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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetojumping

  1. Is that where you think money is best allocated at this point? There isn't an infinite supply, before you answer. Also, anyone already locked into the roster can't and won't have recent offers revoked.
  2. They've lost 41% of the players from that class (13/32) and they are hanging on by a very thin thread with at least 5 other known guys in that class including Moss and Thomas. If you look at who is left, versus the other top 25 classes from the 2022 cycle, they would not currently be ranked in the top 5, just eyeballing it, but someone should actually plug into the retro tools from 247 or On3 and fact check that. Being a starfucker, Fisher took some guys in that class who are still on campus with high rankings and zero production. Brownlow-Dindy played his first meaningful minutes last night of his career. Bobby Taylor? Malik Scylla? Hunter Erb? Ohrstrom? Yikes. Their attrition in that class is trending to be worse than even the 2019 class for Texas, which seems impossible. Their class has already been more productive than that class, though, so it can't go that low, I guess. Of the 26 enrollees from that class, Texas received quality starter minutes from Whittington, Gbenda, Washington, Roschon, Sweat and Jacoby Jones. Starter minutes were also contributed by Adimora and Juwan Mitchell, without the quality. 8 out of 26 produced something. 1 super star late bloomer, 2 high quality multi-year starters who got drafted in the middle rounds (Roschon 3rd) or late/UFA (Whitt). Unless Gbenda explodes in 2024, only 2, possibly 3, draft picks from the 3rd ranked class with 26 signess. Yuck. This is where ATM is trending. Beyond the 2022 class, the bigger problem for that program right now are the mediocre classes surrounding the 2022 class. From the 2021 class, ATM will have, at most, 7 of 23 players from that class on the 2024 roster. That includes Shemar Turner, who is probably headed to the NFL, and such luminaries as Bryce Foster, Reuben Fatheree, and Demetrius Crownover. Trey Zuhn and Amari Daniels are the only net positive contributors to the team if Turner leaves. The 2023 class was plain as grits, coming in at a 15 composite rank with only 19 signees. They've already lost 2 of those. The 2024 class is a composite 17 and may lose its main drivers for that high of a rank in McKinley and Bussey. If those guys leave, that leaves ATM with 12 guys for the class. Best case, ATM goes into 2024 with 57 signees from the previous 4 recruiting cycles. Add Muhammad from 2020 and that's a whopping 58 signees. They've played the portal poorly and they're going to lose some more players before the 2024 season. You can make a really strong case that ATM will be playing the 2024 season with less than 70 scholarship players (not including PWOs who get the gimme with the dearth of alternative options). That's like being on probation with scholarship cuts or something.
  3. Jake Spavital tried similar idiocy to what Sanders is doing at Texas State. There's some precedent, and it isn't pretty. "But that's Texas State!" Yeah, the same place that Kinne just took over and led to an 8-5 season and a blowout bowl win. It's fine to be a fanboi, but this isn't a Colorado board. Trying to gaslight us with murky or flatly incorrect data isn't going to work well here. CU won't end up with the top transfer class by any measure other than potentially in quantity. If it's quantity, it's an indictment of Sanders himself. The roster is his. He already turned it over. If you really believe the 7 or 8 wins total number, let me know and you can plan any amount of money that you'd like to bet on that outcome, and I'll match on the under. That offer is available to anyone on this thread, btw.
  4. So 41% are gone now. Thomas, Moss, White, and Taylor are all rumored to be serious exit risks. The aggies might want Taylor gone. Going to be a rough go. I think your 60% is probably low. One of the other issues that they're not examining is that the attrition is heavier at the top. They still have Moczulski, Scarlett, Kerr, Ohrstrom, Harris and Erb. I'm not sure that is good news if those are the vestiges of the class in 2025. Losing 8 of the top 14 is certainly not optimal. Whoop(s)!!
  5. I am not trying to be a smart ass with this question. I’m curious what others think. If more than 80% of a class is gone by year 4, do they still get credit for that record? I *think* ATM has already lost right around 50% of the 2022 class. I could see them losing 60+% of what’s left from it before the ball is ever snapped in the 2025 season.
  6. You guys shouldn't overthink this stuff this early. They think this dude is a fit as a player who will fill out for one of a few spots. The state is loaded this year at most positions, even at often light positions. That said, DE/Edge really isn't and they're loaded up at that spot already. They're likely taking 1 or maybe 2 and seem to have no problem working nationally for guys they want. Texas has a lot of momentum and if they keep winning, that will build on itself. They're not going to take projects and they're going to get a lot of their top targets based on the buzz and momentum from folks involved. The expectations for the 2025 are really high.
  7. That's a good story and all, but Saban doesn't speak much about succession. He's Hyman Roth and secretly believes that he's going to live forever. Unless you have a link where he's discussing it in an interview, that part of what you heard is likely bullshit. I have friends that have been at Bama longer than anyone else and they don't think he's got a clock ticking.
