was behind him should have been getting looks. Only you are taking a POV on Blackshire that he needs to "babysit" the LB room, and that that is a waste of a roster spot for one cycle. That's your own whining idiocy because in your mind, while playing EA Sports NCAA Football 2024, you convinced yourself that he'd be a great plug and play solution at MLB for rush-oriented teams. Bringing a guy in that is a known quantity to the staff, who is mature and positive and supportive with coaches and team members, and who can contribute in a limited scope on defense and more than that on special teams, is a perfectly fine portal addition as one of the last guys on the roster. BTW, also while costing the program virtually nothing in NIL. What the fuck is going on here? How is this even debatably a bad thing worth worrying about in multiple posts?
  20. I'm hoping that, yeah, it's just good management that they probably discussed with him before the spring or before they moved him for snaps at C. I will be surprised if some of us don't start hearing about who is likely to be portaling from different position groups. I'm assuming 2-3 OL, 1 WR, 1 TB, 1 TE, 1-2 Edge, 1 LB, 2-3 DBs, 1 K. I'm sure not all of those will come to fruition, but none of those moves would surprise me. More than that somewhere would surprise me. I'm guessing another 2-3 portal additions as well. Should wind up around 83-85 scholarship players. Likely a little pain from the exits, particularly potentially at OL and LB.
  21. I've been to Bludorn twice and the results were the same - the food was solid but super overpriced. I'm wondering if Bar Bludorn is any different. My view of Bludorn is that I can go elsewhere for similar vibe and food and pay 2/3's of what I'd pay at Bludorn, therefore feeling like less of an idiot. But did you have "the coldest martini on earth"? 4 of us went there in December and enjoyed it, but it wasn't a place where we said "man, we have to go back".
  22. The Hayden Conner news is irritating. Umeozulu is a clear upgrade. Let the charade of a battle end. I am sick and fucking tired of watching Conner flat out miss guys on critical downs.
  23. It's pretty funny reading the ATM 247 board regarding this one. They're twisting themselves into a logic knot calling this a recruiting "win" over Texas even though Texas wasn't in Rink's final 4. Apparently one of the idiots at Orangebloods said that Texas led for Rink a month ago or something and they've hanging their hat on it. It's pretty obvious what went down on this one, but none of them are willing to consider it.
  24. There is no slap fight. I don't read that imbecile's word salad posts of nothingness or respond to them. The only time I even remember this guy exists is when he's voluminously clogging a thread with some of the hawtest takes in Internet history. Just put him on ignore and you'll never think about him again either.
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