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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. Maybe if you moved to Israel, you would understand "falafel".
  2. I had two Israeli military girlfriends back in the day. I had no problem communicating. It seems that they knew exactly what I wanted.
  3. fuck zionist Israel generally means fuck Jews so it isn't worth spending time on arguing. There are plenty of books and readings to counter the information, but why waste your time? The guy isn't going to change his mind and it is just going to lead to anger and animosity.
  4. Language isn't a problem in that all Israelis are bilingual. However, I assume military communications are in hebrew.
  5. I'm sure we have a bunch sitting idle. We just need a bunch of old navy guys like blacklab to crew them.
  6. Plus, I would think the bombs/missiles would explode near the mouth of the tunnels so most of the heat in a counter strike would dissipate above ground. Anything in the area would be burnt to a crisp, not just the tunnel.
  7. I know of them being dropped from planes or shot from artillery but in this case they would have to be placed/exploded under ground or lots of innocents would be killed.
  8. What do we have for the Big 12 problem?
  9. I agree with this - Personally, I would be a little worried about attending high holy days next year. This won't remain an Israeli issue. It is going to spread.
  10. Do we have bombs designed to do that? I assume the tunnels are very long and non-flammable.
  11. I'm not going to get into the history other than to say that you are missing many, many facts and the history is pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things. If the native americans started killing innocent women, beheading babies, and raping teens and pre-teens, would we be talking about the artificial lines drawn in 1850s? I think most in the US wouldn't allow it and would probably want to enter the reservations and apprehend those responsible. Now imagine that there are 1.6 million Palestinians living in Israel, 2 million in Gaza, and 3 million in the West Bank and 7 million Jews in Israel. That would be equivalent to an equal number of native americans to americans. What would the US' response be to a large portion of native americans including chiefs killing and raping 40,000 US citizens? I think that it would mean war regardless of the history.
  12. How do you detonate those things without having to send soldiers into the bunkers?
  13. They would be kicked out of school if they did this against blacks. I think the same thing should happen against Jews.
  14. Pretty much every able body in Israel serves in the military. That means that almost every able person has military experience. After leaving the military everyone is put into the reserves and train 1 month per year until the age of 40. There are 465,000 reservists in Israel and 300,000 have been called up this time. https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep12108.14?seq=2
  15. If Palestine allows Hamas and Hezbollah to thrive and hide amongst the population, I do t think Israel is the bad guy for responding to attacks.
  16. I assume that Ukraine has to start looking for defendable positions for the winter, though. Obviously, all the big city targets are out for 2023.
  17. Any movements or are we entering the winter stalemate months?
  18. Bevo

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    3 fucking face masks on one play and no call
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