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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Journey to the End of the Night was my favorite war novel. I would highly suggest it.
  2. Oh... so it's okay then? Shut the fuck up you fucking rape apologist
  3. Talk about hitting a nail on its head... Hawley is the perfect example of how fucked we are
  4. It might not be on his property. If they 're hitting it from the roadway, it's probably on the easement. That's not technically his property in some cases
  5. Would it be illegal for them to just say they will not participate in any of those silly lines of questions that are only being asked so that she can try and get a soundbite?
  6. SKJ

    The Supremes

    No, I have listened here and there, but I get irritated with Rhianna's voice, so I have to take it or leave it. So far ALAB has been my favorite
  7. SKJ

    The Supremes

    I've heard a lot about it on a few different podcasts I listen to. Hell, I heard about Alito's secret document from two different podcasts, ALAB and Mic Dicta. I like to listen about the court while I'm driving in to work. It's so interesting, as well as suck a different venue than my work it really clears my head. I'll have to give that one a listen. If you know of any other good podcasts about the court, especially if it's funny and irreverent, id be grateful for any recs
  8. SKJ

    The Supremes

    They don't rule by the spirit, or intent of the law at all. If they did, they would cite legislative history, which is how congress signals the intent of the law. Instead, the use textualism.
  9. SKJ

    The Supremes

    His shitty work and opinions are from what I formed my opinion. He was a complete shitshow. That he claimed to be against judicial activism was a thinly veiled accusation, which we all know now as a confession. He was one of the worst.
  10. This guys' shoulder pads are way wider than his shoulders. He's such a narrow little bitch
  11. I can't figure Elon out at all. How is he becoming the great right wing hope?
  12. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Probably he is. He is above the law, of course. Good ol uncle ruckus
  13. SKJ

    The Supremes

    It has been said that the underlying reasoning that Scalia used was --and I'm not making this up-- a secret paper from the federalist papers that he had acquired... That being said, he was a megalomaniac, who was far more than a political hack, he was a true believer... not just in the politics, but in his own calling, backed up by said secret text from the federalist society. And not only that... he was a supposed textualist, except for when he and he alone knew more about the text than anyone else and so it was okay for he and his secret text needed to govern from the bench because he knew best... I mean, his pathological knots of logic were enough to tie his own fat ass up for his sex fetishist practices, but he alone knew when he was ordained by God and the founding fathers when to use the bench for his own activism... Man, our Supreme Court has been just one of the shittiest parts of our history...
  14. Well, Fox News, and the right, they really seem to be backing the idea that government should own the production of oil...
  15. And yet ol' Clarence "uncle ruckus" Thomas still sits on the highest bench in the land
  16. Holy shit... It really takes a whole fucking lot to get disbarred
  17. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Scalia... what a fucking complete piece of shit
  18. Also, actually, you could also just slow play him to troll the fuck out of him. Every time he asks a question, just pull out a big ass folder and binders of information, fake read a bunch of info, then either ask him to clarify the question, or, since he only asks questions in a leading fashion, give him a simple yes/no answer after burning 20 seconds or so of his time. Shut him all the way down, all the time, every single time, because you know he's just trolling for lulz and soundbites he can think of while fucking underage girls so he can finally come.
  19. Anytime he questions someone, they should seriously only answer him with, "on the advice of my attorney, I refuse to answer on the grounds that your question and therefore your line of questioning are merely seeking a soundbite and not actual information"
  20. Or they could just start a different thread showing The Competitive Theories of Everything through A History Professor's Means of Explanation of the World Through Minutiae and Weak Links.
  21. Ha ha ha Michael Mandlebaum... The same guy who wrote this gem... https://www.the-american-interest.com/2018/02/04/meaning-super-bowl/ Among other worldview history professor bloviations on how their worldview history bloviations can explain everything by riffing
  22. Holy shit... I just watched ol lyin Ted's opening statement at Jackson's confirmation hearing... what a pathetic, pathetic man. Does he even believe the shit he says? I mean, it's obvious he purposefully says them, but do you really think he believes them? Or is it all some kind of ruse?
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