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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. aggy in a plaid Yankees cap indulging in his 2nd favorite way to imbibe wieners?
  2. Now do Jimbo + Sumlin and post it on the A&M thread. Please, so I can share it with my aggy friends.
  3. Mizzery - Arky makes sense from an Ozark, hillbilly POV. Fuck 'em both
  4. Reads like ESPN is eager to have UT and OU in the fold by 2024 at the latest. Next year will be a clusterfuck with the 4 Big 12 newbies.
  5. Sell Glad I'm not buying the 9.95 BS from these fake "insiders". I'm perfectly content debating their nonsense 2nd hand on Surly.
  6. Maybe they've negotiated escalators contingent on adding ND plus whoever is deemed acceptable from the PAC?
  7. Maybe he's never been to Myrtle Beach?
  8. within? Anthropology and archaeology are two fields with comparable studies, right? Here's how I'd imagine RD escaping aggy after they ID him.
  9. How many practices were even open to these dipshits, anyway? They can't objectively report on what they haven't seen. Obviously, their "sources" intentionally blew smoke up their asses. Nice work, Sark
  10. Yeah, I mean aggy's got 'em on their home schedule for crissakes!
  11. Right, so they'll probably want UT + OU in the fold by 2024
  12. This will never get old, aggy
  13. This reads to me like ESPN will have the money to buy-in on an expanded Big 12 and pay for our early release.
  14. LSU has complained about having UF as their cross-division rival for years. Tennessee should be playing UF instead. They've got history.
  15. Gotcha The ACC just announced a similar plan recently, too. Brainfart... My apologies, @TKthunder2
  16. That's not a 4-team pod? Excuse me, 3 perma-rivals...whatever.
  17. Mizzou will be more than happy to take their spot.
  18. I can't wait to see if aggy successfully lobbies to not be in our 4-team pod with 0u and Arky. But, but...turdition The okies I know have been bitching about their home schedule for years. Not surprising 0u has been pushing to make a move for over a decade. Pac, B1G, or SEC...it didn't make a shit to them.
  19. Yeah, but they's red states in flyover country not left-coast sophisticates.
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