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Everything posted by MadBurgerMaker

  1. Gotta make sure you stick to your brand, right?
  2. This would be.... I mean it would suck for the little guys and all, and the overall quality would probably suffer, etc, but dropping by the gas station and picking up a pack of perfectly machine rolled, mass produced Marlboro Greens, or whatever they would call them, has some appeal. They'd put some sort of crazy chemical preservatives in them though I'm sure. Probably nicotine too, or something else that's addictive to make sure people keep buying them.
  3. If they were called "Rice" instead of "Houston," I'd be alright with them in the Big 12.
  4. The third one was blocked Not his fault his team is a bunch of clowns.
  5. Kicker didn't give a fuck. Made all of them anyway.
  6. This is....impressive, in a way.
  7. She wasn't worth the effort of a "pfat," but maybe Vic will like her more than me.
  8. People who fuck with someone elses food, car, and/or don't pick up after their own dogs should be sent to the gulag.
  9. Hey I got approved or whatever early: Needs a good cleaning, but I put the brace on there first thing.
  10. Yeah the 3 day hold. I bought a CZ Scorpion + folding brace yesterday and they hit me with that. First thing I've picked up in more than a year now, I guess. Hell, that might even include ammo, now that I think of it. 3 business days = the 10th.
  11. Yeah, same here. The juul works great for quitting smoking. It feels close to a real smoke, but without the nasty smell, coughing, butts everywhere, etc. E: speaking of the smell, man I can really tell when someone has been smoking now. I stank like that for 20ish years and didn't really know it. Ugh.
  12. I think the only thing I wouldn't buy from the original story is leaving the phone behind. Bullshit. 99% sure that thing is welded to her hand at all other times. She should have taken it with her and broken it or something. Otherwise? Yeah, there are some fuckin morons out there that might not make it back just walking from their front door to the mailbox.
  13. That's what it sounds like it is. They'll have a phone you can use and the numbers you can call. The Austrian fry guy isn't going to be preparing your new passport documentation or whatever.
  14. Not really sure how it could possibly be considered a "value" pick. What were they saying? I guess a miracle could occur and he's somehow the next Mike Alstott, but dude would have still been there as a UDFA regardless. It's not like there was some huge run on fullbacks happening.
  15. It certainly does for some people here. I kind of wish I could take a look at their board to see who all they had rated where. Won't ever happen, of course.
  16. The Houston Texans do not give a fuck about anything except money and the Houston Texans. Aggys buying tshirts from Academy because of a random 7th round draft pick doesn't even move the fucking needle for them.
  17. This makes me cringe just reading it.
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