  8. He's got a top 20 class. Transfers count, you know. He said he thinks of HS players like the NFL draft and the portal is like free agency. He's not wrong in today's world. Huh? The portal rankings are idiotic right now. Quantity over quality is the order of the day for the rankings. CU has picked up a bunch of mediocrities. The portal period isn’t even over. You cannot build a program ignoring high school recruiting. Portal players are okay with some elites sprinkled in. CU isn’t getting the elites. The problem for you in this thread is that you don’t know a fucking thing about football or roster building. You’re a fanboi for a guy that isn’t showing any real signs of having a fucking clue. Style over substance isn’t going to start winning many football games. I’m here for it, nonetheless. Watching you pull the bookshelf on top of yourself is low quality entertainment, but entertainment either way. I especially like it when you call someone a racist. You play that card, as a white guy, about every 5 pages when you don’t like someone else’s argument but have no clue how to retort. Please keep doing that. I laugh out loud every time you pull that stunt.
  9. @blacklab weren’t you on a sub for a while?
  10. I thought this same thing, but if so, it’s the mark of a true artist. A genius. It’s too perfect and I don’t think we have anyone coming close to that level on Surly. Of course it’s all bullshit. Thing is, no one has won more games that they didn’t play than Texas A&M. Those goobers are undefeated in every hypothetical they’ve never played. It works the other way as well. Texas has not only lost every game it never played, but additionally, all of its actual wins can be rationalized as losses in the alternate universe that aggies claim we should be living in. I get it. It’s all they have. Fantasyland is a far better alternative than being the laughingstock of college sports that they are in reality.
  11. If Ewers comes back, the probability of retaining Lacey approaches 0. Quickly.
  12. I think Fatheree took 2 snaps all season and those were in the opener. I might be off in my count since I’m going off of memory, but not by much.
  13. I know the guy. Not well, but if I wanted to give him my thoughts, I could. Fortunately for all of us, I am not a clueless imbecile and would never try to give a college HC advice, even if I thought he was an idiot. I don’t think Twelve Win Theven is an idiot. After an OU mauling, we once fedexed Mack a shoebox full of shredded Texas shirts that we’d literally torn off in fits of anger. He never sent anything back to us as an acknowledgment, oddly. Also, some of you fuckers are for sure older than I am. Who writes letters? This @CastHorn guy was hurt. He’s currently taking turns sobbing and praying in front of his shirtless framed photo of Dallas Turner, wishing me ill will for being a meanie.
  14. It was more glorious than this. I didn’t get to hear it, but Texas was clearly a big part of the halftime discussion. It was noticeable.
  15. Well, for sports at least. 1.4-ish billion people and they’ll win like 2 medals in Paris. Good grief.
  16. Oh good, a chance to rile up the Surly Curry Mafia. Every time I get a visit, I get to hear about how cricket is allegedly the most watched sport in the world. Every time I eventually have to end the conversation with “no one gives a fuck what some brits and 1.4 billion Indians are doing, man. “
  17. Had the game on mute last night as we ate dinner with my visiting in-laws and kiddos in an adjacent dining room. My FIL is a Brit and a former sailor. He’s pounding scotch and extolling the virtues of soccer and cricket as halftime rolls on and I try to ignore boring shit about cricket. I noticed a lot of longhorn video and then he says “Do you have this on that longhorn channel?” “No. That’s ESPN. “ “Well, it looks like a lot of bloody propaganda for your team, mate. “ “Well good, it’s been too long. “ I then thought “aggies are going to be shitting themselves over this.” Your post delivered.
  18. Are you guys talking about letting Dallas Turner just illegally cheap shot a QB and knock him out of the game? I’d like to see one of his opponents square up on his knee and bend it in backwards, thus ending his football career. If it happened on TV, I’d be howling. If I’m in person in Houston, I will be hooting and clapping as loud as I can. I’d hope he could hear my shrill cackling in the quiet of the stadium as they fit his deformed mess of a leg inside an air cast and loaded him onto a cart.
  19. I don’t even know if there is enough data out there to review this, but it feels like guys that show up out of nowhere and light a SPARQ score up at a camp are destined to be busts. I’m not talking about well known and recruited guys that put up good scores. I’m thinking of the Mike Mamula Specials like Shavers and Kimber. Tyler Owens may not have had a camp score but he surged due to physical stats over on-field stats and fits the same bill.
  20. If you’re not feeling less and less positive about this one as it drags on, good on you. I’m to the point of favoring Bama.
  21. “I want all the ham.” Why do you want to spy one of the most immobile QBs Texas will have faced all year? Christ.
  22. To make it easy, I just went ahead and negged your stanning bullshit of your okie brethren. I got tired of the okie credo of “everyone is doing it, so we got to do it too” in order to justify all of the cheating bullshit in the past. I knew you’d come back with a mealey mouthed argument to further support your dumb fucking take. I hope you keep doing it. Negging you is all I have online. In person, I’d happily punch you in the face and then projectile vomit on your okie kin trying to come to your dipshitted defense of this kind of shit. The okie rationalizing of corruption grew old decades ago. Shit like this is a blight on the sport of college football. Stick with stories about whores. You at least add some value there.
  23. Some of us could have told you about Murphy several days ago. I’m kind of surprised one of the locals didn’t get that one out there, but honestly, how relevant is Murphy to Texas fans at this point? He’s kind of always been more national for anyone watching his film.
  24. I don’t think either of those recruitments are driven by NIL. Not saying it isn’t a factor, but that’s not the big issue. Evans would have signed undramatically if they had kept Fisher and looked okay. Moore has barely been around and he’s about to make his decision. Well, I can honestly say that I don’t ever recall watching something twice just to make sure it sucked. That said, I can’t die on that hill. I realize plenty of folks just didn’t like that season.
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